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Everything posted by Coast_Bloke

  1. Well after a big weekend being the bestman at my mates wedding. (Friday night on the at his house, then all day sat again, for the wedding. Hooked up with my brother on Sunday for a few more and organised an outside session for monday morning... Got to his house at about 5:30.. and the bugger was too hungover to fish, so luckily I had another mate with me, and we set off for a day outside. Well after launching the boat, the rain started, we drove round to the rip bridge and saw the black clouds coming in from the sea so anchored up near the rip bridge as the wind and rain started. Got smoked a couple of times using baits, but nothing on the boat. Then the waterways boys started going from boat to boat checking licenses and safety gear, and after that, hooked something big on a ganged pilly... well it dove down into the jumble of snags near the bridge, and poof.. it broke me off . So decide to head round the north side of rileys island, to fish the leases and mangroves. Rain was really hitting hard now, and only managed a few undersized bream and one 25cm whiting. With the rain washing our decks, we decide one last try at a lease I know near south kincumber, but the rain stuffed me, and I hit a shallow spot and nearly threw one of our props, and banged my head too So that was it for me, with rain wind and a broken cable on the port side motor, I went home. Lets hope next weekend sees a better brissy waters experience. Cheers, Coasty.
  2. Tyrone... not sure if I need a fishraider deckie yet... will get back to you. And yeh that is the best ramp, 2nd one.
  3. I'll be outside.. off terrigal etc.. from 6am on... any fishraiders around grab me on the radio, Just call "Coasty"
  4. no dramas mate... would take $50 out of my boat fund.. and thats a no no
  5. I want the beige large size one you can have first pick
  6. Well I priced them the other day at a local fishing shop for $89.95... but this tackle shop is notorious for high pricing
  7. Windu.. don't know much about jig hooks yet... still learning
  8. 1 day each side of a full moon is what I have been told is jewy heaven... not sure on tides... as long as its night time... Bridges and places with school fish are the most likely places I hear.. such as the hawkesbury bridges, and the rip bridge in the brisbane water. Otherwise yeh off the beach.
  9. Winney Bay is between Avoca Beach and Copacabana... access is via a firetrail off Cape Three Points Road, right behind the big green water tower.
  10. Haven't fished the entrance much, but a boat is very handy there, as its a big system, and you can find heaps of spots. Others will have more info... and good luck on your trip
  11. HAHA well it is yellow Yeh thanks Jo, will give that a hit... can't hurt it now.
  12. I thought that too Tim, but I have used my brothers Shimano one, with no problems... I mean yeh i need practice, but can't practice on this thing Might hang it up, and save up for a decent one... more money *sigh*
  13. Hey guys, I got an issue with my baitcaster, I have had it for years, but only used it a handful of times (was a present). Its a cheapo silstar combo thing I guess, dont really know, but the issue is that almost every 1st or 2nd cast, the line gets caught up beside the spool. Its really annoying and makes the reel unusable. I have pulled it apart a few times now looking for nicks, or bad bearings, but it all "seems" ok. Pic with arrow below shows where its getting caught up. You guys had this issue with other baitcasters that you have fixed? Cheers Hame.
  14. Coast_Bloke

    Boat Name

    Copa Loca or Goon Basher
  15. Well done champ, I too am still hunting my first elusive jew... wont be long now
  16. Oh well he told me it was a snapper, i have never caught one, so wouldn't be able to tell.
  17. My mates sent me these pics, of a snapper caught off noosa, and a mangrove jack caught up near halifax qld.
  18. They are actually $517 at thier site... and its AU , as its a WA Company.
  19. There is plenty of wharf fishing/shore fishing in davo ... I dont have a boat (yet) but will prob borrow one of my brothers for the day... I may need a deckie... but its tyrones gig, up to him
  20. I will still be fishing in winter, mostly brissy waters, and the occasional outside session... but those 5am starts going out will be tough
  21. Matty, I am a new comer too, and gotta say you will love this site, HEAPS of great info from blokes that don't profess to be "Experts" just fisho's like you an me, but with a wealth of great knowledge.
  22. I am supposed to be hitting the Murray in May for a big weekend, gunna go near echuka (spelling). Isn't redfin an introduced pest? and if you catch them you have to kill them and not return them to the water?
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