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Everything posted by seacow

  1. Rob, You did not mention the sandflies and the need to wear long trousers and airoguard. I fished runout tide on Myola breakwall last Saturday afternoon, caught stud blackfish, but am suffering today with at least 20 sandfly bites, itchy a hell, Howsey.
  2. I fished the breakwall at Myola in the deep hole at the end of the breakwall for blackfish and had the best session I have had for years on stud blackfish. I landed a few up to 43cm but was smashed up by bigger fish. I took some photos on my phone and will post when I get some software to download. I took some weed down there from St George Sailing club creek as there was no local stuff in creeks around Greenwell Piont. I dont think you need a tinny as I saw two beginners fishing off the beach landind flathead around a kg. Howsy
  3. We saw a turtle in the Hacking about two weeks ago. He was massive probably 60 or 70cms across.
  4. I for one would like to know about the mortality rates of jews hooked and released before I make a considered opinion. If I am targeting them specifically I use a 2 hook rig and in many cases I am leaving the bottom hook inside them as they are gut/gill hooked even using circle hooks. These smaller models don't swim away so well and I wonder if it is the methods we use to catch them which might mean even though we catch/kiss/release them they don't get the chance to grow up. Very little impact on increasing the size limits if those fish caught and released don't survive. For my 20 cents, I think an increase in the size limit would be a good idea.
  5. When do Jewies stop being schoolies?
  6. Caught a lobster - not the crustacean - a $20 bill on some floating weed nearly to the Heads in Botany Bay. Subsidised my beer drinking money!!!
  7. Hey Everyone. Just found this on the Fisheries Website. Was actually on there for something to do with work. That's my excuse and I am sticking with it. Might be of interest to some of those fishos who want to see some habitat improvement for their fishing hole - so to speak! Fish-friendly-grants-now-available1.pdf
  8. Fishing after a big electrical storm off Rose Bay one summer night many years back we took 5 or 6 big ones atleast a couple of kilos each from the sand. I had nightmares of those ugly catfish coming to get me for weeks after that! U.G.L.Y you ain't got no alibi - you ugly.
  9. I got a 7-8kg number in the georges one night. He had gorged himself on the blackfish heads we had thrown out as berly. funly enough he took a little pilchard tail on a 2-0 suicide. One very unlucky fish!!! My thoughts are they will eat anything that will fit into their mouths and is available at the time.
  10. The line looks like whipper snipper cord. You could catch your fish and then when you are finished you can take the lure off do your lawns
  11. Kelso Park. So much weed it looks like a green carpet across the water. So full of aquatic life that the bream were taking the weed also. Blackies were biting down as far as Warwick Farm. No size but a bit of fun on light gear. Not the cleanest looking water but the fish were in good condition and they went pretty hard.
  12. My claim to fame was a 94cm jew on 8pound straight through and a size 2/0 suicide hook at the Moons in the Georges. Was the most unlucky jewfish ever. The old man had three goes at getting it in the net and missed. I told him if he missed again that I was jumping in the water and wrestling it in myself. Finally got it in and it broke the net at the handle. Blunted two knives trying to clean it!!! Moral to the story - sometimes catch and release is much easier...
  13. That's a very nice bag of fish you have there. Fished the Georges for 3 hours yesterday for two blackfish so small if you put them together they wouldn't have made a legal fish. It is what you call a tough day at the office!, especially after the good bags we have taken lately!! Got to get me back into the harbour to see if those surgeons are back yet. One day I will take one of them on 6 pound.
  14. Needed to burley. Once we burlied more we were able to get a few in quick succession. Then a few more again after burlying. By the time I got there dad already had 3 in the keeper net. He said around that time it was a bit quiet. Did you end up with any fish around that area? We lost two good fish which didn't feel like blackfish and we thought they may have been bream. Caught a few bream on weed this year.
  15. Afternoon fisho's, don't know about all these people who are saying that there are no blackfish around.!!!! Ok, that was also me until today as well!!! Fished down at Lamberth Park today with the old man who got down there about 11:30. I was a more gentlemanly hour of about 1:30. The old man managed to get some of the best looking weed I have seen all this year. Full of life and really crinkley and the fish loved it. Ended up with about 12-15 fish with most of them legal. Lost a few more because we did not have a landing net!!!The biggest ones which I caught (hey if I don't give myself a rap no-one will) sat around 3/4 of a kilogram and really gave a good account for themselves on the light gear. It seems that the heavier the float the less bites you get. I don't know if anybody else has seen this but at the moment we are fishing 6 pound braid, with a size one float with a small running lead bean (size 0, I think)and one split shot to the hook. Dad describes this rig as his killing sticks! Photos on the camera phone came up illegible. Sorry. Kept two and threw the rest of them back to one particular gentleman's astonishment. Love seeing the look on peoples faces when you throw them all back!!! Especially when you get a bag full.
  16. Hey fisher folk, decided today was as good as any day to fish the Georges for some blackies after some good reports had been spruiked about this week by those people who can catch them better than myself. No weed so unfortunately purchased some. First mistake!!!! Looked pretty ordinary. Fished from about 1pm all the way through without a fish, some only very small downs which didn't eventuate into fish not matter how light I fished. After 3.5 hours of desperation I finally got the shits and began to pack up throwing out the rest of the weed except fopr a tiny handful which looked a little better. Maybe 5 baits at a maximum. With the shadows on the water I sat back down after packing all but one rod up and then all hell broke loose. One big down eventuated into a fish just legal followed by 3 more of similar size. All released to fight another day. With no bait left I could only give up leaving them biting after 3.5 hours of nothing. As you can imagine disappointed does not go close to describing how bad I felt. Not to mention that I could see the rest of the weed floating away in the distance!!!! Still better than nothing I suppose. I always finish the posts with a question for the group. Why is it that my when using braid my line does not go all the way though to the stopper knot? I know that the depth is right. Pretty damn annoying considering it means that I can't see all the downs straight away. How do I stop this from happening?
  17. When there was a lot of rain in the Georges the old man and I used to get them off Oatley Point just near the reef with the channel marker. Bit hit and miss though. Better when the tide was small as it can run pretty hard there sometimes.
  18. That is one decked out yak. Makes me think this would be the yak that MacGyver would have.
  19. seacow


    And I used to prawn in that area!!! I can tell you now I am starting to have some second thoughts about getting into the water again up to my neck!
  20. I have been catching a few around Lugarno also over the last few weeks. I thought that they were herring and I can tell you now, scaled a filletted they make some fantastic bream baits. I was sure there is no size restriction on these little guys however I'm wrong then can someone let me know. If they are then disregard the contents of the second sentence!!!
  21. What about the red and blue lights that flash when you wind it in, in the dark. You mustn't forget those.
  22. A report from Sunday. Down at the Moons on the Georges River on sunday afternoon fishing with a couple of mates with a BBQ and some beers. Fishing away with prawns catching the usual suspects - small flathead, even smaller bream, tailor and those things that look like sweep (I think they are called bat fish) Had some wives and girls fishing away aswell. A quick side comment, for x-mas we bought the girls (Monica and Jess) pink fishing rods which lit up like a christmas tree when you reeled them in. Annoying as all hell but hey it got them fishing!!! Anyway Monica is fishing away doing all the annoying things that a 4 year old (she is 24) would do when fishing (bringing in the line all the time, getting the line tangled all the time, making me put bait on all the time) when the rod was nearly torn from her hand. Sure enough after a little tussle Monica pulls up an estuary perch. Not huge - about 28cm but pretty fat. To say I was astonished and jealous was an understatement. I have fished the Georges for nearly 30 years and never pulled in one!!! What made it worse was she didn't know what kind of a fish it was nor had any care of how rare they are in those waters. Well I was led to believe that they are a schooling fish however we didn't get another even though I tried into the night. Not surprisingly she rubbed my nose in it too.
  23. Locked up drag settings. If those jacks get some zing you'll soon hear a ping!!
  24. Ok, so I'm sitting at the dining table thumbing through my latest edition of fishing monthly (just a little bit envious of those people catching fish) and who do I spot but Roberta!!!!! Now forgive me, I may have been out of the loop and didn't know about this celebrity, but I think a congratulations must come her way. Not just a super star on the fishraider website but now an upgrade to the fisho mags! Next thing, she may have her own show on TV!!!! Well done I say.
  25. I don't think you are going to land one of those on 6 pound braid and 4 pound flurocarbon leader!!!!
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