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Everything posted by Boban

  1. Well done on the report Lala. I will say I really enjoyed the company as much as the fishing. Great blokes the lot of you. The Hunters need no praise but I will say if the radio reports where anything to go by, we were in great hands. As Shaun noted, Glenn stuck to his plans and got the blues he was looking for. As Lala has said, if you can do this trip, then do it at least once in your lifetime.
  2. Mate, you gotta be happy with that. Grant's a bit of a gun with those jews. I remember going out with him at Port and he's telling me "you know that's a good spot for jew, and so is that, this is what I would do......" Good on you Dan.
  3. Boban

    Recarpet The Boat

    Jorg, call me, Greg has my details. I can get the carpet at trade and show you how to do it yourself or help you do it. Cheers, Mitch
  4. Awesome Mik, or can I also call you 'Boofy' like Rosco does. You have to be happy with that mate.
  5. I can't believe you people eat Sea Kittens!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Well done Roberta on a fantastic contribution
  7. Boban

    Water Police

    Actually all police officers have the jurisdiction to deal with these matters pursuant to the Fisheries Act.
  8. Boban

    Aus Open

    Well done Jorg. Well done Jorg.
  9. You've spoilt him for life. Great session mate.
  10. You just had to see if you still got it aye Vince? If memory serves me well then you are going to need another 5cm on that fish for the social to match last years winner. You have to love how the squid like to turn it on and off. Sometimes I wonder if I should just start fishing at 9am and stay in bed for the morning.. Nice fish to start the year mate.
  11. Boban

    Sydney Marlin

    Well done Anthony. Pity you didn't get some pics before the hooks pulled. Not enough hands sometimes. Cheers Mitch
  12. Happy Birthday mate, I'm really looking forward to getting that old one day. Cheers Mitch
  13. Have the same problem with my wife on this issue. She cannot fathom why anyone would want to use squid as bait. Well done on the squid fellas.
  14. Great report and even better fish. It reminds me of my mate's first jewfish off the beach. He wanted to go home and I said "Nah, what are you going to do at home other than watch TV". Not more than 10 mins later he hooks his 13kg jewie, which he still talks about today. I'm thinking you'll have the same fond memories of that kingie. Cheers Mitch
  15. Top price for a good boat. You'll love the cruisecraft mate.
  16. Ban the bastard Grant, fancy calling you a turd to your face, we on the other hand, all made sure we did it while you were in the cabin sleeping....... Were you wearing your cleaning clothes (that nice dress you have) while you were waving that feather duster around? We need to compare techniques mate..... BTW good effort on the fish guys.
  17. They have already run a story on the poll results. And yes this does matter as its all about getting your point of view over the line. The silent one in the family is never heard.
  18. Well done Byron. Love your work
  19. I've got nothing nice to say to you Greg. Nope, nothing at all..........
  20. Well you'll see that Clover Moore (a true representative of the majority) has kindly provided the email address of the Honorable Minister, Carmel Tebbutt. dp.office@tebbutt.minister.nsw.gov.au. I have taken the opportunity to email the Minister and tell her what I think. Here is what I wrote: Dear Minister, I would like to voice my disappointment with the perceived view that your office supports the introduction of a Sydney Marine Park. The unscientific rhetoric put forward by people such as Clover Moore on her website (which is where I found your email address), is typical of the misinformation used in political circles. It is little wonder people that people such as myself have little faith in the political system and politicians in general. I can tell from experience that many see Labor as a party willing to sell it's soul for Green preferences in order to cling to power. And for what it is worth, they are Labor voters. I urge you to not succumb to the political influence of the "extreme green agenda" and consider the overwhelming majority of people you represent. Those who would like to use the natural resources of this state in a sustainable and responsible manner. One would have thought that the very reason we have Fisheries is to facilitate the management of this natural resource. The exclusion of recreational fisherman from Marine Parks does not make sense, especially given the scientific evidence that refutes the unsubstantiated claims by people such as Clover Moore. Here's hoping you'll consider my preferences. Yours faithfully, Mitch ****** I HOPE YOU WILL TAKE A FEW MINUTES AND DO THE SAME IN A NON AGGRESSIVE MANNER. Let them know how you feel and play the same game the extreme greens do.
  21. Smile boys. Well done on the fishies. Cheers Mitch
  22. That read as one fine fishing trip. Well done guys and girls.
  23. Yes I still love my four strokes and had I bought the boat new, I dare say that I would have chosen a pair of four strokes. The biggest issue I had with purchasing this second had boat was the fact that it didn't have four strokes on the back. I took it out for a good run before putting down a deposit and in the end I must say I was very excited about how this boat performed. Even with one motor it got onto the plane very easily. You can imagine what it is like with the two down. There is a lot of hype and BS about when it comes to motors and Evinrude contribute their fair share in their advertising. Before I purchased my Honda, we owned a Johnson, Mercury and Yamaha old tech two strokes. We had various problems with these motors but nothing really too bad. The Honda was like a breath of fresh air and in so many ways was the perfect motor for a fisherman. Not fast, but reliable. You never got that feeling that maybe she wouldn't start first time. That perhaps explains my preference for the four strokes. Up to this point in time I had only owned the old type two strokes and a couple of four strokes. A close mate of mine has the Evinrude 200Hp and the few times I had been in his boat, the experience has not been negative. We both bought our boats at the same time. His boat left my old boat (which my brother in law now owns) for dead on the speed front, but mine would cruise very nicely outside (which is where I fish 90% of the time) and was a lot quieter than his boat and the Optimax's I have experienced. I still prefer the four strokes for trolling. Now, I have nothing so far but positive experiences with the motors on the Sailfish, but they have something like 60 hours on the dial, so I guess it's early days. The acceleration is awesome in the new boat and after a trip in Greg Lee's boat, this did not come as a surprise. The fricken thing flies for a 7m boat. Now if you ask me what I would buy if I was to buy two motors tomorrow, I'd still buy the four strokes. It's not all about speed for me and the servicing costs don't bother me. That said, I'm sticking with these motors until they die. I hope that explains it for you. HEY BOOFHEAD, Mate I know how you feel and I'm not fairing too much better than you are. I can't wait till I get up to Port this year. I'm really looking forward to some time off. I hope the weather plays ball this year. I'll get some more pics of the inside up for you soon. Cheers Mitch
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