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Everything posted by Josh88

  1. Thats a serious creature Andrew. What did you do with it? Josh
  2. Hey mate, Things definitely are a lot slower this time of year and getting some quality fish can be pretty tough. I tend not to go out this time of year that much which means i too have little success, but there are definitely fish there to be caught. Now is the time to target John Dory in the deep holes around moorings in the harbour and the blackfish are always around and provide a good fight for their size and are pretty good to eat, you need to use livies for dory and cabbage weed fished under a float for the blackfish. There's still the odd king in the harbour but most are on the offshore reefs getting jigged up. Good Luck Josh
  3. Well done mate, they look like some nice fat fish there. Did you get a look at what the water temp was? We fished there a few weeks ago and didn't have a hint of activity. Cheers Josh
  4. Geez, thats cold, no wonder things were pretty slow. Funny looking teeth on the PJ. Good to hear consistent reports of salmon though. Josh
  5. Shimano and Okuma both have female rod lines. The shimano range is called the Lipstix and are pink. The okuma Femme Fatale is also pink. Not sure on pricing but i'd imagine they are ok rods. Josh
  6. Josh88


    Theres a big simpsons, futurama and family guy marathon on that day i think. I'll be playing last rugby game for the season the next day. And it's the end of another school week I love the weekends
  7. Nicely done mate. That defintely is a big arrow squid, and they are not very good eating compared to their southern calamari counter part, always used as bait when we catch them. Can't argue with a feed of flatties and snapper though. Cheers Josh
  8. $440 for the 3500HD and yes they're the same range of reels. Josh
  9. I'd really like a certate too, i did find them for about $350AUS, this was in a japanese tackle shop online though. Definitely worth it if you ask me though, getting it $150 cheaper
  10. Definitely with Slinky on the sleeping part. Don't have time to get out for a fish atm, too much school....
  11. Hi Scon, If you want to use the worm in its full 6 inches then i've found that if you use a normal smallish sized worm hook or jig head in the front of them worm but onto your trace line you have a running swivel and attached to that another little bit of leader and a small long shank hook tied to that which you then put about half way down or slightly further in the worm and you've covered more surface area increasing your chance of hook up. This can be a bit of a pain to rig up but when we do this we seem to get most fish (whiting, flathead, bream) on the back hook, which pays off. When retrieving ( i usually fish these in fairly shallow water (4-12foot)) try and keep it in close contact with the bottom as thats where most fish you'll likely catch with that lure (whiting, bream & flathead) will be waiting and searching for worms and things. Try and kick up some sand to make it a bit more attractive and if you feel bites on it, then i'd get out of there as 9/10 times they are leatherjacket, the other 1/10 its a tiny whiting. As for the jerk shads i would imagine they'll be coming out in the 7 inch in the near future. Cheers Josh
  12. If you're going to use 20lb then you'll probably get away with a 3000, but having the extra line capacity on a 4000 can always be helpful with kingfish. The SOL should do nicely and i believe they've recently added a 4000 size reel to their range. How much are you looking to spend? Josh
  13. Looks the goods Ray. I'm considering the SOL along with others as my next light reel. Let me know how you go with it. Cheers Josh
  14. Is this in the harbour? Nice to hear them about a bit more if so. Nice job anyway. Cheers Josh
  15. jitterbug. Nice jack, did you get any other good fish? Josh
  16. Advantage with matching rod would be nice. I've been surfing some american fishing tackle sites and found a new stradic, i think it was the stradic MgFI which was about $100 more expensive than the other model and $80-90 more expensive than the advantage, this was the american price though. Not to sure about it really, they're 2 of many reels i've been tossing up between for a while. Josh
  17. Yeh i should be going, probably on the saturday or sunday. Josh
  18. Jervis Bay or Port Stephens maybe?
  19. Too bad you didn't have much luck Jewgaffer. If you're not getting any then i don't like the chances for the rest of us. We didn't have any luck about this time last year in cowan either. Good luck at the social Cheers Josh
  20. The best moon for jewies is usually the lead up to a new or full moon. Generally a couple of days before the actual moon are known as the best producers as they coincide with the good tides being the high early morning and night. I'm pretty sure this is correct in that the lead up to the full moon is better for night fishing and the lead up to the new moon is better for early morning fishing. Could be the other way around. Cheers Josh
  21. Sounds like an awesome trip mate. Theres some great fish in there, can't imagine you would've gotten bored getting that many. Whereabouts were you fishing? Cheers Josh
  22. As in the parasite?? I've never found it in one from Sydney Harbour but remember hearing about one or two cases of it. Its more common when they're caught in queensland in the warmer waters and is why they are not regarded as a good eating fish up there. Cheers Josh
  23. Josh88

    Out Of Action

    Good luck with it dalucius, hopefully it doesn't keep you out of action too long, you won't be missing too much the rest of winter i'd imagine. I'm sort of in the same boat, i'm going to have to have an ankle reconstruction in the not too distant future and i'm only 16 The perils of playing rugby.... Josh
  24. Seabreeze is forecasting a 5m+ swell on wednesday morning . I haven't seen it that big before. Don't suppose anyone is planning on going out ? I'd guess there'll be some serious waves breaking around middle head, sow & pigs and dobroyd in the harbour. Seems like it'd be a fun day to ride the manly ferry-too bad school's back though Cheers Josh
  25. From that 2nd pic i'd be guessing possibly either near avalon yacht club or down the end past scotland island....just guessing
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