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Everything posted by Jigholio

  1. Mark's I have a knot designed just for heavy mono, however the animation is in Flash video (.flv) format so i'm not sure how it will go as an attachment. I'll try an external link. If it doesn't work send me a PM with an email address & I'll forward it. Jig EDIT: not linking :\
  2. Kit: that's why it comes with a profundity warning. I read it a few times myself b4 the light switched on! Luderick Angler: TMAF: the article is here. Stumbled across it when I googled Valley Hill Tackle (looking for a new rod). I have a few fishing corners in my corner of "The Cove" also. Mariner 31...the bedroom? You have TV in the Solomons, right?? No wonder the Japs are so innovative with tackle. Jig
  3. The following is an excerpt from a gun US bass angler, living in Japan: At home, it is not uncommon for a devout Japanese bass angler to have a sacred kind of fishing corner in his house. It is just a small space where his rods, reels, lures, tackle bag, fishing vest or jacket, hat and other accessories are prepared and laid out in this special corner in a befitting manner when he is not using them. A sort of a shrine to fishing? Yes, I think so. His corner may contain photos, a lucky lure or other special object like that. In this way, no matter what else goes on in his life, his fishing corner remains tranquil and always ready. One look at it brings back the many memories his fishing corner holds of fish and friends past...and it holds his wishes of fishes yet to come in his future. Lures, of course, are an important part of this. After all, it is the lure that the fish dreams to bite. The fish hasn't any interest whatsoever in the rod, reel, line, fishing vest, patches, hat, tackle bag, boat, motor, trailer, electronics or tow rig. All necessary? Surely. Yet the fish dreams of the lure alone, and the fish honors the manufacturer who made it and honors the angler who presents this lure to the fish in the manner that is befitting for the fish to bite it. The moment when the fish is lured and played...when the hook's hold is removed from his lip...when the man grasps an astonishingly fine fish in his hand. He respects it, thanks it for making the dream his reality, and returns it carefully back to its life. The man and the fish have both been set free. Time and life's troubles do not exist at that moment. It is the moment that fishing means. It is the moment that lives forever - never to be forgotten, never to be excused, confused or compromised by anything else - in the angler's sacred fishing corner of his mind. How cool is that! Jig
  4. I reckon all you guys are right on the money. It takes someone with a strong connection to the natural world (like a fisho) to understand the drama of life & death for what it is. The zealots will always have their say, but naturalists (no not naturists) will always take a pragmatic view & accept things for what they are. If whales really are as 'tuned in' to human emotions & behaviour as many believe then screaming & shouting and all that other ugly protest behaviour is only going to compound its suffering. Has anyone here seen the BBC doco series "The Blue Planet"? Watching a pack of Orcas pursue a Grey Whale & calf for six hours to utterly exhaust the calf, forcibly seperate the calf from its mother then slowly drown it by forcing themselves on top of it is pretty disturbing stuff. The tragedy of it is the Orcas only eat the tongue & lower jaw of the newborn. Colin could have suffered a much worse fate, noahs would finish her in quick time. IMHO Whales are neither cute nor cuddly.
  5. Dude you just closed your account at the Bank of Kudos
  6. That's odd... Polyethylene is 100% impervious to salt. I would be suspicious of other chemicals - particularly acids - it may have been exposed to. If it dissolves a plastic cutting board (PE) it'll kill braid Doesn't ease the pain of a lost quality fish tho...bummer
  7. As a youngster I was told by a Wise Man: If it can't be fixed with a stilson wrench, blue-tongue spanner & gaffa tape... It's beyond repair
  8. Nudge with worms the go is to soak them them in metholated spirits for a very short while. Bit of an old boy trick that no-one seems to do anymore...many old skool beach jew fishos reckoned metho'd worms outfish fresh. Gary's salting technique is the bomb for any fish flesh
  9. So True... Thumbometer and Eyecrometer rarely let me down.
  10. A "buck-fifty" Atlantic Tarpon. feelin' irie in the Caribbean Mon <-kinda looks like natty dreads Fly -not- Jig!
  11. Mondo, I have it on good authority that a certain proprietor of a certain seafood restaurant in the Eastern Subs regularly pulls big snapper a very short distance from said restaurant, not far fetched at all... Nice session there, FM
  12. You sure they're not snapper in drag??
  13. Jigholio

    Tv Programme

    Bro I love Scrapheap. The best show on FTA tv for a ghetto engineer like me. Lisa Rogers...hmm...can't quite identify it but she's got somethin' goin ON Properr Jawbb!!
  14. Jigholio

    My New Toy!

    Meh, its OK...I spose :\ . . . . I was really looking forward to another Nitro . . . But seriously...that's SH1T HOT , dude, you weren't kidding when u said "money no object" That thing is sex on a reel seat Branzino FTW! As I've mentioned before, my budget stretches to Farlessthan Branzino "The odd funny stuff" That's when the fun begins! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: 1. I, nor any of my known associates, colleagues, relatives, alter egos or friends in any way advised STUCATZ to spend the GDP of a small African nation on a fishing reel. 2. I admonish any responsibility for any 'curious arousal' perceived or real, resulting from viewing or handling said reel 3. This post may contain traces of egg, seed & nuts. See Disclaimer item 2 for further detail.
  15. Believe it or not Gary, that was intentional* Well spotted. You got a Golden Ticket Rompa that sounds awesome, standby... *only coz I can't find the bloody Verniers!
  16. Hi Raiders, Are there any skilled stainless fabricators on the boards? Would you like some pocket money for an easy job?? Maybe you have a friend or relo who is a guru...I want to mount a newly-acquired bait station (TY nexus) on an unconventional transom, below is what I need. Quite a simple job. So I thought I'd "tender the contract" here rather than the wider community. Your handiwork will be published in The Workshop section for all to applaud Bring it on Guys! Jig
  17. http://www.zippo.com/Products/handWarmer.aspx Get y'self one or two of these, or any of the many copies. If you can keep your hands & head & most importantly feet warm the rest takes care of itself. Maybe a Fishraider group buy?? Maybe with Fishraider logo?? Whaddya reckon? Jig
  18. Welcome aboard Mark. Awesome contribution for your 1st post Howc many people launch at Tunks, then run from fish to find fish?? breaking golden rule #1 I remember vividly every spring big schools of Frigates doing happy laps around Bunny Rabbits' chasing tiny school prawns in only a foot of water. Plenty of fish in Long Bay! Jig
  19. 10-4. If you're after hoodlums lose the swivel, it will eventually fail. Everything must be overkill strong, jigging is like tapping the reel & terminal gear constantly with a hammer, bang bang bang. The wire used in swivels can only take so much before it straightens Varivas, Owner & Shout! gear is up to the task If you don't have crimping gear no sweat. A good knot is the 'cubing knot' (google it) very good for heavy mono/fluoro, I would advise adding chafe gear in the loop. A wind on leader looped thru bimini'd braid is OK for school fish, but the FG knot & it's variants are better for hoods. Under enough (a LOT) of pressure braid will guillotine a dacron loop...more tears Cut sick on 'em Joe
  20. That's a ripper, Toby , vey niiiice
  21. Jigholio

    Knot Problems

    A slimmer beauty from Varivas
  22. Since the fishing lately has been a bit time for some different entertainment. Try these puppies: Point your browser to google.com, type in: total failure then click the button labelled: I'm feeling lucky LOL, that's pretty funny. now try typing in: French Military Victories and then click I'm feeling lucky HA! someones got a great sense of humour Save the best for last! find Chuck Norris you know the drill I'm feeling lucky If your google page doesn't have the "I'm feeling lucky" button, drop the .au extension, there it is. Got any other google bombs to share?? post 'em up! Jig
  23. That's GOLD 12. Even the most mischevious pet couldn't turn out like
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