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Posts posted by framedtrash

  1. what gear were u using and what size jigs and weights

    if your marking fish and you are pretty sure they are kings but they are not reacting to your jigs

    try changing jigs to a diffrent colour and size

    change your jigging action change your jigging speed

    best way to sound out kings is to first be in a area that kings are likely to be in

    and then sound out bait if the bait is balled up chances are there are kings in the area feeding on them

    you really need to learn how to read your sounder so you can tell the difference between schools of bait fish and schools of jackets and schools of kings the only real way to learn how to do that is spend the time on the water or fish with some one with the same sounder

  2. there great but they have there problems

    jackets love to eat the skirts off them

    they can be replaced at around $5-6 a pop

    have caught a few kings off the white one

    mate has caught lots of leather jackets using them

    best fished with a slow retrieve or just leave them in the rod holder and let the boat do the work

    the red is supposed to be dynamite on snapper im yet to catch one tho

    not that i ever target snapper tho

  3. there have done tests on sharks regarding blood in the water

    the sharks responded best to prawn blood and other fish blood

    human and other mammal's got a response but nothing compared to the animals shark actually feed on

  4. yep , i have a nautiglass half cabin with a 70 hp on it , that i am trying to get sell. If your interested you can pm me !!!

    is that the boat you just got ??

    or do you have 2 boats

  5. has happened to me in the past

    just call up your dealer they will have spairs

    there is a number on the ignition that corresponds to a key

    there are only a few diffrent keys that start up the mercs

    they should carry spares

  6. Hi guys just wondering where i can find some yakkas this time of year cos each time i try balmoral and other known spots all i get is small sweep and the like.....have no toubles in summer and have caught thousands in my life but where are they when the water is cold? Does anyone else have success in the harbour at this time of year?....cheers for any help.....Paul

    try some of the wrecks

    they should still be at the usual spots just deeper

  7. rod tubes are best

    but ive had all my rods shipped in PVC pipe and never had a problem

    they have come from thailand,states,new zealand,japan

    and never had a problem

    alot cheaper then a rod tube you will prob only use a few times

    feel free to courier them to my place ill take good care of them

  8. also depends on what knot you tie to connect your main line to the leader

    some of the larger knots can cause bubble trails and the jackets attack them

    and if you have been eating food as you fish the oils from the food get onto your hands and then onto your line

    and the jacktets attack your line

    pesky little thing hopefully they stay away from my lines this weekend

  9. squid are in fact colour blind

    but they do see in shades of grey so im sure they can still see the line

    sure they cant tell what colour it is but they can still see it

    hence the reason squid leader is pink as its one of the first colours to vanish under water

  10. as slinky has said no sounder is going to tell you what is a king and what is a snapper

    you have to interpret the data on the screen and make your own decision to what species it is

    im currently in the process of upgrading my sounder it was either going to be a furuno 620/585 or a Lowrance hds 7,8,10

    i went with the lowrance hds10 as its got a massive screen and a chart plotter and also gives me the option to install side/down scan at a later time

    they work great in deep water too fishing the bottom at browns is possible using the standard transducer no need to shell out for a big 1k tranny

  11. jig rods are really for boats

    there no good for throwing lures as they are too short

    you could possibly use one of the lighter rated rods that are slightly longer

    but they are not made to throw lures just made to work vertical

    i would go with a nice spin rod ill sure some one will have some good advise on what size to go as i dont fish off the rocks

  12. as said its really personal preference and what you get use to using

    ive tried both hi and low speed reels

    and i find low speed being the best for jigging

    i find with hi speed reels i cant get the right action out of the jig

    the way i jig is that in the time it takes me to do a complete crank of the reel i have the rod tip go down and back up

    this allows the jig to drop down then spring back up with the motion of the rod

    and the reel takes up the slack as the jig comes back up

    using a hispeed i cant achieve this so i dont use them

    a great dvd to get for helping with all things jigging is called "Heavy Metal at the Ranfurly"

    it goes thru every thing and is very informative

  13. It went 75cm, it looks bigger in the photo as the cameraman aka fishbones got Andrew to position the fish at its best camera angle using his camera phone.

    Regards Kit

    ps it was sashimied for dinner that day

    haha trust me i no all the tricks to making fish look bigger on camera :)

    the fingers around the tail are a dead give away for size tho

    i need to get out there

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