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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. E.S. & P.T. , In essence , it is conveinience. It's much easier to press a button to start or tilt the motor than to do it manually. The trim is very handy as you can adjust the motor position to get the best boat position to suit the load or conditions whilst on the water. Stacer V's Quinterx. It's a bit like Ford V's Holden. There are those who prefer one or the other. At the end of the day , their both good boats & will have similar ride & performance. Personally , I would be focusing on the internal layout , space & general setup. The Stacer is the largest of your 4 options & with 3 people + gear , the 50hp is a big plus. Geoff
  2. No. 3. Stacer are good boats & thats an excelant size motor for your requirements , also , you will find the Elec start & power tilt, over time , invaluable. When you say "fully rigged" could you expand on that . The key items should be , bilge pump , depth sounder , nav lights, burley bucket & all the safety gear , not necessarly in that order Geoff
  3. What happens when you give it some throttle , the same thing or does it run smoothly?? If smoothly , is it instantaneously or does it take 10 - 20 seconds to run correctly? Geoff
  4. Don You may have seen this photo in other posts , if not , note the position of the pick up pipe just below the bottom of the boat . This prevents any damage occuring if something passes under the boat or being parked up on a beach. Geoff
  5. What is the best way to mount these things? Can I turn the question around & say , what is the most common & secure way to mount these things,, The answer , with 2 , SS screws. If you read the earlier posts in other threads where glue or silicon has been used , it's not because it's the best method but because the member was not keen on drilling holes in the boat. That's fine , it's his boat & his choice. How long glue or silicon will last , only time will tell but keep in mind the pumps / brackets are under a lot of pressure when on the plane both from the water passing under the boat & over the pick up pipe along with the upward pressure of the water moving through the pipe & up to the pump. The issue can be , that if the bracket brakes away & it's not noticed then you run the risk of the pump / bracket braking away from the hose & or the electrics. If this occurs , replacement cost will be around $80 where as 2 X 20c screws would save that cost. Geoff
  6. What part of Sydney do you live ? Is this the type of hook your planning to fit ? Geoff
  7. I found a few more pic's. Whilst Jew were the target species , there was , on occusions , some bye catch Geoff
  8. It is with deep regret to advise that , following a long illness that has kept Byron bedridden for near on 18 months he passed away peacfully this morning at home. Whilst one is never prepared for this Doctors advised around 4 months ago that , following a heart problem things were not looking promising. I've only known Byron for a few years , a great guy , who only considered there was one fish worth catching. His contrubition to Fishraider members on Jew fishing is & will remain legendary. Our thoughts go to Shirley & family. Geoff [
  9. It's a stupid rule which may be a spin off of the reg stating you can only have 4 hooks on any one line. As we are aware we only fish with one , perhaps two lines (rods) at a time so who cares how many rods we have on board. Unless they have changed the rules since I last looked the reg's say 4 rigged lines. If this is still the case you can have as many rods as you like on the boat but only 4 rigged Geoff
  10. Kirst1583 From your previous post you have mentioned two key requirements Also tossing up the idea of a half/cuddy cabin because my partner doesn't fish and thinks it could be comfier at times to lay in there rather than just sit in the seat! I really just want something comfortable and stable Others have mentioned Bowriders which are good boats , especially for family situations with kids on board also for being able to fish all around the boat but I don't think , even with a bimini cover it would be ideal if your partner wants to have a lie down. So , at this point , your origional thought of a half cabin or cuddy cabin would be the best area to look. As you will mainly be fishing enclosed waters I would suggest Aluminium as they are easier to tow & handle at the ramp especially, if on most outings , there is only the two of you. Unfortunatly , there are not a lot of Aluminium half cabin / cuddy cabin around For stabality , look at boats that have a low dead rise at the transom rather than a deep V. It may ride a bit harder but will have a lot less lean when at rest. Geoff
  11. it is now showing the bottom surface at the top of the screen Is the depth overlay data showing zero or an actual depth. If the overlay data is showing something other than zero , is the number increasing or decreasing reflecting the actual depth as you move along. If you select the "Sonar" menu , the main menu has a number of drop down screens. Have a look through these , the problem is most likely in one of the settings. Geoff
  12. What price range are you looking at ?? As you have most likely found , there is quite a range of sort criteria in the the boating sales web sites but you do need to have a basic idea of what your looking for , ie , center consol , half cabin , bow rider , forward steer with canopy etc. If you lean toward a bimini top or canopy , the best are those which can be folded down & not be in the way or interfear with deck space , ie they need to fold forward, preferably onto the front deck , so they are out of the way For what you have described , alloy is a good choice , their much lighter to tow , especially over long distances & more appropiate for beach launching / retreival, again from a weight aspect but also they can withstand a few knocks should they occur. As others have said , when it comes to the motor , bigger is better. Try and get one with a drive off , drive on trailer. This makes launch & retreive so much easier for all concerned but in particular , you don't need two or three people to assist if you want to use the boat alone. Too often , families buy boats , have a few great days or months on the water then the novelty wares off & the boat just sits in the yard until a crew can be organised. Geoff
  13. Geoff

    rego sticker

    Also , any decent size marine shop sell the letters , they cost around $1.00 each for the 150mm which is the required size by RMS. Geoff
  14. Geoff


    Agree. As DR said , it's a no brainer especially if the first boat in has their car parked a long distance away. We normally arrive early when there are still places in the car park. I don't need to worry about que jumpimg along the beach as I drive the boat on . Drop my friend at the pontoon , he collects the car , when we are next in the trailer que , reverses down , Trailer is in & out of the water in 1-2 minuites. Geoff
  15. Geoff

    rego sticker

    It will be mailed out to you in the next few weeks. In the mean time , carry your renewed rego papers which should include the receipt No. just in case your pulled up. Geoff
  16. Paul I have a Permatrim fited to my boat. Foils , regardless of brand are mainly fitted to provide additional lift onto the plane & maintain the plane at lower rev's. I can't recall reading any claimes they had a noticable effect on fuel economy. Are you sure about the comment on Sports being fitted without bolts? These units are under a lot of pressure & thought only bolts would hold them in place. Suggest a call to Permatrim & ask the question but suspect they only come with bolts. I'm running a 70 2s on a twin hull & on an average days outing use 1lt / mile however , would have to say on the occusions I troll , the economy noticably drops away , I think it's because the back of the boat is "dogged" down , ie it's the most inefficient position. A bigger prop may help to give you more bite at lower rev's but this may cause damage to the gearbox. Suggest a call to site sponser Huey (Craig) he should be able to advise the best options. Geoff
  17. Currarong is the closest place to the areas your talking about , also several other spots around the cliffs. If you Google Currarong Accomodation there are plenty to choose from , also check out the caravan park as they have very good cabins however , as Fishingphase said , finding something at this time of year , on short notice may be a problem. Geoff
  18. Suggest you start with the "search" function as the question has been asked on a number of previous occusions & there is heaps of information. Geoff
  19. Be aware that part of Jervis Bay is marine park. http://www.mpa.nsw.gov.au/pdf/PUB12%20101%20%20A4%20%20JBMP%20zoning%20plan%20user%20guide%20part%20B.pdf I'm not sure if the road along the bay actually goes all the way to Huskisson which means going back to the highway & heading South. Suggest a trip to Currarong (shown on your your map as Beectoft Head). The club has very good Chineese food & there is a seafood place in town. The road to Point Perpendicular should be open. A vist to Honeymoon Bay is well worth while. A little further on is a track to Target Beach. It's an easy walk but takes about 20 min. Geoff
  20. Remove the bottom screw , if the oil is a light brown / golden colour then OK , it should last another 12 months or so. If it is black then it's just old & needs to be replaced. If milkey , then water is getting in. This maybe from the seales around the prop shaft or as simple as replacing the "O" rings around the top & bottom screws If you decide to replace , remove the top screw & bottom screw & drain the oil. To replace , the oil needs to be filled from the bottom up, not the top down. If the gear box requires 500ml of oil , purchase 2 X 500ml as squeezing the complete 500 ml from one bottle is near impossible Geoff
  21. Only use 316 stainless screws. You will also need 2 small bolts & nyloc nuts , either 1/8" or 5/32" to mount the blue base to the bracket. It is wise to apply a product like Sikaflex around the holes in the boat prior to fitting the bracket. There are two types of Sikaflex , 291 & 212FC. I think 219 is the correct product but it's not cheap , $16 for a small tube & once opened , the tube can go off rather quickly. I've found laying a folded piece of film , like Glad Wrap over the nozel prior to screwing on the cap helps preserve the contents. The alternative is to purchase a tube of Silicon sealant suitable for Aluminium from a hardware store. These cost only a few $$$ & does the same job. Just on the fastners , BCF only sell in packets & you end up with more than needed which = more $$$. I see you live at Cronulla so a trip to Whitworths at Caringbah may be worthwhile as they sell fastners in single units. Also , compare the prices for the pump / bracket. I think you will find Whitworth less expensive. Geoff
  22. While ever there is water around the transom the pump will pick up. Pick up will stop when the water "leaves" the transom. If you do decide to change to the bracket / Rule setup , note the position of the pick up pipe in the photo which is between the ribs & about 2 mm below the bottom. This prevents any damage to the pipe / bracket should the rear of the boat become grounded. Just on pump size , my tank is a similar size to yours & I run a 360 which is more than adequate. A 500 is not necessary & with the outlet diameter currently fitted the tank will overflow . Geoff
  23. If only for a short period then I would not bother as the brackets are not cheap , around $45. Also , they are more suited to Rule pumps which have a smaller base. Perhaps take your pump & see how it will fit prior to purchase Marine shops like Bias , Whitworths sell the brackets Geoff
  24. Connecting the positive to the ACC switch is OK. There should be a terminal block or post under the dash where all the negatives are connected. Connect the neg to this post. Interferance may or may not be a problem. Turn your sonar on , at home , then turn on the pump & hold it next to the tranducer. Check the screen to see if there is any change. If not , mount the pump then to confirm , test again in the water. If there is interferance then , move the pump sideways with you hand , away from the transducer until the interferance stops. This will determins the distance. In respect to the pump , unless there is some sort of pick up not shown in the photo's the pump , if mounted in the position indicated , will only pick up water when the boat is at rest , ie , it will not pick up water when on the plane. Pumps are normally mounted on a bracket with a pick up like shown in this photo. Geoff
  25. There are two jetties at Little Beach , one at each end. Either or both are worth a try. The other popular spot is the break wall near the marina at Nelson Bay. It's best fished at the top or bottom of the tide as the water tends to rip past the wall when the tide is coming in or out. Geoff
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