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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Generally my Mrs does not mind what I do, so I guess I am one of the lucky ones. :biggrinthumb:

    But My Soloution in my house hold is to take my daughter fishing with me. that way the Mrs gets some time for herself and cant complain.



  2. Hey raiders,
    After selling my first boat 12 months ago I knew that eventually id get another one and today I found my new boat its a quintrex 375 dart after looking at a few my hopes were fading to find a good boat under 3k but then this one showed up and I had to have it all it needs is some nav lighting which ill get sorted out this weekend and ill eventually get around to doing some mods like a false floor and sounder but I'm glad to get back out on the water again.. hopefully she's a good boat fingers crossed.. see you on the water..







  3. Thanks, at this point I just want to get a feel for what's out there on the market wont be rushing into anything until I know exactly what I want to buy. As for forward steer my last boat was a forward steer but this time id rather a tiller as there is more space for fishing if you have any other tinnies that you recommend please let me know.



  4. Hi raiders,

    I have started looking into buying a tinny and this one looks good for what I intend to do.

    Planning to take the daughter around the estuaries and maybe the odd Jew Bash with mates.

    I had a Haines Hunter V133 previously which was not bad but sat very low and was a very heavy boat to tow.

    The only issue is, I am trying to identify the model of it, all I have so far is its a SeaJay 3.7, I have looked on their website and think it may be a Nomad but cant be certain.

    If anyone out there thinks they know please let me know.




  5. Hi Raiders,

    It has been a long time since I have posted anything on here, just too busy with work and family committments but I am hoping to do more fishing and hopefully post a bit more as the warmer months approach.

    With a few hours to kill this afternoon I decided to take my daughter for a fish and see if we could get one.

    We fished in the Lane Cove River with a light rod running 6lb Braid - 6lb Fluro Carbon leader which is pretty much what I use most of the time with sucess so I let my daughter use it.

    It started off slow we arrived around lunchtime and after a hour of nothing my daughter was showing signs of boredom.

    I decided to take a gamble and drop the weight to a single splitshot and fish on the other side of the pier into the snags. This is something I do from time to time but was a little worried that my daughter would keep playing with the line as its loose and she would keep whinding it up, anyway the gamble payed off, about 5 mins after casting the rod buckled over my daughter didnt know what to do so I grabbed the rod off her as the fish was taking alot of line as I had the drag very loose so I tighted the drag and landed the fish for her and it was a nice healthy bream smack bang on 30cm, she was wrapped and wanted a photo straight away and after I showed her how to hold it we took a photo and I kept it for her for dinner.

    there was nothing else after that but we were both very happy with the catch.

    Anyway raiders it was good to be out on the water and spending some quality time with my daughter




  6. Hi Raiders,

    I decided to give greenwich sailing club a go today for a few hours we fished rising tide up to high tide.

    We had a couple of bites but nothing caught. I will try and talk my brother in law into a night fish.

    Hopefully I can get him onto something this week but I dont feel confident perhaps ill concentrate on taking him sightseeing lol..



  7. Hi Jacob,

    At least you managed to get out for a fish!!! I am going to have next week off and will try to do some fishing too.

    The big weight and snap might have been a ray of some sort I bet it had you heart pumping while it lasted...

    Ill put up a post next week regardless of how I go!!



  8. Good Evening Raiders,

    I used to go Fishing alot but due to family & Work committments, I find next to no time to do anything anymore.

    Anyway heres my situation, My Wifes Sister has decided to visit Sydney with her Husband from South Korea.

    One of the things my Brother-In Law and I have spoken about several times is fishing and boy is he looking forward to it :banana:

    Unfortunately as I dont fish that much anymore I have kind of lost touch, dont get me wrong I still enjoy it but as my Brother-In Law is only here for a short time I want to get him onto somthing if I can.

    Theres a good chance that we will do landbased fishing, but I am looking into boat hire options in Sydney & surrounding estauries.

    If anyone has any ideas please share them, We will greatly appreciate it.

    I am not too confident on hiring a boat and going out because I have not been out on a boat for quite some time.

    Landbased is probably going to be our best bet but I am open to anything.



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