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Everything posted by Josh88

  1. I would get it serviced, happened to me about a year ago in shallow water and it was only under for about 20secs and i had it taken apart in a bucket of fresh water running the hose through it within minutes and its been fine ever since.
  2. Soft Plastic Lure Fishing is the name of a dvd and its done by one of the harbour's guides. PM me for more details. On sale in most tackle shops or you can buy directly off their website.
  3. Well done Doug. Weird seeing something like that in its gut though
  4. Sorry mines a different one, still pretty good though, that looks a bit handier.
  5. They are probably the most popular plastic, thats just what gulps smell like. They'll be good for mainly flathead but you should get some bream, flounder, snapper and maybe small jews on them depending on where you fish.
  6. Good report mate. Lucky you've been able to get out that often, sounds like things are really hotting up!
  7. Too bad you couldn't get the pigs or blackies today, those trevally are nasty things, we've caught a shark on a live one though-dno why it would wanna eat a spikey thing like that. Good luck with the surgeons. Cheers Josh
  8. I've got one of these as well. Quite good except the one i have some of the packets don't fit in the plastic sleeves so you can't do up the snap lock seal thing but still works well.
  9. Nice work Mitch. May see you out there. Sent you a PM mate Cheers Josh
  10. Its been 25 for ages, some changed like Kingfish and the bag limits on bream, tarwhine and some others were changed. I think there are more than should be changed but doesn't look too likely at the moment. Josh
  11. Nice looking fish mate. Its a bloody fat one. Must've eaten a whole carp or something.
  12. As most braids are rated well above their actual breaking strain in a lot of cases particularly in the lighter lines, do people think that it should be labelled at the breaking strain it actually has? I know this would mean making even lighter thinner lines for people than want to push the boundaries which is getting pretty ridiculous but what do you all think? Also, how do they come up with the breaking strain that they do advertise the line as? If it breaks at 10lb how does labelling it as 4 or 6lb fit in? Cheers Josh
  13. Yeh i remember that issue. What does everyone think should they advertise all braids at actualy breaking strains? Might make a poll actually. Josh
  14. Sounds pretty insane if you couldn't stop them. Nice earing though. Thats a bloody good fish Nanook.
  15. Thats ridiculously frustrating
  16. Must be tempting when he's getting fish like that
  17. Nice work, you always seem to do well on the kings when you go out. Good luck with the boat
  18. Josh88

    New Goodies

    Just found out today that they are actually out of stock on the T-Curves so decided to step it up and get a Daiwa Saltwater Series instead Cheers Josh
  19. Thats like with the instant bait. You see it being used really effectively on those free dvd's in the magazines but then you use it and its nowhere near as good. I think they just fish very good locations in that. The s-factor though is better imo.
  20. We dont crab very often but when we do we use both but mainly the rectangle opera house type ones, mainly just because they are easy and dont get tangle, cant really be bothered trying to untangle something that wants the end of your finger.
  21. Cottage Point from this Friday until Saturday week. Hopefully for some good jewies and all sorts of other things. Then harbour a lot throughout December and January. Cheers Josh
  22. Sounds good Craig. Whats your budget for the reel?
  23. Could also try in watsons and rose bay + over near fairlight. Or even go after squid??
  24. Yes mate around balmoral is one of the most popular spots, around the island that protrudes out, fish in about 12ft of water and you should do pretty well, it can get a bit busy though. I've had pretty good success around some of the small beaches in north harbour, mainly for small yakkas. Cheers Josh
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