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kiwi waynie

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Everything posted by kiwi waynie

  1. is it the devinci code (dont think i spelt that right)
  2. HI Canoe Fisher, I think you could pick up somthing at Watto's tackle that will be better and cheaper than a JW piece of @#$%^&*(
  3. You'll be ok if your boat is self draining. Who's ever heard of a fisherman who's scared of water.
  4. Chioce blackies there, I've never fished for em but hope to since reading your reports. I checked out your post on crumbing fillets and would like to know how you do your smoked fish, I use a highland portable smoker and would like to build a proper set up at home. Lata Raida Waynie
  5. Hi Roberta, Unfortunatly Nepean does not flow in to the dam i think sombody made this very uneducated quote on the news and led a lot of pepole astray. Lata Raida Waynie
  6. Here's a photo of what the weir normally looks like. And i'm another one of the happy many to see the loo getting flushed. Also good for fish distribution but does any body know how or if it will affect the newly spawned bass further down stream. Has any body been out to Yarramundie cause some wallys had been in there and done a big clean up and made a big pile of dead trees ON THE UP RIVER SIDE of the bridge. Lata Raida. Waynie
  7. Sorry Guys i just scraped a stack of lead sash weights i bet somebody would have wanted em hey.
  8. I think coolamon is on to some thing there, the closer you go to salt water the less they will be fished. So i'm imagining lakes out there as seathing masses of monster carp.
  9. Hey Wildfish. Hope this helps. When i did a search it seems kite fishing has become very popular back home. Kontiki history in New Zealand In New Zealand kontiki fishing has always been a popular way to deploy fishing lines well offshore and catch fish for the table, it's also a lot of fun! Originally the fishing kontiki in was either a small sail powered boat - about one to two metres long - or car inner tubes fitted with sails. A peice of hard soluble confectionery fitted on a cord would keep the sail hoisted. This would slowly dissolve and drop the kontiki sail and sometimes release a weight to anchor the fishing line once the wind powered kontiki was well offshore. Large inflated plastic tubes with a with a bridle fitted to hold them across the wind have also been a popular kontiki method at times. The older wind powered kontiki is seldom seen on the popular beaches these days. Over the last 18 years Paul's Fishing Kites have become the most popular wind powered fishing method because a kite is a lot more efficient than a wind powered kontiki for deploying fishing tackle offshore. This is because a kite flies above ground turbulence and the higer you fly a kite - the stronger the wind. Lata Raida. Waynie.
  10. Hey CFD, Where and when you goin i bet plenty of raiders would love to join you. Yeah lets have a carp comp. Either way im gunna see if PJ Garn is good for another round. Definatly be looking forward to mondays posts. I reacon there will be some carp goin down this weekend Lata Raida. Waynie.
  11. OH! WHO'S A CLEVER CUZZIE! Did you come up with this one Roberta. What kind of results has it had in what kind of application. AS CUNNING AS A MAORI'S DOG. Lata Raida. Kiwi Waynie
  12. Hi Nathan, No carp dont make good burley or bait PJ Garn took one out one day and soon as that crap hit the water the fish went off. we had to move and as for desperate fish like that on 2-3 kg gear 5 min down the road yeehar! Cost us bout $5 to go and thats what im talkin bout!! Lata Raida Waynie
  13. G'Day Raiders, I went doen to Werrinton lake this morning with my good mate PJ Garn to wet a line and see if we could get into some carp. It was a fairly eventful morning got down the lake a bout 6.30 to be greated by a fairly thick blanket of fog over a picturesque lake. PJ set up coarse fishing style and i with my trusty old pvc tubes as rod holders. First cast things were a bit quiet which allowed us to enjoy a warming cup of coffee untill PJ's electronic bite detector went off BEEEPP! a quick lift of the rod tip from Mr Garn and ZZZZzzzzZZZZzzzZZZZZZZZZZ!!! this things run a good 50m before any line was gained. Then came the see sawing battle that probably went for 5 min. Bloody hell Waynie he aint gonna stop. Fainally at the bank and a couple of last dirty tricks. I was quite suprised it wern't bigger (and for all you carp knockers who reacon their not thier idea of fishin check out the outfit used 3kg i think) 62cm that went like a 80 model. After that the exitement must have got to much for some of the lakes residents as two duck came right up to where we were sitting and well errr mmmm well when a duck and a drake love each other very much. You get the picture (and i know your laughing, we were)As for me i got bites for nada, nil, zip and one fish lost to a snag, heart broken became the word of the day. Couple of young fellas seen PJ's carp hanging in the tree and dashed home for some gear and no sooner had they returned one of them got a good bite (from a passer bye's dog!) well Mr Garn got a card off me and insisted the guy give his details to the kid who's fishin was over before it began. Shortly after biding the young fella good bye we decided to call it a day and as we were leaving we got chatin to a fella who was fishin with a couple of kids who asked if he could have our carp PJ replied sure what do you want to do with it?? eat it the man replied . So there you have it that was our day, sorry the post is so long but as i'm posting on behalf of PJ Garn he would expect it (post your own bro!). Lata Raida Waynie and PJ Garn.
  14. Unfortunatly i dont think you can do that either.
  15. HI JDC, Did you go? are you going? last time i was at lyell i was on my trail bike as it is empty up back. Dont think there will be much of a spawn run the water was no deeper than 5cm for many kms from lake. I know weve just had enourmous rain fall but cant see it fixing the situation overnight. I was bustin to get up there this weekend but dont look like any things guna eventuate. So if you are still to go and want company with lake experience pm me. Lata Raida Waynie
  16. Bloody drug runners last i heard they where searching the hull for crack
  17. Try Cremorne good for bottom dwellers
  18. ARGH YOU BEAT ME! was just geting link http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=272208 Waynie
  19. kiwi waynie

    Funny Kid

    Thanks thats good fun hahahahahahah
  20. Well done Roberta, CHOICE! Your a pilla of the community, in fact your more than a pilla your a sheet and a bed spread as well. Lata Raida. Waynie
  21. COME ON SIGN UP. 64 geusts only 9 members. This site is more than worth the time it takes to become a member and its free! infact you can get discounts from some of the sponsors so it's pays YOU to sign up. I recently became a FISH RAIDER and have enjoyed hospitality like never before. So what are you waiting for it's dead set easy and in no time you will be ACCESS ALL AREAS. Lata (future) Raidas Waynie
  22. G'DAY Kaine, And welcome to your new addiction. Hey raiders i think weve created a monster 11 posts between 5pm- 5am. MMMWWAAHAHAHA!
  23. Yeah Big Banana is on the right track try BIAS. their clips might be a bit more salt friendly.
  24. MMMM!!! How long is a piece of sting??? PS Try hangmans noose as a knot, and i recon you should make em long enough for inital fight then think about un cliping em.
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