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Everything posted by Josh88

  1. Thats sounds awesome. Well done on withstanding so many kings
  2. Hi All, Well after our first few trips not even resulting in a follow from a squid let alone kingfish as i said in my last report, this time things improved. Started off at middle head and weren't having much luck on the squid after about 30min and were about to go when my step dad finally got one, nothing special but the day was looking up already. Waited a bit longer and managed 2 whoppers and thought that would do us for the day and went to drop some baits. (These 2 whoppers were very unhappy and coated half our white boat in sticky black ink which took ages to get off the boat and ourselves ) Off to our favourite spot and dropped down a mammoth squid head + a live one and a couple of smallish strips, after watching the fish immensely struggle to engulf the head, they moved on and took off with a strip on the Rovex Big Boss loaded with 20lb Braid (this is within 2min of putting baits down). After a distantly familiar fight we boated a 63cm king-back into the drink with a bit of a sore mouth. Watched them play around with the baits for the next half an hour and another hook up on the small strip on the big boss again. Got a 64cm fish in the boat and back in the water. Then of course the live squid does its "get eaten everywhere except where the hook is while you aren't watching trick". Nothing else exciting there apart from the copious amounts of annoying pinkies they're going to become the new leatherjacket, and a flattie. Moved onto clifton for nothing. Tried the wedding cake for a leatherjacket . Moved onto the markers around Dobroyd area for not much, anchored just off the reef and managed a shark of about 1m. We thought that it was a gummy as we couldnt see teeth, it hadnt bitten us off, and it just looked very much like a gummy, so what do we do=bring it in the boat:awesome idea after it going beserk we got the lip grip into it, saw some minuscule teeth, and slits over the eyes which made me think it was probably a school shark (i hope i didnt release dinner)- it weighed about 8 or so pound. Also got some reefy rubbish and a trevally which all went back in Tried middle harbour for nothing apart from sleeping on the boat-not very comfortable. A much improved and relieving day from previous outings, hopefully we'll go one better and catch dinner next time!! Cheers Josh
  3. the stocks of canned tuna must be running out
  4. I know the japanese eat them, i don't think they're too bad. I don't plan on keeping one though, i'm sure theres much better tasting stuff to eat
  5. Mate i don't think that the beach is accessible to the public, i think that some of the houses there might have access to it but i'm not sure that there is like a public way to get to it. The water is fairly shallow around the shoreline, from memory between 4-10 feet probably, good fishing for just about anything though, we've caught just about everything from cuttlefish to kings in there.
  6. Josh88

    Air Scrabble

    Probably a good idea because this doesn't look like ending any time soon. Just need someone to star the trend if we're all happy with it? Sack
  7. Scary stuff with those dangerous spiders. The funnel web are much thinner than that and have a smaller abdomen. I can't remember exactly but its something like the male is like 5 times more venomous than a female but much less inclined to bite and is eaten after mating.
  8. Josh88

    Air Scrabble

    He actually changed all 4 letters lol. Sane
  9. You'd probably get tailor and bonnies, not so sure about salmon and bream. I have heard of 2kg whole salmon being taken by BIG kings in Sydney whilst downrigged. They use them live in NZ.
  10. That temperature drop would explain most of it. Flatties have a low metabolism as it is and a decrease in water temp would only make it slower, meaning they will be eating less and not moving around as much. Wait till the temp increases and you should get a few. Josh
  11. Well done mate, wish my first jewie was that size. I was gonna say thats one weird looking jewie until i read all the report, then it looked like a pretty weird hairtail as well. Is definitely an eel of some sort, hairtail are few and far between in the harbour and i'd imagine the water is way too warm for them at the moment. You must of had a fair school of jewies under your boat, bummer you lost a few though. Josh
  12. Girls Legs=14 + Cats Legs=1372 + Kittens Legs=9604 =10990
  13. Josh88


    Yes, most fish jump when either feeding or being fed upon. If the jumps are quite fast and repeated then its more of a sign they are being chased, most likely by a fair sized jewie or flattie. Soft plastics may be a better option, especially when you can't catch the mullet. A 5' stick bait or shad type lure should do they trick hopefully. Josh
  14. Thats a problem that a fair few of reels experience, i think its to do with something inside the reel slipping out of place and hence leaving the anti reverse switch not making any difference. Probably best to take it to your local tackle shop to get serviced and ask for that problem to be fixed, instead of just loading it up with grease etc... Josh
  15. Well done mate, sounds like an awesome action packed trip with some big fish! We were planning to go to Fiji this year but decided to go to Hawaii instead, hopefully we can do as well as you did! Congrats on the record. Cheers Josh
  16. Great photo mate, they are annoying when they hit your fingers. Thats a great quote!
  17. I heard today that a 2 metre white pointer shark was caught off Freshwater beach yesterday. Anybody know anything about this??? If its 2 metres then i'd imagine it wouldn't be that old, meaning maybe its mum is not too far away and is probably 3 or 4 times the size. Don't think i'll be going to freshie for a swim anytime soon. Josh Woops, hadn't seen it in the Library section
  18. Thats some great info Netic. Some rods say on them the maximum amount of drag they are capable on handling, an 85cm king should usually weigh 6-8kg, my mates got one that weighed 9.5kg at 85cm. As netic said, the conditions and health generally effect the fight. E.g i caught a 30 pound GT that fought better than a near 40 pound GT, this was because the 40lber took the 25cm popper right into his mouth, (was released+swam away). Most fish that grow to considerable sizes and are good fighters are easily capable of pulling more drag than their weight. Eg. I got a 9kg GT pulling 10kg of drag without too much trouble. You can't just rely on how much drag you apply to catch you fish, angling the fish is crucial, but knowing how much drag your applying is also an important factor. I caught a whaler shark just over 5 foot that didnt take very much drag on 50 pound mono, but the extra stretch would've made a difference. It just takes time to get used to how much drag you're applying, once you've done it for ages it'll become 2nd nature and you'll know what to do! Cheers Josh
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