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Everything posted by Josh88

  1. Both are reasonable rods, the extra length on the catana wouldn't hurt
  2. Atleast you got out there, probably deserved more from the effort. Better Luck next time
  3. There are JD's in Cowan Creek so i'd imagine they go into the main body of the Hawkesbury as well. They are an extremely lazy, slow, immobile type fish so i'd imagine it was a leatherjacket that followed your bait.
  4. Whats the website? Cheers Josh
  5. Whilst braid does have many better qualities than mono, there are a few fish that seem to be caught more on mono lines like whiting, this could be that they are a bit more tentative when they bite and feel more tension on a braided line compared to the higher amount of stretch that mono possesses. Visability is a slight but unlikely issue. Anyone think of other reasons?
  6. Well done mate, thats a nice whiting. I've heard of lots of whiting over 40cm caught up that way over the summer.
  7. I've seen the smaller eagle rays leap out the water in port douglas very close to the boat.
  8. Crazy little fish, don't know what it gains apart from a stomach implosion by doing that
  9. Yeh mate get your local tackle shop to do it. Should be $5-$10 and they'll put backing etc.. on as well.
  10. Nice catch Saltrix, i thought it looked more samson as well being less elongated and a bit more stubby. Good mixed bag, bleeding and icing asap is def vital for a fish like tailor that don't keep well. Josh
  11. Sluggo's, Rapala CD9's in blue/pilchard colour. Set out a few different lures that swim at different depths so you can find which depth or type of prey they are feeding on. Josh
  12. Hi Cam, Try Bushy's Stiffy Poppers which i believe are part of the Squidgy range. Use them in shallow water over sand near the edge of weed beds. Good Luck Josh
  13. Catching some kings (hopefully) on friday and monday in the harbour.
  14. Wow, that is quite amazing......
  15. Nice sized crabs mate. If you can get out onto the outer reef up there it is a magnificent experience that is totally worth it, weather can be a problem though throughout the year.
  16. Thats a great session mate, especially land based and your first time in that spot. Bummer getting busted off on good fish. Atleast you know it can produce. Josh
  17. Tarwhine have those faint horizontal stripes like Jigholio said, they also have a more rounded head than the bream
  18. Nice dollies mate, yes thats a striped tuna, good bait for nearly anything. The weight issue could be varying between male and female but it may well just be that some fish are eating more than others, happens with most fish, and most humans Josh
  19. Thats a real bummer, you hate to see quality stuff that you like going to waste. Maybe different rod holders would solve it.
  20. Nicely done mate, good haul. Seems to be an amberjack like the other fella's said. Hopefully they hang around for a while longer Josh
  21. Thats a massive bream, would've given a run around on 4lb. Nice work from land as well. Josh
  22. Nice fish mate. Good to get a few. What were their sizes?
  23. Great work. Thats an awesome trevally, especially out of Sydney. Nice feed as well.
  24. We've had kings follow little pinkies up many times without touching it, once though we had a jew come up and have a go and it ripped most of it off, very unexpected and surprising!
  25. That still looks a bit more of a dusky. I was under the influence that tiger flathead looked more like this: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/recrea.../tiger-flathead , with the slightly more buldging eyes and slighty rounder body shape.
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