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Posts posted by framedtrash

  1. i run the hds8 and its a great unit

    upgraded from a garmin 420s (which is the AUS GPSMAP550) and i love it

    if you plan on using side/down scan you really need to go with the HDS8 or up

    with the 8 and 10 you can split the screen into 4 diffrent screens to display all the data

    you cant do this with the smaller models

    plus the addition of all the on screen buttons is pefect for on the fly changes to gain/freq and other sounder/gps settings

    very happy with my lowrance

  2. all of these units have internal aerials and there is no need for the external one unless you boat has fixed hard roof

    i have used all 3 units and i would be going with the Lowrance no questions asked

    if i had to rank them it would the the HDS,HB,Garmin

    the garmins are great units but there screen resolution lets them down if you start fishing deeper water your going to miss alot

  3. take Johns advice he is the kingie master

    you wont be able to push 13kg of drag into a tcurve so dont worry about big drags

    the gosa would be a great reel for that outfit spool it up with some pe3-4 and u will have a nice little combo

    i dont think the smaller gosas come with carbontex drag washers so u might want to upgrade to them if thats the case for a smother drag

    you dont need big drags and heavy rigs to catch big fish i no ppl who pull 1mtr+ kings jigging in <30mtrs of water using pe3 outfits

  4. The jigging master Ocean God would be a great rod if you dont want to spend the big bucks but still want a quality rod

    it has all the JM quality just without the price you would be looking at around $350ish compared to $500 for a powerspell

  5. if your serious about jiggin take my advise and save up some money and get a good setup to start with

    once you get the bug you will want to upgrade your gear asap

    its cheaper in the long run to start off with a decent setup

    pe3-5 is what you need for 98% of sydney kings

    i have a saragosa 18000 there great reels and mines spooled with 80lb but there a tad on the heavy side

    so they are not every ones cup of tea

    the saragosa is pretty much a pimped spheros so instead of getting a spheros and adding new drag and handle u might as well just buy a saragosa

    jigging master is my pick of the litter for rods but as said they are not cheap and unless your pretty serious about jigging u should look at some thing cheaper first

    the braid concept rods are ok for a light jig stick and they can be picked up for under $100 they have a nice bend and a nice action

    just dont push them too hard would be a good pe3-5 rod

  6. if you have just bought a downrigger there is no need to switch to braid

    most ppl switch once the wire needs to be replaced

    braid is thiner so there is less resistance in the water so u get less blow back to the bomb

    braid doesn't humm like wire can and braid doesn't produce any electrical discharge into the water like wire does

    and if you happen to snag up and loose your bomb its just a matter of tying a new bomb on you don't need to crimp on a new one on

    most ppl use 200lb braid and im yet to hear of ppl loosing there bombs to jackets

  7. i have run 2 scotty 1050's for a few years now and never had a issue with either of them

    the only thing i have done to them is change from wire to braid a few months ago

    both brands make great downriggers so either one is a good choice

  8. you should really try to get as much line onto that reel as possible

    250mtrs is fine untill you get bitten off a few times by jackets

    as the amount of line on the spool reduces your gear ratio also changes and it will take longer for your jig to hit the bottom as it will be hitting the lip of the spool

    as Dangas has said some electrical tape around the spool is all you really need when i use mono backing i only use about 4-5mtrs worth just enough to give a few wraps around the spool

    as for the drag 13kg is great i run around 6kg on my light outfit and this is more then enough for all the kings its caught so far

  9. I was scared you would say something like that. I've heard reports of kings out at 12 mile.

    No sign of them yet at the Peak. There were about 15 boats at the Peak on Sunday morning but I didn't see anyone hook up.


    i fished the 12 on Saturday not much going out out there atm apart from barracuttas

  10. my heavy jig outfit uses a saragosa 18000 and they weigh in at around 850gm

    i can jig all day using it with no problems

    the Tekota will be fine for jigging the ratios are fine

    the only negative i see is the level wind once you are loosing alot of line with a big fish pulling alot of drag alot of pressure gets put onto the level wind and there is always the risk that it might fail and you will loose the fish

    sure there is little chance of this actually happening but it could

    this is why game reels and most jig reels dont have a level wind

    the jigwrex rods are great i had the s605 with a saragosa 18000 running PE5

    they have alot of power and will handle any king you would happen to come across

    alot of ppl say they are too stiff and that you tire too easy using them

    well i used to jig all day using this outfit and never had any problems

  11. Prawn Star,

    Great fish mate, having a ball no doubt

    Can you or anyone here tell me how far Texas reef is from Terrigal/the Entrance?

    Have the GPS marks but the GPS is getting repaired.

    Just a rough idea of how far off the coast would be appreciated.



    its around 24km out

  12. True! Tho mate told me when joining braid to mono it tends to snaps the braid jus above where you join the mono. So i was jus thinking i would give it more of a buffer where it does tends to break??

    I will take a look at this AG chain knot. :)

    sounds like he was pulling the half hitches too tight and damaging the line from friction

    tie it correctly and you wont have any issues

    along with the chain knot you wont have any problems

    well unless you get snagged on the bottom then you have yourself a new anchor :)

  13. over kill

    when tied correctly the PR will never break

    ive done some testing with mine and ive pushed over 30kgs into the knot and its never failed

    your maineline is going to snap well before the PR does

    if your bored and you want to learn a new jigging knot do a search for the AG chain knot

    its a knot the jigging master guys use to connect the jig to the leader

    this along with your pr knot you have a pretty much 100% connection

  14. do you mind me asking what khz transducer your running because i've got a HDS-7 and never see results like that when trolling in close, even when we come across a school of salmon, tailor...etc.

    you sounder has to be setup correctly to get nice readings like that

    looks like he has his gain up a little thats why the screen is soo clear

    only problem with this is you will also not see small schools of bait fish

    as for the fish arches this will only happen when the fish are sitting directly under your transducer if the fish are on the outside of your transducer cone you will get half arches and so on

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