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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Jim I suspect it is not the actual buckle but the way the strap has been fed through the buckle. It is very easy to fit the straps either up side down or back the front. (been there , done that) When done correctly , the tightining & release is very quick & easy. Below are 2 photo's which show the correct method Hope this helps Geoff
  2. Tks guys for your comments. Had not considered a fish taking a fancy to the prawn so will include hook. Also , C.S. A good point about turning the prawn so it is on tail first Penguin May not be out for a squid session for a while but will report on the results. In the meantime , if you want to give it a try the squid barbs are available from most tackle stores , normally come in a pkt of two. A bit more background. The idea came after a fishing session down the South Coast. We were bottom bashing & in addition decided to put out 2 livies , down about 2 - 3 mts to see what may be around higher in the water colum. The squid came from the bottom for a free feed & the livies were alive no more. When we retrieved the squid just let go so 2 livies gone & no squid I also made up a livie trace , (pic attached) . The livies were attached (hooked) near the back of the head. Coinsidently this was the area they attacked. Have also yet to try out this rig. In theory if the squid attaches to the neck then they should get caught on the spikes Geoff
  3. I made up a squid jig some time ago. Considering squid like prawns , it uses a fresh king prawn rather than the artificial squid jigs. A fish bait , like a Yakka could also be used Have yet to try it out , would be interested if others have tried this method & the results and / or your thoughts on the concept Tks Geoff
  4. My battery is now 6 years old. I added Inox Battery conditioner to it about 4 years ago. It's still going strong & maintains a high leval of charge. How much of that can be attributed to the product is difficult to determine but would say , when I purchase a new battery sometime in the future I would add another bottle of conditioner to the cells. Geoff PS It was nice to meet you at the social on Sunday
  5. Further to the below post . http://fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=42286 Thought you might like to know the outcome. I checked out the 2 units at the boat show. Both were excellent quality with similar pricing. The final choice came down to which one I considered could best be adapted to suit a twin hull boat. I chose Boatcatch I was aware at the time of purchase that the adaptor kit supplied with the unit suited mono hulls & a special bracket would be required for the Webster. I made several prototype brackets with mixed success. Finally settled on the bracket as shown in the attached pic's. Have yet to try it out so looking forward to my first outing. If anyone is thinking of installing one of these units to a twin hull , let me know as there is more to the installation than meets the eye Geoff
  6. Geoff

    Busted Speedo

    tentonner,. Have a scroll through this post & check out the comments & suggested repair remadies relating to the speedo http://fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=42719 Geoff
  7. The fishing appears to be a bit quiet at present , so for those looking for a laugh , check these out. Turn on you speakers , they are worth a listen Regards Geoff The Goons , what time is it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSSGiA4f5cs Cosby , Dentist Cosby , Noah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0KHt8xrQkk
  8. It's a radio program that was on 2KY for 19 years & talks about all sorts of fishing , boating , weather & associated topics each weekend. 2KY decided to axe the show some months ago . reasons are not clear. They had a reasonably good audiance base & from a personal aspect , pleased to hear it will be back on air shortly Geoff
  9. Did you try Gary (brickman ) at Serious Stainless? http://fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=39660 Geoff
  10. Rumour has it Hi Tide will be back on air shortly. 2SM (1269). Saturday & Sunday , commencing Saturday 26th Sept , 4am to 7am Geoff
  11. We have tried these products without any noticable improvement to the catch rate so will not be rushing out to purchase additional supply. The product we have had sucess with is Prawn Scent , (available from most tackle stores ) especially when using the little jigs when catching Yakka. On days when the Yakka are around but are very timid , spray the sent onto the 6 feather jigs & the catch rate goes from zero to two or three at a time. The scent needs to be applied after 2 or 3 casts. Have not used it on baits when bottom bashing but would be worth a try. A bottle cost about $10.00 , depending where you purchase Geoff
  12. Ben 2. speedo doesn't work Not sure what motor your running but on the Yamaha there is a very small hole on the leading edge near the bottom of the leg. It is not uncommon for the hole to become blocked. If yours has a similar set up , locate the hole & using a pin or needle clear the hole. If the blockage , sand etc falls inside the leg , don't worry , no damage will be caused Suggest this be checked prior to replacing the hose Unless the plastic hose has a kink or twist it is very uncommon for the hose to become blocked Geoff
  13. Gary I'm currently carrying mine in the box , in my fishing bag. Other have a safety bag which includes itams like flares , torch ,mirror etc. This is not ideal as if the boat tips over or begins to sink then the bag could go to bottom with the boat. Assume the worst cast situation. Boat hits an object & begins to sink , or the boat flips over. For the latter , the Epirb would need to be accessable from under water , ie some one swims under & grabs the unit . Due to the weight of the motor the rear will most likely go down first so somewhere up the front close to the gunnal. As there are many variations to boat design it is difficult to say where the best spot would be on your boat. In essence which is the most accessable place if the boat flips over Geoff
  14. Happy birthday Dave , trust you had good one & Bec allowed you to buy the Hobie. My little presant to you , will be installing the boat latching device next week so no more wet feet when retreaving the boat Geoff
  15. Jim I had a 14' Quinniy some years ago & used alloy roller , they were great , one of the best things I ever fitted & much better than the plastic rollers. I did not have the problem your experiencing. If I recall correctly the actual channel in the roller for the keel was approx 75mm wide & the keel on my boat , about 25mm , so plenty of tolarance each side. If yours is different to this , perhaps machining the step down to a taper will assist with your problem Geoff.
  16. I can't remember the brand but think it was a Stacer or Allycraft or similar. For the trim / tilt , the brand of the boat is not important . If the boat is still available obtain the brand of the motor , horse power & approx age. In addition to the Google search as sugested by billfisher , contact dealers who sell that particular brand & see what is available Geoff
  17. Have been doing a fair bit of research on the 3 options mentioned earlier in this thread. There are pro's & con's to all 3 , a lot of which depends on the boat / trailer set up Two of the 3 will be on display at the Syd show , both in Hall 3 , stands 36 & 47 Will be checking them out tomorrow Geoff
  18. Swordies. Perhaps another aspect to consider is " location " in addition or part of targeting a specific or range of species , Eg , Back to the Bay. Locations like Pt Hacking , Upper Georges River ( maybe already covered with Blackfish) , Paramatta River or the Hawksbury The issue may be a finding a suitable venue for both boat & vehicals access for the BBQ gear & land based anglers. If you think this may be an option , Raiders with good knowledge of these areas may be able to suggest a suitable location Geoff
  19. This may be way out in left field but wonder if it may have been a whale not a wave that came up under the 6mt boat that capsized in Bate Bay a few days ago Geoff
  20. Donna Went to Hawaii last year with wife & family. It was OK but as others have said , for me , would not go back. It depends what your interested in , the family had a good time Diana & the girls (3) spent a fair bit of time shopping & lazing around the pool. Penang / Langkawi. I worked in Penang for around 3 months in the late 90's so managed to see just about everything inc Langkawi. Penang , the southern end tends to be a mix of country , industrial & residential. Georgetown a bit further north is the main CBD & the top end is Batu Feringgi (BF) which is the main touriest resort. B.F. is a bit isolated so if staying in that area suggest hiring a car , there not expensive & provides the mobility to go where you want when you want inc a trip to the main land if you wish. Langkawi , I did a day trip which inc an island tour. In essence Langkawi is a mini Penang. There is an interesting story for that situation. If in the area then would reccomend Langkawi be on your list. There is lots to see & do so if interested , let me know can provide further info The other suggestion is China. Spent a fair bit of time working & site seeing in China , again during the late 90's. If your interested in the history & culture with some shopping , there is lots to see & do. Can provide more info if China is on your option list Regards Geoff
  21. Just a further thought , if your running the batteries in series to create 24V for the motor there may be a problem cabeling 12V from the same batteries for the winch. There may be someone on FR who can advise , if not suggest you consult an electrical expert , eg an auto electricion to see if you run both 24V & 12V off the same batteries An alternative may be to run the motor of the 24V system located in the front of the boat & cable the 12V for the winch from the existing boat batteries located down the rear Geoff Geoff
  22. Ross , I note the location in your anouncement post advises The venue will be Cook Park at Sans Souci , Is this the same place as last year , the park at the end of Ramsgate Rd , Ramsgate or has it been moved to a new location further down the Rd at Sans Souci. Geoff
  23. Byron Other than the mechnical aspect , ie , the fitting of the winch , motor, keep in mind how & where the 2 X 12V batteries (as I understand 24V is required to obtain 80lb thrust) will be situated. I think they will fit under the front deck but as we did not check that out in detail on Monday it should be done prior to committing $$$$ to the actual motor / winch. Geoff
  24. Bentstick The photo of the latch in my origional post was fitted to a Webster. I would like to have one for my boat also Geoff
  25. Ross Pls add Mottyman , son Andy & myself I will bring hamberger patties , think they went over OK at the kingie social & some salad Will be planing to arrive around 7.30am so may miss the inital breakfast rush. Geoff
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