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Everything posted by screech

  1. i must admit gorms' beef jerky is great stuff!!!! awsome while waiting for the jews to hit!!!
  2. mate for a bit of a laugh and a few ideas check this video out. some advice that i could offer is during the warmer months when the sharks following the bait and salmon schools would be best. anywhere along the coast and off the rocks. lots and lots of burley and blood and guts to bring them close. BIG baits. good luck!!
  3. thats amazing!!!! the amount of tune is unbelievable!!!! i saw another video and they still seem to use that meathod of catching tune in the south pacific.
  4. yea i own a navi 4000. its a japanese model reel. im very happy with it. i've caught loads of kings ranging from hoodlums to rats. to be honest i've notice the strain that the hoodlums put on it and i've upgraded so that i dont ruin my reel. apart from that great reel i must say!!!
  5. i found this advert on facebook the other day. http://www.predapro.com/instructions.asp i think its an american product not sure if it has hit the shores in australia yet. what are your opinions on it. seems like a neat product for the deap water marlin boys. will it deter fish having the big lead at the front of the bait like that???
  6. top trip and read!! sounds like a wild expereince!
  7. nice brother!!! bring on the fishing when im back from greece!!!!
  8. MASSIVE king!! well done!! funny to hear your mate almost pulled in!!! hahaha... dont worry the big kings stay in the bay almost all year round!
  9. well done on the catch!! cleaning up! tell me tho..... are u fishing by urself?? reason i ask is on a yak how do u manage to take photo's without holding the camera?? haha
  10. hectic brother!!!! u serious Phil landed a tuna????? dont believe it..... all the kings he lost on my boat!!! hahahaha..... send my love keep us updated!!
  11. hahahaha... shit that got munched!!! big king also!! imagine the shark size! where was that at?
  12. wow i never new this!!! thats a worry.... gross!!! haha
  13. thats awesome!! well done Roberta! at least now the theft is in the paper and if its a local they'll have trouble getting rid of it if not already. who know u may end up writing the local fishing reports soon!
  14. the surgeon knot seems good. i'll try that and see what happens. i havn't had a problem with heavier line, only light. thanks for the advice
  15. thanks for that Jim. to be honest i never thought about checking if the ruler was correct on the sticker! i always thought that being issued by a govermnet body it should be accurate.... haha. i guess pays off if we have any complaints about the goverment policies or any floors that we should write to the papers and a high probability it will be put it!
  16. this sounds a bit stupid....... i think..... well i dont think it makes any sense. if the housing for the nav light red or green are both the same for both LED and bulbs then how does it change the light arc????????? common sence i thought would be buy the same housing as the original on the boat, you know what i mean?
  17. cant go wrong with the shimano bait runner! tuff as nuts!!!! bit pricey but definatly worth the extra cash. i heard the okuma's bait runner breaking.
  18. whilst we on the topic of light braids cutting through your leader...... whats the best was to over come this apart from the obvious of thicker leader? i connect my leader to braid using a knot similar to a blood knot. i use Platypus braid. as for the briad its self im really happy with the quality so dont really want to move to fireline.
  19. well done mate!! who said the bay has gone dead?!?!?! seems like people catching plenty. with the mack tuna about im sure the big hoodlums will be also
  20. mate my best session at cc bridge was also when it was BUCKETING down with rain!! so it does pay off to fish in poor weather! well done on the jewies!
  21. mate that should be a hectic trip!!!! keep us all posted with reports and with pictures of the big catches!!!! good luck!!
  22. when the mullet start to run...... mullet strips is gold for me on the shallows and in deeper water. on the quiet times....... worms. If the prawns are around....... prawns.
  23. screech

    Marine Stereo

    go the TIGERS!!!!!!!!!
  24. my 2cents worth..... wats the issue here?? littering or illegal fishing??? sound like littering and noise polution..... therefor more fishing inspectors is not neccessary. dont you recieve a fine for litter???? so wats gladville police doing about the litting issue?? cant do much about noice polution...... not being on their side (dumb laws play a role, and not excactly sure about this) but cant really complain about noise because isn't there a law that says music in house parties must be turned off by 12:00 midnight..... so unfortunatly does this law apply to the idiots? why dont you attend the local meetings and bring this issue up?? definately should not ban people from fishing the jetties, unfair for the majority, just more law inforcements (police i thought thats their jobs) patroling the comlpaining areas. and tell me will a group of people dare to attack a police officer?? so there is no threat there then.
  25. well done mate!!! throw out a small live bonnie out next time and hope for a cruising hoodlum!
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