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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Top fish in very nice conditions...makes for a memorable trip!
  2. jenno64


    Cracker barra and brilliant pics too....congrats!
  3. Bruce That is a quality seafood platter and a corker of a blue swimmer, top stuff!!
  4. Nice work Yowie, the jewie would have been fun on a handline...I got one bang on 70cm last week and had the same thpoughts about shrinkage:)
  5. Now that is a delicious catch, well done!
  6. Hit the Bay today in the Hobie and after catching a few small poddies, pottered around for a few dinner sized flatties on the run up tide. Had a break and a few casts from the shore for a nice flatty. Scored some nice poddies in my trap around lunchtime ready to be deployed on livey rig for an unsuspecting flatty or jew. Had the bigger bait smashed around 1:30pm as the tide started running out. Got the other rods in and started chasing the beast. After about 15 minutes I saw a silver flash and knew it was a jew. Took my time and headed toward shore until it came up the the surface and although it barely fitted into my net the fish was on board. Went 108cm and just short of a PB by 3cm (2009)! Took it to a local fishmonger to prepare some lovely cutlets!
  7. It's been there for quite a while;)
  8. Oz I'm fishing the Georges River in Sydney
  9. On leave for a couple of weeks to do some household chores and squeeze in a couple of kayak trips in between. Weather gods have smiled so far this week with good tides, cloud cover and low winds so not many chores executed so far:) Collected some small poddies yesterday morning and headed up river, landing a couple of small flatties on HBs on the tro;;. When the tide had some run I was hit by a good fish over a drop off on a small livey and after pedaling away from structure landed a nice jew that went 70cm bang on! Soon after scored a nice fat 43cm bream on a blade followed by a fiesty 45cm trevally that also took a livey! Today I repeated the exercise and took some liveys up for a another tow around. Picked up a very nice flatty on a large livey that put on some acrobatics in the net. I lip gripped her, removed the hook and towed her into shore for a few pics and a video of the release but she kicked the lip grips off as we hit the shore and self-released! Picked up a nice 58cm flatty for the table on the way back to the ramp. Some hefty filleting to be done tomorrow for the weekend BBQ! Chores for a few days but keeping eyes on Seabreeze just in case:)
  10. Amazing fish on Lud gear, well done and it must have had nice fillets:)
  11. Good to see you back on the water.
  12. Good stuff Ribs...you've left us all smacking our lips!
  13. Awesome fish and great bait conversion ratio:)
  14. Nice work there and a great feed! I've fished Myola before but Callala always looked a bit featureless so you've done well!
  15. That's a nice platter of fresh fillets...the jewie was the bonus:) You are doing well to get these fish in the holiday periods Yowie!
  16. Nice work Steve You'll crack the 60 next week:)
  17. FIl The soft vibes I use are heavy enough to get down into the deeper channels that I also fish with livies. I use HBs and livies mostly and always have a ZX40 blade out the back when I'm trolling as I know it's on the bottom....in the zone:)
  18. Amazing stuff Scratchie! It must be incredible to see the kings so thick!
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