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Everything posted by dean

  1. You could try Pejar, I haven't fished it recently but have heard the dams fishing well at the moment. There's plenty of access and it's not to far out of your way. Bait fishos are doing well but sp's should also work.
  2. Gid you can camp at flat rock, it's about 10km west of Tarana and right on the river. Lake lyell is not that far away either.
  3. Thanks for all the comments raiders. Hodgey all fish were caught from the bank and on hardbodies. Chris Rigge zipbaits and luckycraft pointers are my favorites, either in brown trout or gold colours, Jackson trout tunes also work well in gold. As far as the reds go they are certainly increasing in numbers. 15 years ago I never encountered them, last year maybe one every 2-3 trips, now three in one trip. I've heard reports of people catching more reds than trout in some parts of the river. Hopefully it won't effect the fishing too much. I guess on the upside (if there is one) they are aggressive lure takers and I've read they don't mind a surface lure either. I might even take a few for the table next time. Gid it's definitely worth a try with the fly rod, we spotted quite a few rising trout throughout the day especially after lunch when it warmed up a bit. Jamie, sorry to hear about the loomis rod, what happened? The rainbows would put up a good fight, what are the rivers like up there? It sounds like it would be a good area to spend a few days. Yarraone, I release all my river fish Cheers, Dean
  4. With the weather cooling I thought it was time to head for the hills and see if I could catch a few trout. It's been 4 months since my last trip up there, and I was hoping the hot summer hadn't affected the fishing too much. The river was flowing nicely when we arrived and it wasn't long before the first fish was caught and released. The river's in good condition. A few more for the day. I've heard reports of increasing numbers of redfin in the river. We caught three for the morning. We ended up with 14 trout, all browns and three redfin for the day. It's a good time of the year to fish the rivers around Oberon, hopefully i'll be up there again soon.
  5. I had an eel attack a surface lure the other morning, didn't smash it like a bass, just slurped it of the surface. Don't think the eels are the problem. Sometimes when carp jump and smack back down it can sound like a bass surface strike, mullet are the same. Cheers, Dean
  6. Top fish Kael That's one catch you won't forget. Keep em coming.
  7. Great report Roberta Catching bream on poppers is a great way to spend a few hours, bigger fish really love those Sammys. Cheers, Dean
  8. Top session Kael , the rain really stirred the Bass up. Well done.
  9. Hi Gid, the Fish river around Tarana would be your best bet. You can catch trout through summer if you fish early morning and late in the afternoon, just watch out for snakes there's heaps of them up there at the moment. There's been plenty of rain in the mountains and the rivers are in good condition. Cheers, Dean
  10. Another great report and pics Greg. Well done
  11. Nice fish, well done I can see why the 10lb leader didn't last long. Look forward to reading the next report. Dean
  12. Covanova did you get a chance to fish over the weekend. How did you go? I was up there on Sunday. Caught 12 between two of us, the river had good flow and was slightly discoloured after the rain. Looks like it's going to be a good season. Cheers, Dean
  13. Nice fish Cam good to see you posting again. Dean
  14. Nice fish Chris, well done Might be time to dust the kayak off. Dean
  15. Another good report Hodgey, there always a good read. Some nice looking bream there I'm looking forward to getting out and chasing bream on the surface again, won't be long now Cheers Dean
  16. What a difference a couple of weeks makes. Spent a few days fishing the river with a mate last weekend. A storm the night before we arrived discoloured the water and made the fishing difficult, the weather didn't help much either. We managed to land a few fish, mainly Brown's and some smaller Rainbow's. Over the weekend we did come across a few brown's in spawning mode, this could have been the reason the fish weren't as aggressive as they were two weeks ago. The weather closed in on Saturday night, and the wind on Sunday made the fishing difficult. It was still an enjoyable weekend with around a dozen fish landed. Cheers, Dean
  17. Hodgey, I'd be happy with 19 fish on a good day. Some nice bream there, Well done. Pity about Deno's NW pencil, at least he caught a few fish on it before it was lost. Tuross is a great place to fish, so many options, I'm interested to see if you can catch bream of the surface all year round. Cheers Dean
  18. That's a nice fish , well done. Some nice photos of the dam, You couldn't ask for better weather. I'll have to get up there soon. Cheers Dean
  19. I Haven't tried poppers on trout yet, there's no reason why they wouldn't work. On a recent trip fishing the rivers in the Oberon area i had a wayward cast land in a deep pool, the belly in the line managed to hook onto a small branch that i either didn't see or thought was well out of my casting range. While i was trying to flick the line of the branch, to my suprise a nice brown smashed the lure of the surface. If the trout are rising there's no reason why poppers wouldn't work. Cheers Dean
  20. Another good day on the lake. Perfect weather and plenty of fish. Well done. Do you use a two hook rig, bunch of worms on one hook and powerbait on the other or do you fish with powerbait only? Cheers Dean
  21. Top report and pics Rizzo. Well done to you both Some nice fish there. Good to see ouliss with her first Rainbow. Cheers Dean
  22. Usually I gain access through crown land or were the road crosses the river. I haven't asked for permission before even though your mostly fishing on private land. You need a current nsw fishing license. John Kept a couple of fish for the table, not sure how he cook's them. I'm not much of a fish eater and released all of mine. There might be a few raiders out there that could help you with recipes. covanova I can't count the number of times I've been up there and come home without landing a fish. Just keep trying and you will eventually get results. Cheers, Dean
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