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Everything posted by XD351

  1. Just went through the whole process and they say right at the end they don’t ship to NSW- I have purchased parts from them before and didn’t have a problem but back then I would have called them . I see you are from the inner west , try Drummoyne bait on tackle on Lyons rd , they are an Alvey distributor . I would call Alvey direct first as they may do it over the phone for you and it would be nice to know why their website won’t let you order parts into NSW . The last handle I broke I made a new screw from stainless and never looked back .
  2. No probloemo! Hope you get a few fish !
  3. Nice fish ! Have you tried up in the creek ?
  4. You could try Saratoga oval off Steyn rd, we used to get them there and green clickers but that was a long time ago !
  5. Would have thought the Pharmacy industry would have been bulletproof! Just keep turning up and hope for the best mate !
  6. Welding Gal can give you cadmium poisoning , been there had that it ain't pleasant and welding over Gal adds impurities to the weld pool and can weaken the weld . Better to have drain holes and if you build your own trailer allow for these so you can flush out the chassis , these drain holes also allow the Gal to plate the inside of the chassis and you can buy a dedicated spray gun to coat the inside of the box sections with fish oil as well ( even if galvanised ) but if you have cleaned the parts ( ground off the paint ) before welding the pickling process should clean everything inside the welded area so you get a good coating of Gal inside the box sections - best to talk to the galvanisers first and they will help you get the best results. If you have to dunk your trailer in the salt to launch - consider all of your trailer as a consumable item Galvanised or not .
  7. Jeez that’s a bugger mate , hope you find a new job real soon ! I count my lucky stars every day as I work in the waste industry so even though we have had a massive downturn in work we have to keep going. I don’t play games as much as I used to coz it was costing me too much in PlayStation and Xbox controllers - I tend to get frustrated and kill them 🤣 If you want to try something that is really mind numbing play either the Rapala fishing or cabella hunting games - probably 20yrs vintage - if you think you are bored now wait till you try those 🤣
  8. Dave, You can always fire up the PC for some gaming 😀 I think the weather is going to be crap anyhow so it’s watching motor racing for me and tinkering in the shed - still be planning a trip as fishing is never off my mind . But my thoughts are with those on the front line dealing with this - and no I don’t mean politicians 😡
  9. Can’t help you directly as I haven’t fished the lake for a long time and when I did it was always down the southern end , if you don’t get any replies from any other Raiders you could try some of the suggestions below . https://youtube.com/channel/UCV57dc4DpS7g_fpWxNuErpw ( he fishes Lake Macquarie in a Kayak ) https://www.facebook.com/ReelActionTV# Try guesty, he lives and fishes there , if you can get hold of him on FB or Instagram he will point you in the right direction . https://www.facebook.com/Fishermans-Warehouse-Tackle-World-192733090772010/ http://www.fishermanswarehouse.com.au/ The tackle store at Marks point should be a good source of info - most are .
  10. I broke into a sweat when I looked up 24v lithium battery -allspark 120ah -$2500 weighs 30kg or so .
  11. Nice fish ! Never really fished lake Illawarra, looks like some nice territory there !
  12. A lot of the shims in reels are made by the reel manufacturer and not something you will find anywhere else . You could try Jaycar or Altronics as they sell some small screws, nuts and washers but they are zinc plated steel and not what you want for a saltwater environment. You could try a fastener store as Dave mentioned or Blackwoods , I have purchased a few fastener kits from fasteners online and off Ebay but these were all 3mm and over . Another few places to try are watch or clock makers supply stores , RS components (they do list small stainless washers less than 3mm inside diameter) and there was a place called (I think )mini or miniature components but I haven’t used them in a few years . Model Radio control cars use small screws and a look at someone that sells these could also be worthwhile along with Model engineering supply stores like E&J Winter , miniature steam etc - i get my tiny bolts for steam engines from places like this . I found this site that sells shim washers in stainless ( it is the place I mentioned above as mini components but it is called miniature bearings Australia) https://www.minibearings.com.au/catalogue/quick/Washers - Precision Shim.pdf
  13. There are apps that do that , one I heard of did everything for you when you took a photo of the fish you caught but it is a subscription app -around $50 a year iirc. Might be something Deckee could add to their app in the future ? They already have all the info you need on the app it is just a matter of allowing the app to use the camera on your phone and adding the info like weather , tide moon phase , location etc on the bottom of the picture - like a time / date stamp .You could then transfer these photos to a file on your phone or pc . Even if it didn’t take a photo it would be nice to be able to quickly open the Deckee app and click on an icon so the app records the current conditions and location so you can refer to it when you get home or maybe even print it out . I usually find that by the time I get home , clean the boat , clean my gear and sort out the catch I forget to write down everything I want to record .
  14. It would make component storage easier as well , when a trailer is ordered it is just a matter of pulling the parts off a rack and bolting it together . It would also make galvanising easier and possibly cheaper as they don’t have to dip one side then flip it over for the other side - not all galvanisers have baths wide enough or deep enough to fit a trailer into in one go .
  15. I have replied to your PM Aiden . I will post my reply to Aiden here for future reference . Can’t say I have ever seen any there but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t there from time to time . I usually go to either the creek at the end of Woy Woy bay , the canal that runs around the sports ground in Woy Woy , the baths at Woy Woy or along the shore near the lions park boat ramp. I have seen them at the blackwall road boat ramp and around the boat ramp in kincumber creek, another spot to try is ettalong creek or down in Patonga creek . They don’t like open water or areas that cop a lot of boat wash or wind chop , i would grab a few slices of white bread and a pair of polaroid sunnies and go for a walk (just after sunrise is bests day and if this coincides with the last of the run up to a high tide even better )and try to find them - they can be there one day and gone the next ! Poddies in Brisbane waters can be frustrating at the best of times and that is why I fish with Hawkesbury prawns ,garfish fillets or soft plastics as I know I can get them and they work just as well as poddies - you could always pump some nippers on the flats near Anderson’s . Regards… XD. KB , I found Lake Macquarie was the same , I used to launch at Chain Valley bay and in summer I could catch all the poddies I want right at the ramp but in winter they just vanished . Winter was Luderick time so I turned my attention to finding weed .
  16. Better to have it and ever use it ( hopefully) 😀 For the sake of $20 or so every 5 yrs is it really something you would skimp on ? I repurpose my out of date ones for around home, in the 4wd or my shed .
  17. Tackle store will have to order from Alvey anyway so you might as well do it yourself . If it is the same as the photo below you might be pushing your luck but I would still try as you never know what parts they have in stock. This is the 455A
  18. +1 for salt away. I put my 2004’ yammie in for a full service in January and when I picked it up a was chatting to the owner of the workshop about flushing and the reason behind it needing a new water pump housing . I mentioned the Saltaway and he said he feels it does help but immediately asked me how long I flush for which is usually long enough to run the carbies dry - about two or three minutes , he said at least 10 min is what he recommends . I needed a pump housing as mine had some heat damage ( plastic garbage ) which is caused by the water not getting forced into the pump when flushing , he said there is a small hole above the water intake that must have water dribbling out of it before starting the engine. I wasn’t checking this and later found that if I didn’t have the ears or muffs on exactly right the water was not getting into the pump . Can’t complain though - only ever had to replace the thermostat in 17 yrs of service . Hole can be seen above and the left of pick up in photo .
  19. 2 minimum - 4 maximum The rods will be generally a combination of the following: One or two 5-8kg thread line outfits for bait fishing in broken bay . one 2-4 kg threadline ( soft tip )outfit for light bait fishing and doubles as lure chucker in a pinch. one 1.5-3kg or 2-4 kg spin outfit ( Hyper with 2500 reel ) if I’m definitely going to flick some lures around . I can add a Snyder mag bream and 5 inch Alvey to this if I’m fishing for bream or Whiting with nippers and it can be used for luderick if needed but if I’m out targeting them I will take my centrepin outfit I use for luderick . There is always a small handline in my bag for catching bait ! I minimised the gear I take out so everything I need is within arms reach and ready to use so once I’m in the boat the only thing I need to leave my seat for is to drop the lekkie or Anchor ( very rarely use one ) . Dave, That Bass boat more than likely had a rod locker in the front deck so there could be another 10k worth of gear in there
  20. As usual my local officeworks (1km away) doesn’t have any in stock - as usual
  21. Sounds like you have been there before 😂 The link that Donna posted is for such a soup container and I will be grabbing one tomorrow - if my local officeworks has one - never even knew they sold them !
  22. I wouldn’t be surprised if some weekend radio fishing programs are also using them .
  23. My systema lunch box also leaks as the clips don’t pull the lid down onto the seal very well but Dave’s idea with the rubber bands might fix that ! , I would be cautious as to the compatibility of the plastic of the container and the soft plastics themselves - might be worth chucking a couple in and letting them sit for a week or so first. Anyone know if different colour gulp plastics play nice with each other ? I usually leave them in the packet they came in but it would be super handy to be able to lob a few different types of gulp plastics in a small sealed plastic container with some juice and take this down to where I want to fish ( usually the beach or estuary ) , on the beach I use a shoulder bag and like to pack light but having half a dozen zip lock bags in there makes finding the right packet when I need it a pain and having one smallish tub with all I want in it would be much better. I could easily use this system in the estuary as well and might be more convenient than the small backpack i am currently using as I have to remove it to get to the contents . All this talk about soup has now made me hungry - I could chew the leg off a cast iron bath tub right now ! That reminds me I need to sacrifice a gulp and a Zman to see if they destroy each other - i sense a scientific experiment coming up 🔬
  24. Fantastic catch ! MMMM -Flathead 🤤🤤🤤
  25. I was thinking just that with all the rain over the last few months . Never really fished for them much in Brisbane waters , only a few times off the baths at Woy Woy and under the rail bridge.
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