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Everything posted by XD351

  1. Same as Luna park wharf and Milsons point , there used to be dozens of guys fishing for yakkas off the wharf and a long line of them fishing under the bridge for tailor- haven’t seen anyone there for years . Since the rivercat started the weed supply at Putney dried up and finding Parramatta river weed is difficult - I used to be able to get a bucket full in a few minutes at Putney - now nothing 😭
  2. Congratulations! The lure bug has bitten and you will catch more in the future - just take your time , think about what you are trying to do and most importantly experiment! Here is a link to a YouTube channel that does some lure fishing in Lake Illawarra. https://youtube.com/user/JohnColeiro
  3. Possibly ! I used to occasionally fish next to an old bloke named Stan who fished for Luderick on the lane cove river side of the pontoon , I was very fortunate to fish with him as he taught me the secrets to catching the Luderick that lived under the pontoon - fantastic bloke too ! I first fished there in the late 70s when the old wharf was there , a school mate’s dad took us there and we got a few good flathead a bream and a few leatherjackets . I once or twice ran into another guy that was a leather jacket catching machine and he was the one that showed me the short dropper rig .
  4. I have always found fishing the Harbour in Spring harder and late autumn is the same to some extent but not as bad , I believe it is something to do with the water temperature transition . The colder water fish have mostly moved out and the warmer water fish haven’t really arrived yet . I remember when I mostly fished Middle and North harbour that it was around this time of year we would see an algal bloom and the water would go this horrible milky green colour , never ever caught anything when this was happening and in later years if we saw this we went home . One trick I used to use fishing the ferry wharves is to watch the prop wash when the ferry comes in and departs , cast your bait out to the edge of this prop wash as this is where anything that the wash stirs up will end up and the fish have worked out that they can get a feed from it and I used this to great effect on Valencia st wharf . This is also a really good tactic for lure fishing up the parra river as the fish hunt around the prop wash and also the shore break as it stirs the bottom up . Always plenty of leather jackets in the lower Parramatta river , Lane cove river and harbour . Use a short dropper patternoster rig with enough lead to get you to the bottom and keep tension on the line . Drop this down around the pylons or edge of any kelp growth and make sure you can feel the weight of the sinker ( you need this as it helps to transmit the small bites of a jacket up the line - without it you will feel nothing and just keep losing bait !) if you don’t get a bite after a few minutes lift the bait up a metre and wait again , keep doing this until you can see your bait . If you don’t get anything after a few drops move to another pylon , you can also berley and jackets will come in from a long way off for a feed .
  5. We used to get another type of fish in Sydney harbour when catching bait - we called them happy moments but I think their correct name is a black spine foot/Siganus fuscescens . I merely brushed against one of its dorsal spines and it stung me in the back of my hand and it hurt like hell for a few hours - I was extra careful from there on ! I was always taught if you don’t know for certain what fish it is then don’t handle it . If you are fishing in a spot that things like catfish , rays or any sort thing that can sting ,spike or bite you are a likely catch a long handle set of pliers to grab the hook is a good idea or get used to cutting the line near the hook to release them .
  6. One way you can get the backing right is to use the spare spool if you got one with the reel ,wind the braid on first then top shot with the backing then change to an empty spool and wind the backing and braid onto the new spool .Only has to be done once as the backing never gets taken off and your next spool of braid will fit perfect every time - if you don’t change diameter too much .
  7. I don’t understand the theory of burley when lure fishing ? One of the main advantages of lure fishing is mobility and if you are standing in one spot and never moving you may as well use bait ! For me it’s a dozen or so casts then move if nothing is doing - I might only move 30 or 40 metres , sometimes I will change lure and do it again but I would never spend enough time in one spot for burley to be effective . Scent on a lure is a different matter - always and re apply often !
  8. Great catch ! I would have given my left arm to hook just one Salmon on Monday - new outfit and was stinging to test it out but all I got was a donut 😭.
  9. Here is roughly what I mean when fanning your casts out- each red and blue line is a cast . The darker streaks on the sand are drains .
  10. As dirvin21 said putting the plastic on straight is super important , could you post a few pics of a plastic you have fitted to a jig head ? Another creator of fantastic lure fishing videos on YouTube is fellow Raider - Shroom . Another is FlickwithMick fishing . I would recommend you start with Flathead as Bream can be a real PIA some days and you know where Flathead will be - on the bottom around the edges of structure like weed beds ,rock walls/bars , drop offs and drains . You will also get them right up in the shallows on sand flats at high tide , I prefer a run out tide for the other spots especially where water is draining off a sand flat into deeper water . In this location I look for the drain - or the area that is funnelling the water off the sand flat as this will be the last place to dry up , the bait fish and prawns etc will by trying to stay away from the deeper water by staying in these drains until they have no choice but to leave and the flathead will be waiting for them right at that drop off . You need to fan your casts out so you cover as much ground as possible, if you think of it this way it might help you - if someone painted a giant clock face on the ground and you were standing in the middle facing the 12 O’clock position , first cast would be at 10 O’clock and then next at 11 O’clock and so on working your way around to the 2 O’clock position and back again . After that - if you are wading a small sand flat you would advance in the direction of 12 O’clock by half the distance of your cast and do it all again and on a big flat I would go forward then across , forward , across in the opposite direction and this way you cover the entire flat , if you are walking along the shore advance to your left or right by the same as the distance of your cast - so if you are doing a 30m cast walk along about 30m and start again and this will overlap your casts so you don’t leave gaps where fish could be sitting but not willing to move to grab a lure that isn’t as close as they would like . Another Great YouTube channel is sand flat fishing Australia-What Carl Attenborough doesn’t know about catching big Whiting and monster Flathead over the flats on a lure isn’t worth knowing - he ( along with Greg Reid ) have now got me hooked on lure fishing on the beach for Flathead , bream and whiting !
  11. You may be working the lure too fast , bream like slow - very slow and subtle , flathead like slow to medium but if the lure isn’t hitting the bottom you will really limit your catch to the ones that are hungry enough to come up off the bottom . Bass like a little faster - always had better results if the lure broke the surface . With the double twitch on bream sometimes you have to pause for what seems like an eternity , and they can be anywhere in the water column depending what structure they are living around .
  12. Hi Roman , My mate is now travelling up to Umina , I will give him the gear tomorrow and will let you know when he is going up to Umina - probably the following week . Don’t worry about paying me for the gear - if you can donate the money to the local volunteer rescue guys I would prefer that and you can claim it on tax as well . Regards … Ian .
  13. I think it was seabees club comp . I was going to go up there on Saturday but thought better of it - think I will go mid week instead !
  14. I would check the wiring ( especially any joins or connectors ) very carefully, you can have a bad connection and still get full voltage when there is no current draw on the circuit . Wiring can be corroded back up inside the insulation and this can cause its resistance to rise , when you put a load on that wire the resistance causes a voltage drop and this could be causing the unit to sense low battery voltage and shut down . In line fuse connections are another area that needs close attention , I have seen fuses ( glass type ) that look fine and test ok but when I took it out of the holder it disintegrated . If in doubt hook the unit up to a battery with a different cable and see if it still does it . You would have to locate the connection in the wiring where the power cable for the unit connects to the cable running to the battery and splice into this .
  15. Most mechanics will shy away from it because it is an old engine , getting parts can be problematic and they don’t want to spend time tracking down parts from wreckers . I was listening to Alan Blake ( Blake’s marine ) talk about this last weekend on the radio and he said 20yrs ago it was financially viable to recondition engines as back then parts were available and cheaper , nowadays old engines go to the wreckers . All you can do is keep ringing around and expect a hefty labour bill if someone does take it on . What is the issue with it ?
  16. I fish rods in the 4-8kg range( Penn or Ugly Stik) for places like broken bay and half tide rocks at ettalong as I use a fairly large sinker to keep bottom . Once I go upstream from there I drop down to 2-4kg - if I’m not in the main current of the Hawkesbury as I can use a smaller sinker . 20lb braid and 15-20lb fluorocarbon leader down to a 4/0 hook ( found this to be the best for Flathead as they don’t tend to gut the hook as much ).
  17. Introducing a new species to control another has blown up in our faces before - cane toads come to mind . Not a fan of the virus they want to let loose either because if it mutates it could infect our natives . I would prefer more electro fishing for the big carp , Habitat restoration for the natives that will eat the small carp, carp comps and maybe a competition that could be set up so if you catch a carp , take a photo and post it online and at the end of the year there could be some decent prizes for things like biggest fish , most fish etc and have these set up in lots for different age groups so everyone has a chance of winning - any opportunity to get a kid into fishing is a good thing ! . Our rec fishing licence could fund this easily if the damned Government stopped sticking it in their pockets . Only one rule - nothing lives ! I have heard of a few anglers throwing them back because they didn’t want to leave dead fish everywhere especially in places like Parramatta ( which will stink and bring about complaints) - valid point . Personally I would take them home and freeze them then drop them in the bin on rubbish night .
  18. From what I heard on the radio today from the SFFP head honcho is that the petition already has over 5k signatures but needs 20k to get it into parliament which they reckon they will get easily . Apparently the Nats are a little dismayed as to why Marshal has sided with the animal liberation mob as the bill he is trying to get passed will have massive implications for the cattle and sheep industry and just about every other type of rural producer and they mostly vote for the Nats . Wouldn’t be surprised if he gets punted very soon 🤞🤞🤞. So don’t feel disheartened as we have a few allies on this - the fishing community is not the only faction trying to drive this stupid legislation into the ground . P.S Thanks for the link Dave ! I wouldn’t have known about it otherwise !
  19. Yep and that is why I fish mid week - Brooklyn boat ramp is a nightmare on weekends and when we finally get let out it is going to be chaotic.
  20. Work doesn’t know it yet but I will be taking a day off and going for a fish up the Hawkesbury then a trip out to Narrabeen for a beach fish on the weekend . I don’t see us being allowed to travel interstate any time soon so I’m looking at fishing the spots in NSW that I have never been to - a week or two away to Yamba or Eden would be nice 😀
  21. What I want to know is how this affects things like tagging ,scientific research and electro fishing that helps to rid our waterways of noxious pests like carp ? Surely if they get their way things like the Million dollar Barra comp will have to be stopped because sticking a tag in a fish would surely be deemed as causing harm , pain or distress to a fish . One thing to remember is that there are only a handful of them and millions of us fishos so we need to start screaming at the government and start now - in normal times I would be calling for a protest but that is out of the question due to covid but we can still do it via email. Adam Marshall Email. northerntablelands@parliament.nsw.gov.au
  22. From memory most of the stuff I fitted used screws in the 2 - 5G range . 2G for things like clips for landing nets and 5G to screw the front deck extension down ( poly 410 challenger ) - I mostly sized the screws according to the mounting holes in the part I was fitting . With my boat I found out the hard way that the area along the floor where it meets the sides is right above the tunnel inside the chines is solid and not as thick as I thought - fortunately it was one hole that can’t be seen that was easily fixed with a hot knife and some of the plastic swarf from drilling the holes . I had to make a drill stop so I didn’t drill all of them though as the drill bit pulls itself into the plastic really fast ! A blunt drill works better just keep the speed of the drill as slow as possible - polyurethane melts very easily !
  23. +1 for the servo bait - most of the stuff in tackle stores comes from the same place as the servo stuff - like tweed bait . As mentioned above you have to be careful of white spot disease on prawns but getting bait like garfish , squid and mullet etc from the supermarket or local fish market is ok . There is a fish market in lane cove plaza - might be worth a look . You could also lob down to a spot inside the 5km limit and try to trap some poddy mullet or use a bit of squid or sausage mince to catch a few yakkas for bait . You could also use the bait that time forgot - pudding ! No not Christmas pudding ! It is just a dough mix that you can add all sorts of ingredients to but a few of my favourites were mashed up sardines , cat food or pecks paste - not a lot , just enough to put some smell into the bait and you want a consistency of bread or pizza base dough which is moulded onto the hook like a blob - 9555b and suicide hooks work well with this bait .
  24. Making whoever is in Government realise the economic impact that banning fishing would have and how much revenue they will lose will soon have them turn tail and Run for the hills ! No fishing = no need for fishing gear, camping gear, 4wds, boats , caravans , holidays in regional areas , charter trips , accommodation , airfares , less money spent on food , fuel , licences ,registrations but the most important thing to them is the loss of votes at the next election ! Fishos are only one of the losers in this deal they are doing with the animal rights liberation army and the economic loss will be felt far and wide - especially in regional areas that rely on fishos lobbing down for a fishing holiday . The minister for Fisheries should resign immediately IMHO !
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