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essjay last won the day on September 13 2022

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  1. Ended up taking it down to Sydney to a proper tackle place , thanks all the same.
  2. Its the impulse purchases i fear
  3. Hello I snapped yet another Samurai rod recently, this time by what i claim to be no fault of my own for a change ( the tip) so i need a new tip fitted to it as I like the rod and its too much money to throw away. Can someone PM me me the details of someone local who can replace/refit a correctly sized Fuji tip on my beloved 3-6lb please? Note Erina and Gosford are both close by to me.
  4. I tried to get a bud to get a Saltiga 500 XH this week while he was in Japan and he was told he could not order it from the shop and had to buy online. Also said the 24 5000 XH would be released in March 24. Only the older Saltiga was available from the shop in Tokyo.
  5. A bit off topic but I also struggle doing an FG on light lines so moved to slim beauty for light rigs and only use FG for 15-20lb leaders (or higher). SB is a cracking knot and very easy to tie, its only around 25% less in strength then an FG.
  6. Hi raiders Wondering if anyone knows where I can get frozen burley logs around Gosford area, <Outlets removed> are always sold out and I am not yet set up well enough in my new digs to start making my own. thanks in advance
  7. We tried around there last weekend and only managed one under sized bream, other people I spoke with all said it has been very very quiet of late. Glad you got something for your effort.
  8. 46cm black bream in the Hawksbury on a 2.5 inch zman grub.
  9. 7-11m I prefer to just float the pillies into the burley trail. Seem to get reefed a lot less that way. Here is another one from the same area a week ago. I let him go as he gave me such a wonderful fight. He is also my current PB.
  10. Took a mate out to box head on Friday to chase some snapper, early morning high, swell under a meter and 2 determined mates chasing dinner for 14. After hooking a monster first bait which then got tangled in my mates line, dropping the fish we found out pace and landed 10 , kept 6 and also snagged a rat king. We got a few customary cod, ras and snags. All in all it was a great session. there are some seriously big fish out there on the reef. Frozen pillies on 6/0 unweighted , floating into our burley trail was the method we used.
  11. For light line I get good results with the slim beauty and for 10lb and up its FG all the way. I struggle to get the FG right on light line and light leader. Probably my sausage fingers and ape fists.
  12. I have been seeing large bait schools and like you, around flint and steel. Nothing feeding on them as far as I can tell. A kid who works at a local tackle ( jew addict) hinted that only small ones were coming in through the heads and the bigger fellas were hanging out much wider still. That was a week ago. We must be patient a while longer i think. A kingie is high on my list of my get this season and with that said, I will happily wait and continue to take my stick bait setup with me each time i go out , just in case
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