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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Here are some pic's that may be of interest. If further info required pls let me know. Your welcome to visit & check out the set up first hand , location Berala (Lidcombe) or I could come to your place if you prefer Geoff
  2. Yes , they are one in the same. Since the posting of the photo's in the ramp section there have ben some upgrades with a new ramp & floating pontoon. If going on the weekend , be early as parking can be difficult Geoff
  3. Pls add me to the list. Not planning on fishing this year but will drive down & be there for the land based part of the social & help out if needed. Will also bring some supplies , looks like a big crowd Geoff
  4. For rope , the rule of thumb is 3 times the depth so in 30mt there should be 90mt of rope released. As for the chain , the others are generally correct. The guide used is , chain length should be approx the same length of the boat. Have you checked that the anchor is the correct size for the boat. I tried to go light weight & changed my sand anchor & it would not hold bottom , changed back to the heavier anchor & now all OK. For a 4.6 mt boat the recomonded size for a sand anchor is 3.6kg. Personally I would go up to the next size , 4.5kg Geoff
  5. I tend to agree , but worth a try as the bigger fish sometime lurk out the back. The alternative or , perhaps in conjunction are pillie cubes. These are more likely to attract the larger fish Geoff
  6. What is the outboard brand , HP rating. approx age or hours on the clock What are the problems. This information will assist point you in the right direction Geoff
  7. Yep , the No's stamped on the bearings is the only way to go. The brand should also be stamped on the bearing. You may need to go to an actual bearing supplier & they can cross reference the No's & supply a suitable replacement set. If you go to a boating or trailer outlet they sell kits marked Holden or Ford & whilst the bearings may have No's stamped on the caseing it is unlikely they will be the same No's you have so you will be none the wiser. Geoff
  8. I launched at Oatley yesterday. Fished the Moons & several other spots up & down river. Could not loose a bait. Pleased to see you got a feed . Geoff
  9. Followed your instructions , expected to see a brand & perhaps a version No.. Under SV & GC it listed 8 sub sections beginning with Audio Codes then Legacy Audio Drives , finishining with Video Codes. Had a quick look but could not find any specific information. Tks for the PM offer , it may come in handy. Ross tks for your suggestions. There are a number of processes to go through which I will need to defer to next week. Heading off to Pt Stephens this morning so will be off the air until Monday AM. Have a good one guy's , catch you next week hopefully along with a decent fish report Geoff
  10. Tks all for your responses. Perhaps I should mention , this occured early in the week & have been looking around the system inc Help information to try & find access to the problem. Dave In all the screens I've come across where there is a Mute option these have not been ticked. On the weekend I down loaded some software which was supposed to allow me to record LP records onto CD. It did not work. Communicated with theif Help Desk & there response was, To record from equipment connected to the blue colored Line-In input on your computer, you typically have to select the Line-In source in the Recorder Terrificate , only problem , where is this function & what ever I changed only caused the current problem. I should mention , prior to me playing with the system there was no problem with the sound. The problem occured a few days after the the SW down load . Pelican Could be other things but that is a big chance as it can be turned on and off easily accidentily with the f buttons at top of the keyboard Perhaps , but which one , any suggestions Ross. In the system my jacks are marked Pink , Mic in. Blue , Line in. Green , Line out The only box that should be ticked is the MIC box. Adjust the volume sliders until you get sound. This includes the MASTER Volume , WAVE , CD Audio and Line In . The mic box was ticked & all the volume controls are set at the maxium. I looked into the "options " , The box "Adjust volume for" is set at playback. Below is "show the following volume controls" The following are ticked Vol Cont. Wave SW Synth CD player Line in I had a little play around with these settings , nothing changed so changed them back as listed above Tks again , any further suggestions apreicated Geoff
  11. I thought I would see if there are any XP experts in Fishraider that can help me with a problem prior to removing all the cables & taking the box to the local PC store. The problem. I've managed to change one of the settings & now have now sound comming from tne speakers , be that music from the CD player or even that system noise "dinging" you get when entering or leaving certin programs. In essence cannot locate the screen I've changed. There are 3 sockets on the back of the PC for sound , red , grey & blue. I think it is the setting on the blue connection I have stuffed up but cannot be certin. There is some background info on how this all came about but won't bore you with it unless needed to fix the problem. Tks Geoff
  12. David , We were a bit far away to see any water action. Only the birds , they were having a great feast Geoff
  13. Fished Bate Bay yesterday. First stop was Shark Island. No action either on the bottom or surface but the surfers were enjoying a large swell & some nice tunnel waves. With the wind predicted to come from the N/E headed to Osborn Shoals. Unable to locate & considering the less than exciting action on past visits did not waste time searching it out. Motored towards Meries Reef with the view to do some bottom bashing but a lot of white water & the occasional boomer rolling in decided to give it a wide berth Headed East to try for some Flathead. Several drifts only produced the occasional small Flatties. Kept moving around , water temp was 20 degrees with the occasional patch of 21 degrees. We found them & a hour or so later had 8 nice size fish on board. During this run the bait fish surfaced about 50 mt away. Commenced a berley trail & soon had a large No. at the boat. They were slimies , about 5" long. Caught a few , removed the fillets , the Flatties loved them with one drop resulting in a double hook up of two large keepers With the wind increasing & now early afternoon decided to head for home. Stopped just North of Jibbon for a drift. A Sweep , reasonable Trevor & another reef fish , all went back. Overall a great day on the water Geoff
  14. Geoff

    Tackle Hates

    The price of Braid , it is ridiculous. Recently purchased a well known brand from the US. Price , inc delivery (airfreight) was less than 50% of the same product from Oz tackle stores. Someone is making a good profit at our expense Geoff
  15. There are several posts on similiar questions & responses written over the past 12 months or so . I think if you use the "search function" it will provide a lot of the info you are looking for Regards Geoff
  16. I assume it is a geniun Yammie speedo , if so , as previously mentiond the speedo runs on pressure via a thin plastic tube . The only electrics are those to power the dash lights. This can be easily hooked up to the lights from your other gauges. If you don't use the boat at night the dash lights nor really necessary If not geniun Yammie then the connecting process could have many variabls , but note my comment on the accuracy / in accuracy of a paddle wheel system Personnaly I would stay with the Yammie speedo as connecting to the moter / instalation is very easy Geoff
  17. I'm going up next Tuesday for a few days , hopefully the weather will be OK for a trip to the island directly off the heads or Fingle headland. For bait fish ,as previously mentioned , just outside the southern headland , Tomaree headland . Take plenty of berly. There are sandbars at the eastern end of the port & extend around 1 - 1.5 westward. Most are exposed at low tide . These can be viewed from the marina or Little Beach boat ramp. If you keep to the southern shoreline then should be OK As mentioned go to the MSB office in the Marina , they have heaps of information Fishing the port. Generally I'v found it to be pretty average. The western end is more productive , launch a Soldiers Point ( Salamanda Bay) Land based , the marina break wall , jetty at Little Beach & Fingle Bay beach , from the surf club up to the northern headland
  18. What is the HP rating. Yammies 40hp & above have a speedo connection . It is not electric but driven by pressure through a small plastic tube from the motor to the guage. Below 40hp , not sure. Check your hand book or call a Yamime dealer. The other way to check , at the bottom of the leg , below the cavatation plate , on the leading edge is a small hole , about the size of a pin head. It can be difficult to locate. If no hole then no spedo facility. If you need to go with Plan "B" then I agree with Pelican , use a GPS. I have a paddle wheel , it came with the water temp gauge. Up to about 10 knots it reads a similar speed to the Yammie gauge. Above 10 knots is progressivly moves out of sinc to the point at WOT there is nearly 100% varience. I know to Yammie gauge is accurate as I have checked it against a GPS Regards Geoff
  19. I think tonight will be the acid test. If the Dow takes off after the G7 ( G20) 14 point plan then that will be an indicator we may have bottomed out but will most likely need to see how the week pans out to get a better indication. I've been putting money in over recent weeks when the market was around 4700 - 4800. At the time of writing this the ASX was at 4104. Have just placed a buy order today so fingers crossed there will be some recovery in the coming weeks Its all paper loss as I don't plan on selling but its amazing how quickly things can turn around. Ben is correct , it only becomes a loss if you have to sell , otherwise it is a sit & wait. For interest , I got out of property trusts & International shares last year , now , have it either in cash or Oz shares Geoff
  20. There are various spots along Brighton Beach & south to Ramsgate that fit your criteria but mainly Flathead & maybe Whiting Around the Cooks river boat ramp & out along the break wall is worth a try but no shops close by. You mentioned Tom Ugleys. Did you fish the Southern or Northern side. Nth is the more popular. Try the southern side but only fish about 1 hour each side of high or low due to the fast water flow. There are many other land based places but none I can think of with the criteria you have mentioned Geoff
  21. for me , unfortunatly no fish to weigh in , perhaps next time Did pick up a new FR sticker & now proudly displayed on the transom Geoff
  22. Geoff

    Underwater Camera

    Check out this thread , may provide you with the information required http://fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.ph...2&hl=camera Geoff
  23. I agree with Jig. Little bay is OK to retreive a boat your size at high tide but bad news any thing below half tide. The main problem is the ramp can have up to 6" of sand covering the concrete making traction very difficult. Also , there is a good chance your trailer may be off the end of the ramp. Sand is very soft & the wheels will quickly sink. Fish wise , there is several places for YFT, on of the more popular spots is called "The Car Park" I think it is S/E of the heads. As mentioned , contact Ross Hunter For a local contact , Salamanda Bait & Tackle. They provide a fishing report on Hi Tide. Suggest a phone call will provide the required information Geoff
  24. Dave A guy I used to knock around with in the early 60's had a 14' runabout with a 25hp Scott. It had a hard life , very noisy moter but considering the treatment it got was reasonable reliable. I did a similar cost comparison on the 75hp Evinrude. I used 25 pounds per week which equates to 17 weeks pay back period. Not sure of the cost of a 75hp E-Tec but guess around $10,000 to buy off the shelf. A $1,000 / week is not an uncommon salary these days so 10 weeks pay back. If we assume the above is reasonable calculation that would make the 1962 Evinrude worth 250 pounds All very interesting to compare but generally could be filed under the heading of useless information Geoff
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