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Everything posted by Jigholio

  1. It's ideal for jigging. U might consider a drag and 7 bearing upgrade. Very popular reel on the West coast for Samson jigging.
  2. Yes. I have same reel on 7ft rod, it's versatile & effective EDIT: Buy Humesys' rod for $30, it's a good match
  3. Virtually all jigs sold in oz are made in China, including the jap brands like Daiwa, Shout!, Smith, ValleyHill, Duel/Yo-Zuri, etc etc. IMO they're not worth the extra coin, how difficult can it be to copy a piece of metal? One jig that is worth seeking out & paying double or even triple is the "Sanme" brand. Hand made in Japan and rare as everywhere, they were designed by the guy who invented 'Jap' jigging and they do outfish other jigs on Seriola species by a substantial margin. They design is completely different from all the others and they're much bigger.
  4. Hard to tell from the vid, could be a Butcher Bird??
  5. I used to catch yakkas at Bunny Rabbits' marina as a kid some 27 years ago & sell them to fishos launching at Tunks park, lol. i would think they're still there towards the top of the tide. We'd row over to the wreck in Salt Pan ck and get yakkas & slimies at high tide also. Bunny was cool with it, but his used to and at us all the time hehe! Oh and I reckon the big fenced off baths near Sailors Bay marina would be worth a shot, tho I've never tried there. Jig
  6. Handle them with a knike or ikijimi thru the head, pinned to a chopping block or similar. Break off ALL the spines with pliers using the other hand and discard carefully. Gut & gill the fish keeping the head intact. To cook, boil it whole with a generous amount of salt (or seawater) refrigerate overnight then serve whole. The flesh can be picked away with only a fork. It has the texture and taste of crab. It's one of the the oceans tastiest fishes despite its un-appetizing appearance. PS the head(s) makes an awesome seafood stock for bouillabaise or chowder. The taste of these things is divine
  7. Tailor are awesome fun on poppers yeah yeah. Tailor got me hooked on poppering many years ago, very obliging. Sometimes they smash em so hard the trebles come back looking like pretzels. For a better hookup rate you could try another split ring on the rear treble so it hangs deeper and swings freely. If you can find those wicked VMC sureset trebles with the one longer arm they'll improve you hookup rate too. Jig
  8. Thanks Zen, Dan the beers were leftovers a mate brought on board Monday. So easy come, easy go no loss on my part. Still had two to enjoy after 'teh hektik mayhems'lol.
  9. That's the greatest universal truth in fishing. Zen philosophy for the angler
  10. Fish sauce is way funkier, like a rancid smell yet curiously arousing to the taste buds. Not oily so should wash down OK if spilled. Shrimp paste is oily & funky but makes a nice slick
  11. All that's left of #1 is lobster bait. Standby I'll take a pic.
  12. After consulting seabreeze dot com, today was shaping up to be picture-perfect. wind, swell & tides all on the money. Launched at 5.30am, straight to the bait grounds and within 15 minutes it looked like a carpark. Why do other boaties deem it necessary to crowd around the first one there? Anyways, tank full of livies, head off to the usual spots - no joy for 2hrs...bummer. Then I remembered an unlikely location where I spotted a big school of kingis some 6 weeks ago, and made a mental note to revisit. Dropped the pick and sent out one under a float and a squid on a breakaway sinker. nothin' for 2hrs . i persisted knowing that behaviourally, kingis do 'happy laps' and would school past this point eventually. A couple of blokes rocked up to practise with the flyrod. It was a picture perfect day, no wind perfect to wave the long wand. I had a gourmet sandwich in one hand, a cold beer in the other, and was thoroughly entertained by the grace & romanticism of watching this fella mastering his art...life is pretty sweet right about now. Then it happened. Ratchet howls on rod #1 (squid) simultaneously PE8 hisses thru guides of rod#2 (yakka). Beer & sandwich fly. Must've been a sight for the fly boys! the squids hook never found it's mark and the yakka rod got reefed, pulling the hook in the process. D!ckh34d me didn't tighten the drag on the Jigger Lesson one: don't fall asleep at the wheel. Pinned another yakka and it got smashed instantly. No mistake this time. The short wind on didn't fully leave the reel, hand to fin combat the way I likes it. Boated within 30 secs out goes another yakka. history repeats tho this one's got more HP. into the net with another, out goes another yakka double quick. Well it's right about now that a well known charter skipper in a purple boat shows up, and I'm thinking either this is no secret spot or this guy has antennae. His timing was pretty much perfect. His crew got a few, then my yakka bolted for shelter under the hull. as I directed him to the surface to re-position a green torpedo shoots up vertically attempting to smash it, drenching me with salty spray in the process. If I had the reflexes of a cat I could have tail-grabbed it. The yakka died shortly afterwards, my guess is coronary failure So the count was 2 landed - 66cm & 72cm, 2 dropped and one that didn't quite connect. And a magical day to top it off. Jig PS. Rasta74 we ARE going fishing!!
  13. Thai shrimp paste works a treat. It's like concentrated essence of manky prawn, yum yum! Cheap too.
  14. The debate came about because of his name. Pollock is a key commercial fish in the USA & England, lol. Kydd Pollock is a well known and respected Kiwi angler and author. Bit of a light tackle guru. And he's a very fit lad. That Kingi is near 100lb. To fight, land and hold that fish whilst beaming a grin like that takes some serious strength & stamina.
  15. All good advice & I'll definitely sacrifice the "first born" @ the baitgrounds from now on. Thx for the tips guys!
  16. Jigholio

    My Boat

    More 'stick' than 'ugly' fo shizzle
  17. Hell yeah. The replacement 1050: $USD177.40 shipped & insured
  18. ummm... make that 3, or at least 3 who'll admit to it
  19. Your best bet is to get Stinker's map, available from all the local tackle stores. The locations marked on there are generally reliable. You'll want the PSGLMP zoning map as well so you're not risking a hefty fine. Good jew spots are the deep holes just off Soldier's pt , the nearby wreck and the D'albora breakwall. Corrie island shortcut & nearby groynes are reliable for bream, flatties & whiting. Snapper around the shallow washes outside & the nearby islands at dawn & dusk with floating fresh baits & SP's. I moved from Pt Stephens before the park boundaries were enforced, so pls check the map before you fish anywhere, I may have given you some 'out of bounds' locations! Go brain it. Jig
  20. There's a very easy way to differentiate between Tarwhine & Bream at a glance. Only Tarwhine have the golden horizontal stripes. Filed in fish ID 101
  21. I've seen exactly the same thing happen @ pumicestone passage only the 'council shovel ' ate a good size spinefoot, which locked it's spines preventing the flattie from spiitting it back out. They are greedy buggers & the bigguns will eat anything that'll fit!
  22. Here's everything you asked for, Boss.
  23. Putting my head on the chopping block here but...cobes are much better sport and much better on the tooth as well. Welcome to the "I caught a Cobia in the harbour" club. Sir may choose from anything in the humidor or cellars. Your chesterfield lounge awaits.
  24. looks like a cobia wearing estuary colours. did it go nuts at the boatside?
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