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Everything posted by Josh88

  1. Sounds like a great day, kings on light gear can be deadly fun. 92cm on 12lb is a bloody good effort though, well done. Looking forward to pics. Cheers Josh
  2. Nice work, trying to work out where you are in that 2nd pic but i've got no idea Bit of speeding around roseville
  3. Josh88


    Wow that looks like ridiculous fun. Lets get one for the kingie social
  4. Thanks for your replies and PM's guys, will definitely try and put all your advice to good use. I'll try and post day-by-day reports provided my laptop magically connects to the internet (not sure if it will) Any more tips/advice is much appreciated. Cheers Josh
  5. I know you're targeting kings and it can be frustrating when you don't get them but you've done quite well otherwise bagging out on those other fish + having fresh bait. Firstly i'd say try and get squid, i find that squid guts with a burst inc sac never gets refused provided the fish are there. Second if you can try and get out early morning, the fish tend to be more productive early morning in their feeding and should give you a better shot at them, the afternoon and evening can be good as well though. And last when you see them feeding on baitfish like that it is probably better to try and catch them with lures rather than bait, they would've been chasing whitebait i'd assume and seeing an odd single slimey mackeral in amongst them probably would of been tempting but suspicious. Try lures that look like whitebait or just general king lures like sluggo's, metal slices and rapala cd9s. Good Luck Cheers Josh
  6. Well i've never targeted them on plastics but i know people that have and have had success in doing so. Storm Wildeye Shads work well as do Tsunami Swim Shads, i think the vibration from the big paddle tails works well. Have heard of quite a few caught on 5 and 7inch jerk shads as well.
  7. Can't wait to have a crack at some of the Cowan Bream GregL has told me about. Good tips from both of you Cheers Josh
  8. Well done on breaking your kingy virginity mate! Nice to get quite a few, the rats can be a lot of fun on light gear! That pilchard CD9 always does the trick for me when i go out, didn't get it back from a monster last trip though Cheers Josh
  9. Josh88

    Nice Jew

    Nice Jewie there. Bait or lure? And what system was it caught in? Cheers Josh
  10. As Chris said you still have to find the fish, but i definitely think it makes them more inclined to eat it. I caught snapper smaller that the 4 inch plastic i was using it on, a lot of bites though so it definitely attracts. If you could buy it in a separate tub to the actual plastics i would. Josh
  11. Wow thats big. Definitely should be good in a few years, sounds like they are really prevalent around wisemans. Just need them to grow and move closer to the mouth
  12. Just had a chat to the bloke who owns the tackle shop i'm going to buy from. He reckons the Sustain is a good reel to get at $318, i think i'm willing to pay that, would've got a certate or fireblood from japan if the dollar was good but i think i might settle on this. Next is the rods, i think i'll get a Starlo Stix Tournament, maybe a t-curve. Any thoughts? Cheers Josh Edit: Actually am in a bit of a dilemna, i can either get a Stradic and a really good rod like a t-curve 2009 or a sustain and a starlo stix tournament. Not sure if its better to have a better rod or reel??? Then dno which braid to get, 4 or 6lb and the brand, was thinking Daiwa but its $60 for 150m, so maybe FINS, Suffix or Stren Microfuse? Any Ideas
  13. Thought i'd start up a thread about a)Where your favourite you fished and what the highlight was and b)Where you would most like to fish but you haven't yet. I'll kick it off. Favourite place so far would be the outer Reef off Dunk Island where i got my 50lb GT. Place i most want to fish is the Coral Sea onboard Nomad so hopefully i can get a 50kg GT Josh
  14. Anything guys? Squid won't be an issue. What are good places in cowan to get Live Bait and can anyone give me some tips on catching little mullet and hardyheads for live bait. Do those fish traps work? Cheers Josh
  15. Nice footage Greg, that guy was on IFISH recently wasn't he? What gear were you using, sounded a dream to cast. Cheers Josh
  16. Josh88


    It doesn't unfortunately mate, the one i had it on broke.
  17. Couldnt agree more, don't like him as it is, that only made it worse
  18. Great post Byron. Just hoping the weather and conditions are favourable to us when we're staying at Cottage Point. Does anyone know a reliable site that has weather predictions for up to 2-3weeks away? Cheers Josh
  19. Josh88


    I'm not a huge fan of baitcasters but they have their place particularly with some aspects of lure fishing especially around snags where really accurate casting is required. I have a Shimano Callisto up for sale in Swap & Sell, nice reel going cheap. Cheers Josh
  20. Hi all, We'll be staying at Cottage Point on Cowan Creek from December 5th-12th at a friends waterfront home and will have our boat, gear and everything else up there. Basically i'm looking to use this opportunity to catch some very nice fish of many kinds, Jewfish most importantly but bream, flathead, kingfish, tailor anything with size that swims. So anybody that could share with me some info on any of these fish in terms of spots, times/tides, baits/rigs, anything at all then i'd really appreciate it. Anywhere between Bobbin Head in Cowan to Scotland Island in Pittwater to the Road Bridge up the Hawkesbury i'd be very greatful. Please PM me if you'd rather not say things on the thread and thank you to those that have already given me some great info. Cheers Josh
  21. You wouldn't happen to have a pic of that big jewie would you ? Sounds like an awesome fish
  22. That video isn't really painful and its definitely not fake. Thats a Triumph boat- we own one and they are one of the strongest recreational makes of boat in the world. Just check out their website and see all the other videos like that one where they demonstrate just how strong these boats are. Cheers Josh
  23. Serious?? Well done if so. Didn't really see it coming but don't care too much-its only league
  24. Josh88

    My Aquarium

    Looks great Glenn, now you can find out which lures work well on them
  25. What line were you using, is that just a reef shark or a little whaler. How big do you think it was? Cheers Josh
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