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Everything posted by framedtrash

  1. ive never tried them as food i normally just use them for cut baits might have to give them a go next time im out there also heard they make decent sushi weather permitting hopefully be hitting up the fads in the next few weeks Dave if ya need some company give me a bell heres a map of the location of the fads to give you some idea of how far out they are from BB the BB fad is 22.6km out directly from Palm beach headland and the terrigal fad is 29.7km from palmy
  2. great work on the catches both on and off the water hopefully some of those kings followed you back to the pittwater
  3. yeh check the fuel and the fuel lines dont be using 1yr old fuel
  4. nice work what do u do with the stripies ? cheers for the heads up on teh FAD might be worth a trip out there soon to see whats around
  5. yeh there is the issue with snagging but the main reason they took the singles off the bottom is that it gives the fish too much leverage the idea of the single hook on a split ring is so that when a fish takes the jig and connects with the hook the hook is directly attached to the line and the jig just swings free but when you have caught a fish on the bottom hook on the jig it gives the fish the ability to pop the hook out of its mouth using the jigs weight to pop it out you will still catch fish using the bottom stinger but this is why most of the jigs you buy this way are rigged this way gives alot better result
  6. haha with a hose n brush damp dark warm conditions = shrooms
  7. its normally one or the other if they start taking jigs they tend to stop taking livies and visa versa great looking fish do you always jig with the bottom hook in place ?
  8. there was a reason humans started to cook there food haha
  9. check out THIS website tells you the best times to go fishing gives you all the other useful information regarding tides,pressure,humidity, moons and so on
  10. scotty 1050s is the most popular downrigger on the market the models below this in the scotty range are made for lakes and aint made for holding the bigger 10lb bombs needed at times when the current picks up the models up for this are made for fishing deep sea where you need bigger bombs 12lb+ and they have a high line retrive compared to the 1 foot 1 turn that the 1050s have never tried the penns but ive heard they do the job same goes for the walker i have 2 scotty 1050s on my boat never have ne problems with them
  11. what are you fishing for as said above 10kg of drag is alot my big jigging setup is only preset to 5kg drag and if some thing pulls line off that i pull off a big smile
  12. had planned for a early start and off for a king but i forgot i got my work Christmas party tonight so i don't think ill be up at the crack of dawn well actually i prob will i just wont goto sleep
  13. G'day Ray Jews bream snapper and flattys will take a bait or lure on the dr even the old Sargent baker will have a go bibless lures work best along with sluggos check your PM I'll send u a great write up on catching other species
  14. once you feel your ready to start heading outside if ya want a boat to come along for support shoot me a msg its only a 15min trip across the pond to the central coast for me
  15. very nice congrats i bet shes going to be a nice stable fishing platform
  16. here is some photos of the ice box/seat i want to have removed as you can see it takes up alot of valuable deck space dont have a rule with me but the size of the red tank is 584(L) x 355(W) and i would say that the bottom of the box is about 10cm below that of the floor having a underfloor tank doesnt really bother me as there is alot of room under the transom which will easily fit a new 75ltr tank i would be happy to just cover the hole glass it up and just carpet the whole boat floor tends to get a little slippery once theres some blood n ink on the floor so carpet is long over due
  17. yeh ill get some pics of the old girl needs a good cleaning first, yeh wouldn't mind getting a few ideas for the old girl there is alot that could be done to her shes a little ruff around the edges but she runs well and does her job well i also plan on getting some bow rails put down the sides to add some extra height to the sides which will help when out at sea in swell but im in no real rush for that maybe after chrissy catch up for a fish and go catch some pitty kings
  18. Cheers mate i spoke to Andrew about it yesterday he was saying it was a fair bitch to setup the underfloor tank so i think im just going to remove the box and just cover it with some marine ply and then glass it over should be alot less work and alot cheaper might take up a offer on help with the carpet saw your handy work on andrews boat very well professional ya hear andrew is selling his boat
  19. mate now you have the dual downriggers the next thing you really should have in the boat is a decent live tank that pumps in fresh water ive got a good homemade job if you want some tips and only worked out costing under $100 gotta keep those livies healthy
  20. its the new cleaning tables at the boat ramp at botany
  21. these are the spoons runnings duals is alot of fun just wait till you sittin down trying to light up a smoke and they both get hit at once fun times ahead
  22. haha that was quick i at least lasted a few months before i bought my 2nd one ha if your ordering in from the states take a look at the spoons they use for downrigging for salmon i reckon they would go great on kings ive never seen them in shops over here
  23. well done mate sounds like you got your downrigger all sorted out great tools they are i wonder how long it will take until there's a 2nd installed
  24. Well I want to make some changes to my boat to increase the fishing space at the back of the boat At current behind the 2 swivel seats there is a LARGE ice box/seat that’s glassed and sunk into the floor Sure there is times when its very handy like when your sitting around doing nothing but when the fish are on the chew it gets in the way We don’t use it as a ice box we just use it to store our 45ltr fuel tank so it’s a big waste of space in my eyes What I want to do is remove the box all together and if possible turn in into a underfloor fuel tank or kill tank and to remove the 2 swivel seats ( 1 has already been taken out well broken and I never put it back in) I then want to fully carpet the floor and replace the seats with a large padded esky that’s strapped to the floor which allows me to remove it fully if I want to Now ive never done much glassing so just wondering how big a job this would be ive got a few mates who work in the boat industry who im sure would help out if I get some beers on ice Just wondering what kind of money do u think ill be spending and how long it would take to do Ill get some photos of the boat later on to give you a better idea of what im talking about
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