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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Me personally, I dont like moving alot because I am a lazy fisho!!!

    I will usually only move to please the passangers on my boat or if I am in a new spot and I do not feel confortable in the conditions.

    Personally when I try a spot ill give it a good go possibly a hour or 2 depending on my mood and if I know the general area.

    Once I have fished the spot and have caught nothing, Ill make a mental note of tides and timing and next time Ill try to fish the same spot in different conditions to try work out what conditions suit that spot best, if all that fails then I wont bother with that spot ever again!!

    Generally speaking on the boat I dont have much issues finding spots, I just look for drop offs and any structure and work around them untill I get bites.

    If I am really feeling lazy Ill just go to a entrance to any given bay area in a estaury and fish it at both stages of tide.

    Sorry for going off topic but I am hoping that my methods could possibly help someone else who is looking for spots when out on their boat.



  2. nice squid very impressed that you had a back up plan if the beach session was no good.. most of us, myself included would just head home!!! It shows just how keen you and the Mrs are... very well deserved and congrats on a new pb!!



  3. Thanks for your PM's Guys, I have managed to get my hands on a identical spare.

    I have left it at the local tyre shop to replace the current tyre and tube so that I know shes 100% so if I ever need to use it I dont get caught out.



  4. Evening Raiders,

    With 1 more day till work and a break in the weather I thought I may aswell go for a fish. Destination Yowie Bay Boat Ramp with the tinny and leftover bait from last weekend lol.. arrived at 540pm a little nervous as first attempt going solo with the boat but I took my time and happy to say piece of cake. even getting better reversing my car too!! as some clown parked in the spot where you can u turn and back up from not sure what it's called but I know it's not meant for parking but no biggee I just reversed up the hill until I had enough width to u-turn and that was that!! anyway got out on the water went for a spin to gymea to give the tohatsu a bit of a run and see what she can do with only 1 on board.. I must say I was quite impressed.. anyway I tried various spots around gymea all the way back to yowie for pinkies lol so I headed north past the boat ramp where all the larger vessels are moored and spent the rest of the trip there lost something decent, caught a legal bream some pike and tailor then as quickly as they came on the chew they shut down so I decided to pull the pin at around 8 as I did not want to get home too late and we were about 1 hour off high and I couldn't be bothered waiting for the tide to turn..

    anyway that's all I have to share not real exciting but better than staying home Lol. .


    Nathan P.s sorry guys no picks today maybe next time

  5. Hi Raiders,

    I am hoping that one of you or one of the site sponsors can help me out.

    My Boat Trailer did not come with a Spare and I need to source one.

    I have looked through all the buy and sell places I could find online and am starting to think ill need a brand new one as my size is not a common one. anyway the wheel is a 10" Velox Die Cast Alloy, Numbers on the rim are 3.50B x 10. Its a Holden HT Stud Pattern 5 Stud

    The Tyre is a Kenda K364 and the Number on it is 4.50 x 10.

    I have found a exact match but its up in queensland and would prefer to find something closer to home if possible as once you include freight its not really worth it.

    If one of the site sponsors sells these please contact me or if there is anyone out there that could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it if you contact me via PM I would even consider a steel rim as long as its the same size.



  6. It can only get better from here, the other positive about it is the little one will motivate me to do more fishing!!

    Once it gets colder Ill start getting the boat set-up better because I only just had enough spare cash to buy the boat last year.

    I have only managed so far to install Nav Lights, a sounder & some minor repairs to the trailer

    Next things on the to do list are..

    Seats, False floor, Bimini, Rod Holders, Springs for the Trailer, New Rims as I currently have 10'' rims I want 13's as it will ride smoother on the tow.

    The best part about it now is since the little one is getting into fishing, It will be easier to get approval from the accountant!!!



  7. Good Evening Raiders,

    On Saturday I decided to take the boat for a run as shes been out of the water since december last year.

    I took my wife and my daughter out, this was their first time out in the tinny as they have never come with me before but I managed to talk them into it as my daughter was scared of going in the boat.

    It was also my first time fishing the hacking in a boat, I usually go to Parramatta river but wanted to try something different for a change.

    anyway we were out on the water for about 3 hours, we launched at Grays Point and explored around trying a few different spots.

    The only issue I had was my daughter was so keen to fish I had to set her rod up first and then she started getting bites straight away and I did not get a chance to set my rod up so I convinced her to change spots because they were mostly pickers.. she agreed!!! I was hoping to get time to set up a rod for myself but to no avail!!!

    I found a spot near gymea I think.. it dropped to about 15 metres here so I thought that it would be worth a shot.

    My daughter is a natural, getting fish almost every drop but they kept on biting off the line so I suspected tailor and sure enough tailor they were, some good sized ones too as we got them close to the boat only to have them chew through the leader and I did not have any wire trace!!!! she did manage to land a couple some legal some not but we let everything live to fight another day, we were just happy to be out on the water!!

    My daughter is not scared of the boat anymore now she is asking when we are going out again!!!

    Honestly seeing how much my daughter enjoyed fishing was so rewarding for me and I did not care too much that I didnt fish, I guess as she gets more experienced ill be able to let her set up her own rod, put on baits etc, but for now I will teach her as much as I can and just sit back enjoying watching her have fun learning about this great sport that we call fishing.

    I hope you all had a enjoyable weekend.







  8. Well Done Fabian!! the weather this weekend was perfect to get the boat out and go for a spin plus you got a feed and some father son time... well done. ill have to put up a post too about my trip yesterday...

    Regards Nathan

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