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Everything posted by Josh88

  1. Depends whether the plastic has much action or not. Can always use a uni but pull the knot tight before it gets down to the jig head so you still have a loop in the line
  2. I like the smaller ones in the harbour-they're easier to swallow and the fish get hooked easier. Just fillet or butterfly bigger ones, make good baits for a lot of things. Josh
  3. Would have to say Dunk Island so far. GT's-one in my avatar, mackeral, sharks, heaps of reefies + more. I think that will be replaced after i go out on Nomad in the coral sea though...one day Josh
  4. Nice Shark. They can be stubborn those bronzies, nice you got to see what busted you off though-your one of only a few. Josh
  5. Can't believe i forgot to put that in there, its one of my favourites
  6. Well thats good and bad. Good in that it should be great to see. Bad that'll i'll be out playing cricket, have to record it. Stu said it was supposed to be on in January....sooner the better i guess. Josh
  7. Holy crap I've heard of the odd king that big caught but they are 3 very good fish, 1.3m in particular. Can't wait to see pics. Cheers Josh
  8. Those little snapper can be a pain in the bum at the best of times. Good looking flatties though, how big were they? Josh
  9. That does sound like great fun Dave. I don't know if i could bring myself to leaving fish on the bite. Sound like some pretty good fish at that size, did you see what they were feeding on? Pretty good snapper as well, not many legal ones are pulled out of the harbour. Cheers Josh
  10. Nice flatty, Patonga is a nice area to be in. Is that a Wobbegong in the top picture? Cheers Josh
  11. Hi Kelvin, I'm sure Huey and Pel are probably right but just double check this. Make sure that you have taken the choke switch off after you have started it, i have a little 2hp yamaha 2 stroke and the same thing happens you idle along ok but then you try to increase the throttle and it dies because you are starving it of air. Cheers Josh
  12. That sucks, i hate people like that who can't get their own life so just ruin others instead. Good advice from Pelican, try to get some sort of compensation. Josh
  13. Good work mate, nice variety of fish and your first jewie-sounds pretty good. They are good pictures, i'm guessing you have a good camera phone? Josh
  14. Thats pretty annoying, i know its their job but how can we compete with them when they clean up an area the night before we all go out and fish it and get crappy results-i think something needs to be done. Sydney harbour has become much better since the pro's moved out, lets hope they don't allow them back in when the ban is lifted.
  15. What does soaking them in milk do??
  16. Looks like a great trip mate. Good photos with some great fish, i like the big mack, love watching their surface strikes, always so aggressive Cheers Josh
  17. Nice fish mate, good effort. Kingies always seem to win nearly as many as they lose-one tough customer Did you get all of them downrigging? Cheers Josh
  18. Nice looking engine, love the sticker trick. E-tecs seem to be becoming more and more popular, good to see people moving to the future and away from 4strokes imo. Hope it serves you well. Josh
  19. Nice work Pete, sounds like you got some pretty good fish even without the big flatty. I've forgotten nets and any other landing tool quite a few times before-sure makes things a bit more exciting. Cheers Josh
  20. Great work Joe. Plenty of calamari and bait there. Did you get all of them in one spot? Surprising to see so many that sized grouped together if so. Cheers Josh
  21. Nice job mate. Few different species and some for the plate + a first jewie, can't argue with that.
  22. Nice work Jason. A king for the bbq and a new wakeboat what more could you want
  23. Nice one Donna. Haven't got the paper yet...what fish was it? Cheers Josh
  24. Nice work Humesy, always feels good when you break a drought and what better way than with some jewies. Good effort! Cheers Josh
  25. Too bad you didn't get anything for your efforts Doug. 8 yakkas on one piece of bread is good though. Probably were tailor that were ripping up the yakkas, they do it to me all the time and never get hooked. Josh
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