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Everything posted by Hooky.

  1. Thanks for the replies Raiders, it was a great day especially when it's just you and the bass.........and nature of course. G'day there Motty Why go to the salt when the fresh is closer and there's no need to wash salt off all your gear. You're right, it was a bett's spin and pooeater that got me all the fish. It works all the time and like I said to Andrew (The Iceman) on the phone last night, why try something else when that's what was catching all the fish. If I was struggling to catch anything then I would chop and change. I take enough gear on the canoe with me to keep my options open. Usually my tacklebag with four trays of SP's and HB's plus another two seperate plano trays with enough hardbodies to last a lifetime so the options are always there. Mind you, I did cast out and not retrieve a Jackall as well. Oh well, one down seven to go. As for the water temp: I should have stated that the 17 came from about 2 metres deep in a deeper part of the river. This section doesn't get much sunlight at this time of the year and I guess there are other factors contributing to this temp range but that is the reading I got. Mind you, it is a long way from Penrith. For the last two weeks when I get out of the cot in the morning and look out the back towards the river there has been a blanket of fog and yesterday morning when I hit the water the fog was still lifting at around 8.30am. A lot of the mornings here at home I have recorded air temps in the range of 10.5 to around the 15 mark.
  2. G'day Raiders My boss decided to give us RDO's this year and Monday was one of those days. I threw the canoe on the roof of the Pathy at around 7.30am and I was on my way to the local waterway. The fishing was very slow to start with but when I got to a certain spot in the river it was just one after the other. Biggest went around the 38 mark and everything else was either high twenty's and low to mid 30's. All fish were fat and looked healthy and fought like there was no tomorrow. The biggest one even gave the canoe a bit of a tow. The water was quite clean and weed free and the temperature would have been no more than 17 degrees I reckon. Here's some pics for your pleasure. I took about 36 pics all up but just decided to throw these ones up. All up I must have caught/boated 20+ fish and lost many others at the canoe or during the fight. No small fish were caught which is a bit of a change for this area. cheers Hooky
  3. I'm and and and heaps of . Have a good weekend Raiders and good luck wetting a line.
  4. That sux Mick. I'll ring the old boy tomorrrow morning and get back to you if I he has anything to add. There surely has to be a reason behind it. Looks like I won't be needing my 4WD beach permit renewed and there is no way I'm renewing again just to be able to drive on Crowdy Beach............hmmmm, Crowdy Bay is already a national park maybe that beach is next and won't that upset the natives. Anyway, let's hope it's just a misunderstanding but somehow I don't think so. cheers Hooky
  5. Oh well, at least it shows why I done my 4th form school certificate twice.
  6. Great looking feed there Buster.
  7. Well done Mick. It's been a long day but well worth it, thanks.
  8. Good to see the authorities cracking down on rip-off merchants like these three. 'Costi Bros Seafoods' store at Roseland Shopping Centre. 'The Seafood Factory Pty Ltd' at Weston near Newcastle. Penrith Seafoods (Carlingford) Pty Ltd. Problem is that they have probably made more in profits from their sales than what the fine is worth.
  9. Looks like a Kokoda "Wee Whop" to me Davy. Haven't had anything to do with them myself but I'm sure someone on FR would have. According to their website they are: "A Great Lure for Bream, Bass, Trout, Perch, Yellowbelly and Flathead." cheers Hooky
  10. Hooky.

    Gps Mark

    Try this one taken from Gary Browns' publication "Fishing Guide to Sydney-Hawkesbury. Jibbon Bombora........34.04.900 151.10.450 Also if you buy an AFN Fishing Map for the area, Map 23, it has a few marks for Botany Bay and Port Hacking on it. Hope this helps. cheers Hooky
  11. Deadset, some twisted stuff there, funny, but twisted.
  12. The shakebaits look like a copy of the Juro firebaits.
  13. I'd be in for the next Botany social day but my social calendar tells me I don't have many free weekends before the end of May.
  14. I know it's not Broken Bay or outside but Botany Bay seems to be similar, for me at least. I haven't fished Botany all that much this summer but on the occasions that I have ventured out, there doesn't seem to be as many flatties. All my usual spots seem quiet but what I have noticed is the usual spots now have plagues of whiting and some good size to them as well. cheers Hooky
  15. Great stuff and lucky you for getting to chase Peacocks. I saw the US Bassmaster boys chasing them in Venezuela on the tele (ESPN) last year and it made for awesome viewing and alot of topwater stuff made things interesting. Great stuff and well done.
  16. Great fishy pics there clutch. Wouldn't mind seeing a few of them swimming around in Botany Bay, the fish that is.
  17. A Fuji Finepix A210 is what I have. Certainly does the job for me with no problems..........except for the small scratch on the lense.
  18. Location: Harrington (Mid north Coast of NSW) Ramp situated on the southern side of town near Harrington Waters. Parking/condition: Ample parking at the ramp. Plenty of room for launching, with provisions for at least three cars at a time. Take care when launching during large run-in and run-out tides as the current runs quite fast through and past the ramp. Other than that it's quite protected but can have a tendency to suffer slightly in a strong southerly wind. Facilities: Excellent ramp for exploring the lower reaches of the Manning River around Harrington/Manning Point. Very good ramp access with a jetty to one side. The ramp also has a toilet block close by. Harrington itself has all the shops, pub/club etc and a park/playground for the kiddies with excellent picnic/BBQ facilities.
  19. Location: Crowdy Head (Mid north Coast of NSW) Parking/condition: Ample parking on the opposite side of the road to the ramp. Excellent ramp for venturing outside to the numerous reefs etc but has a tendency to silt up at the foot of the ramp. Very good three ramp access with pontoon either side. Facilities: Car park has boat wash down area readily available. Crowdy Head doesn't have much in the way of shops so collect your provisions before heading out to the ramp. Very good BBQ and picnic area accross the road for that after fishing feast.
  20. You bloody ripper, another weekend. ABT Bass Electric comp for me at Danjera Dam, should be fun..........if the bass are biting that is. Probably sink some grog and generally relax and have fun. So that's about it, not much else doin', except tomorrow (Saturday) I have a few things happening but basically it's an easy weekend. Have a good one Raiders and good luck to those wetting a line. cheers Hooky
  21. Good stuff fella's. Sorry I had to work Stewy but it's good to see you found some company in Mark for the arvo. I'd imagine the tide would have been ripping out of there too!! I might head back to Chippo' soon, it's been a while since I've fished it.
  22. To put it bluntly, nine times out of ten they break through carelessness Rob. Your local tackle bloke probably thought of me when he mentioned the problem. I've taken mine to Gabe a few times now, replaced the end twice (once through Shimano warranty), but I don't buy the whole tip if I don't need to, just get a new end guide put on depending on where the break is. One of mine is about 2" shorter now but still works fine. I have two squidgy rods and I usually break them when I'm in my mates boat with three other blokes and it's usually not me who steps on them either. Remember, they aren't a glass rod so they will break easier if not looked after as they have a thin tip on them. When travelling you should maybe dismantle the rod in to two pieces. Other than that they are a great rod IMO. cheers Hooky
  23. G'day Dan I'm using 15lb Tuf Line on my low profile baitcaster and just love it and I would think that the 20lb stuff would be just as good. Silky smooth casting all the way. cheers Hooky
  24. G'day Shane They were discontinued when they were in the stores. I believe it was a one off seasonal item but may come back again if we're lucky but maybe not. I'm helping Andrew get one at the moment, not an easy task mind you when know one wants to ring back with an answer. I have one more way of getting one for him but will know more tomorrow. BTW, I'm getting another one for myself as well to save for later on. Actually I might get myself two more.
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