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Everything posted by Josh88

  1. The tiger flathead has a legal size of 33cm and a bag limit of 20.
  2. Nice work mate. Definitely not a trev, not sure whether its an amberjack or a samson though, try a fin count. As for the flathead, its sounds like it was probably a tiger flathead. they are a bit redder in appearance and slightly different shaped to normal duskies. Josh
  3. Tufline, Fins or i really like Daiwa Sensor Braid.
  4. Hi Matt, There is a bit of light at the spit and it is a good squid spot at night with the lights on, try using a glowing squid jig. Clifton is a good kingie spot by day but not sure at night. Josh
  5. Nice fish mate. Great size,would've been fun to catch
  6. If you see the squid following your jig then slowly stop winding it and let it sit stationary and if the squid doesn't attempt to grab it jig it a little. As for the 10 in an hour part, you could get 10 in 5 minutes on a very good day but it could also take an hour to get 1, just depends on where the squid are and how fussy they are. Around balmoral, the island is a good spot, as is Wy-ar-gine point, those two areas are probably easier to fish from a boat even though they can be accessed by land. Good Luck Josh
  7. Thats a nice blackie mate, very fat. Well done.
  8. Pin it under the lateral line if its at the tail and your lead is on the bottom, but above is probably better if the sinker is suspended. Te only problem with pinning it in the tail is that it comes in backwards if you wind it back in, which doesn't suit it too much.
  9. Hi Dave, Try placing the hooks in a different part of the yakka, or just with the top hook and let the bottom hook lie along side. It probably wouldn't hurt to downsize to maybe 5/0. As brickman said, give the fish a chance to get it down before striking. Using as smaller livies as you can may help also as there will be a larger surface area of the hook exposed. Try and few different things. Good Luck Josh
  10. Yeh i picked it up from a well known Sydney Rock Fisherman who originally used it for drummer and blackfish.
  11. Depends where you're fishing, if you want it weighted then a jig head worm hook would probably suit the job better than a running sinker. Josh
  12. One trick i've found for using bread it that you put it on the hook and squash one end around the shank of the hook and leave the other end fluffy it hangs upside down and floats for longer.
  13. Would hate for that to happen on such a good fish, thats GT's for you, pretty lowsy rod work though.
  14. Yeh if there isnt a hydrofoil stabiliser on it then it would be a good idea to get one, we just got one on ours and it makes quite a lot of difference.
  15. My bad, no idea where i got the 6th from!
  16. Went out on the harbour today to try and get a few kings. Just wasn't meant to be....7 different squid spots for not even a follow-things weren't looking up. We did have squid from the fish markets and tried that in a variety of spots for not much. Did manage a nice big blue swimmer crab on line from Shark Island but otherwise just rubbish little snapper on the bream gear. O Well...better luck next time. Did anyone else struggle to find squid or kings today?? Josh
  17. Hi Kingmad, In amongst the moored boats is sometimes a way to try for squid, otherwise around the shorline up towards neilsen park is very productive. Josh
  18. Hi Katsuo, It will depend on where you are fishing and the circumstances, in most cases you just want to rip it back as fast as you can, with jigs whilst winding. Sometimes though, a slow flicking,jerky retrieve will do the trick. Its good to try a variety of ways each time as kingies can be quite fussy a lot of the time. Good Luck Josh
  19. Fantastic fish, looks in great condition. Well done
  20. we'll be heading out on sunday from roseville probably around 5-530.
  21. Thanks a lot roosterman...big help. Josh p.s. i'm a chooks supporter as well
  22. We'll go out in the harbour on Sunday for the 2nd time in the new triumph, hopefully christen it with a few kings. Does anyone know the times that those designated areas are zoned off for the race? Josh
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