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Everything posted by sherackattack

  1. Hey guys, I'm heading down to Green Patch Camping grounds on Jervis Bay in a couple of weeks with some mates I was jsut wondering if anyone has been fishing there before and how they went. As i've never been fishing there before, i'm just wondering whether it's worth the effort of bringing gear. I've been snorkelling there before and its a really beautiful place. Any information or tips would be awesome Cheers, Alex
  2. this is a true story of how an aussie man tried to settle a payment dispute in his own unique way. i found it quite amusing! http://www.techradar.com/news/world-of-tec...-payment-486872 ALEX
  3. haha but im pretty sure my mother would slap me on the face harder than that
  4. these pictures remind me of how i used to always get all my pokemon cards and arrange them from my favourite to least favourite, then id shuffle them all up, then i would organise them and again i dont have enough plastics to do such thing tho lucky i dont
  5. dont plan on anything haha just hope we dont go through two more quarters of fail otherwise were gonnee but being a school boy with absolutely no investements in anything happy lucky
  6. angus young used to go to my school, thus the school uniform he wore on stage hes never come back tho lol
  7. some nice photos ray! nice fish you caught, also. i espeically like your last photo with the salmon, the grin on your face resembles your display picture! hehe cheers @
  8. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=6VAkOhXIsI0 not a fan of the john butler trio but i found this instrumental unbelievably good Alex
  9. nice quality photos there wish i coulda been there!
  10. top report guys not a massive jewy but its a start! hope they get bigger ay cheers ALex
  11. (no offense) bad luck clem next time you go out there make sure you hunt that fish down! just wondering, how loose was the drag set? cheers Alex
  12. ill give you 1000 zimbabwean dollars for the spot but seriously, nice fish you got there must be a really top spot
  13. what a lucky kid hes already caught what i probably will never catch
  14. mission accomplished aaye nice kingys you have there
  15. if there was then i would believe every fishing tale that hear from now on
  16. massive fish henno well done must have been fun pullin him up
  17. nice photos i especially like the waterfall one; it looks awesome looks like you chose a nice day to go too
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