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Everything posted by Josh88

  1. Josh88


    Sounds good, i'm looking forward to it a lot. Getting a Marlin at only 16 would be pretty nice
  2. It really depends, maybe about $200-300 all up. Hard to say if you're not sure exactly what you're looking for. Maybe go down to your local tackle shop and talk to the guys there, and you should get sorted out. Its pretty dependent on how much you are willing to spend, obviously the more you spend the better quality you'll receive. Top brands are probably Shimano and Daiwa+ they have a big range. Good Luck
  3. Josh88


    Thanks Roberta, hopefully we'll get more than a few bonnies. Some big dollies and wahoo would be nice
  4. Nice work, Salmon are great fun on light gear-do you like eating them? I reckon they taste pretty horrible and always go back. That ornery vermint was a juvenile samson fish.
  5. Yes thats a honeycomb cod, i caught one not far from there on Hamilton Island a while ago.
  6. Josh88


    Thats great mate, thanks a lot for your help!
  7. Well you should get it whenever you feel like it. The best deal you'll get though would probably be at the boat show. That is not until about August so its up to you whether you can wait that long.
  8. i think i've gone 5, 0, 5. Looks like i'm creating a trend as well, not a good one either! Should've gotten 1 last week, Steven Clarke robbed the chooks of victory. Tipped them against the Storm though, gotta love them Josh
  9. Josh88


    Thanks mate, I think we'll probably stay in Maui, the fishing seems to be great there from what i've read + there are a few tournaments happening in Kona some of the dates we're there.
  10. Josh88


    Hi All, We are going to the island of Maui in Hawaii for just over a week at the end of june. Just wondering if theres anybody that has been up there previously and would share experiences of how they went and who they went with etc... cheers Josh
  11. We went on a charter in one of the estuary systems there-have to say it was pretty mediocre, nothing majorly exciting caught, a couple of reasonable jacks and grunters, a small queenie, too many crabs and other bits and pieces. People reckon that there are no crocs near the river mouths and there were people swimming just near the marina when we were up there, the next day we saw a 4m saltwater croc about 100m from the marina at the entrance to a river mouth. Maybe thats what bit you off Mike . Josh
  12. I think that people are unaware of the good eating qualities they possess. They have a tasty white flesh, that is so well rated by the japs that they use it as sashimi! Josh
  13. Bugger about the rod, atleast you go the fish. Was it a valuable rod? Shows the strength of kingies.
  14. I'm not 100% sure but i dont think it'll work as the transducer needs to be parallel with the bottom in order to pick up a clear and accurate reading. If it was pointing out the side it would be a bit confusing to view if it did actually work. Probably better off just sounding directly down and watching the depth.
  15. Great calamari and great kings. Good seeing people limiting their kill and not killing their limit
  16. Thats good thinking slinky, i'm sure most people would've been like the others not getting any. Thanks for sharing this idea
  17. Well done Slinky, sounds like a great day! Bit frustrating when the kings start behaving in their own ways, but still fun to try and get the better of them Josh
  18. Probably the Saltiga, have you hada look at the Dogfight 6500 version, they are extremely tough reels. If you do go the Stella then the 10000 may be a better option, it has more drag which i doubt you'll ever need and i'm probably wrong saying this but i partially remember a catalogue saying it had a bigger line capacity. All are great reels, good luck with what you choose Josh
  19. Josh88


    Yes its a frigate mackeral, great sport on light tackle. They only grow up to around 50-60cm and make awesome baits for just about anything. They are very similar in appearance to Mackeral Tuna, mack tuna and generally a bigger fish and have 3 black spots on each side of their belly just below the pectoral fin.
  20. Definitely agree on that, theres a fair difference in something like coral trout thats eaten a couple hours post capture and one bought at the shop.
  21. Hi Pete, We went to Cairns and up to Port Douglas in October last year and i think i'm right in saying that Palm Cove is not very far away from Port Douglas. If so, fish off the southern end of 4 mile beach for anything from Queenies to Whiting. It is not a surf beach but a longer rod for casting would probably help, jellyfish could also be a problem so probably don't think about wading. Good Luck Josh
  22. Hi all, We are planning to go to Fiji probably in the June/July school holidays. Is this a good time to go weather and fishing wise? Also, could anyone recommend in particular any islands/resorts/charters/locations of where abouts to go in Fiji and where it is good for fishing. Thanks Josh
  23. A bit late now, but like Jewgaffer said, we've had kings race under the boat in only 3-4m of water in that area from palm beach over to mackeral beach.
  24. I take it that everybody that is voting for flathead has never tasted fish such as fingermark, coral trout, red emperor and other tropical species, because thats the only reason i can think flatties are so high. They are a good tasting fish but not in the same class as one the above species fresh. Any other thoughts people?
  25. those guys make some really amazing videos, love watching it!
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