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Everything posted by Hooky.

  1. They've been talking about it for a while and I believe if and when the reef goes in it will be in the deeper waters of the Yarra Bay region.
  2. Take a can of corn kernels with you as well. The Wenty Lake trout seem to like corn as well.
  3. Funny how when everyone is busy trying to stop marine parks from happening the powers that be are quietly changing the boundaries in one of our rec fishing havens. Manning River RFH I bet it won't be the last time or only RFH either. My fishing licence is up for renewal next week and I am currently in two minds whether or not to renew it. If I do renew it I'll be telling myself that the cash is going to help restock my freshwater impoundments and nothing else.
  4. Good punting to 'ya mick. It will be a tough day me thinks but hey, like I say to the boys', "That's Punting". cheers Hooky
  5. "I get knocked down but I get up again". (I thinks that's the name of that pommy song, ya's all know the one I'm thinking of.) cheers Hooky
  6. Hookys' still here. Been a bit quiet but hey, "that's life". Still fishing as much as ever, maybe too much. Talking of beer, I need one and at around 1pm I'll have one for all you Raiders as well. cheers Hooky
  7. The consequences of drink driving. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,19216196-2,00.html
  8. Good punting to ya Mick.
  9. Hooky.

    Bait Jigs?

    The ones on Aron's link will do the job, they are the same ones that I use and you may not find them in a tackle shop either. They are very easy to use and very effective, especially when you tie a sinker to the end to keep everything straight in the water. If you are in a tackle shop you will probably find "brand" names like Silstar or Mustad. cheers Hooky
  10. I chop the frames up and throw them in with the berley mix. (pellets and tuna oil mainly but also anything else lying around in the kitchen cupboards and fridge that's out of date.) As for not using frames of the target species, I wouldn't go by that rule too much. One of the best baits going around for flathead is flathead and I've used flattie frames in a berley mix and used flathead as bait for flathead with great results. Bit off topic here, but the best thing about flathead as a bait is the skin is very tough and stays on the hook better and also discourages the pickers. cheers Hooky
  11. Hooky.

    Promo Shirt/caps

    Hmmm, I don't see "Hairtail" on the list???
  12. There was no playtime for me today Mick. I'm hosting mum and dad for the weekend. I did get a chance to get a quick beer in before they arrived and got on "A Country Girl", didn't pay much but the beer was good.
  13. I visit this one a lot. http://whirlpool.net.au/ Keeps me up to date with technology and the gossip that comes with it. This one for obvious reasons. http://taree.yourguide.com.au/home.asp This one for up to date news. http://www.news.com.au/ Other than that I mainly just browse everything and anything from 4WD/camping sites/forums to the usual.........???? Hey, I'm only human. The web is just never ending. cheers Hooky
  14. Oi "Spiceman", "Spicegirl", oops, Iceman , foxtel digital has ABC2 as well. Give them the netball and you get the other sports (soccer) and all the fishing shows.
  15. Hooky.

    Fish Eaters Or

    Yep, certainly know about the background and I'm not too concerned. Better than eating flatties and prawns from out of the Parra River in my opinion, at least the basa are certified safe for comsumption when imported. At least we haven't been told to limit the amount of fish we consume from Woolies frozen food department and that should count for something. Each to their own I guess. I guess it comes down to the question: Do you really know what you are getting on your plate when you ask for something specific, my guess is probably not. cheers Hooky
  16. Hooky.

    Fish Eaters Or

    If I'm fishing with the boys and we're chasing flatties and whiting I'll keep some, I mean, all, for a feed and definately keep bream and tailor off the beach. I don't mind freezing fish and I actually like flathead deep fried after been thawed out. They just seem juicier. Other than that it's easier to buy some lemon flavoured basa fillets in the frozen section at Woolies, less cleaning and just so much easier to prepare. I'm getting lazier as I get older. cheers Hooky
  17. Thanks and good punting to ya Mick. I'm off to the local now myself. cheers Hooky
  18. G'day Mick If you're looking for a certainty, look at "Local Legend" at Ascot, R7 #5. Great days racing everywhere, plenty of group and listed races to please most punters. Good luck and good punting to ya Mick. Anyways, I'm off to the local!! cheers Hooky
  19. Hooky.

    The Weekend

    Another weekend and it's about bloody time. No fishing today 'cos I'm hittin' the pub at the stroke of 12 midday (hopefully) and there I shall sit till about 7. Sunday, lazy day at this stage but not sure. Monday, I'm having the day off work and might go for a local bass bash in the canoe. Have a good weekend Raiders.
  20. For those that are too lazy to bookmark the link........like me!!! http://my.funtrivia.com/tournament/MRSSWOR...ENGE-48356.html
  21. No worries Mick. Dad's been going down to the picnic area and wharf at the end of Pampoolah Road. Plenty of catfish down there as well and also heaps of flatties along the stretch near Polsens farm. As for your spot, as a kid living in Cundletown, (one of the many houses in the Manning Valley over time) this area and especially the Dumeresq Bridge, used to be the gun jewie spot. Plenty of garfish and deep water. Doubt it's the same now though.
  22. G'day Mick I think I know where you are catching the catties from. Dad went there two weeks ago and caught catties as well. Nice spot though and good on the authorities for providing the goods. (If it is the same area.) I bet I know where some of those cats are coming from too. I used to catch them as a kid in a certain creek behind my auntie/uncles place. cheers to ya Mick and good punting Hooky
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