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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Just wondering, have you been able to find a serial number anywhere on the Motor?

    if you can find the serial number for it you should be able to figure out what year it is. Theres heaps of info available both here and on the net. Id say leave this job for the experts if your not too confident but I would still try to get my hands on a book for any future maintence you may want to tackle.

    I had a old 1975 Evinrude 50 which I worked on quite a bit and it was not very hard to do work on it but again it depends on how confident you are.



  2. Yeah Fab, The Skids will get done but not right now. I am guessing that when I moved the trailer forward it has thrown out the adjustment of the rollers.

    After adjusting the rollers they all have roughly the same amount of weight on them it was a painful job and took me a couple of hours till I was satisfied with it as when you jack up one roller it would throw out the other rollers so I loosened all of them, started at the front of the trailer and slowly worked my way to the back, once I was satisfied with it I hooked it up and went for a drive and as I mentioned earlier it is noticeably better, I will take her out tonight after dinner all going well.The only issue I am going to have when I do install the skids I may have to take the boat off the trailer so I can change the brackets but Ill get around to a few trailer shops and see what I need to buy and go from there, for Now I am satisfied with the trailer and how it tow's.



  3. Hey Raiders, Just to update on this topic. Today I moved the boat forward and noticed that some of the rollers had no weight on them so I spent my afternoon raising and lowering rollers till I was happy that the weight of the boat was shared around the rollers and took it for a 5 min drive over a few bumps and it seems better if I am feeling up to it tonight ill go for a fish but I am convinced that I am on the right track next pay Ill replace the springs fish plates u bolts and bearings and fingers crossed that's it for now..

    I appreciate everyone's advice on the issue this is what makes this site great..



  4. Thanks. Guys after reading all your replies I will take the following steps.

    This weekend I will move the boat forward, try to make adjustments to the trailer, axle and check pressure on tyres and road test it and post back on my results.

    When I get paid in another 2 weeks ill replace the springs and bearings and if needed see what's involved in installing skids but Im feeling confident that a bit of adjustment will be all I need to do for the time being.

    Again raiders I really appreciate your info.



  5. Hi Geoff,

    To clarify the trailer is very bouncy and id say that is causing the boat to bounce on the trailer whilst under tow. I am planning to move the boat forward on the trailer and replace springs with 3 leaf as the 2 leaf are rusted anyway. Also if its not too much work ill try to install skids at the rear.

    But as loco dave has mentioned might be worth looking at the tyre pressure also.

    I appreciate everyone's advice on the issue thanks a lot. .



  6. Thanks Fabian,

    I really appreciate your assistance & advice.

    Ill have to wait till next payday to do most of the work but for now ill go over it and sus out what needs replacing or adjusting.

    Unfortunatly as you said people do overlook things and thats how accidents happen.

    Lucky for me I am very paradoid and now I will not tow the trailer till I am completly satisfied with it.

    Yes its going to cost money but heck thats life not much we can do and when its all sorted I need not worry.



  7. Thankyou Iceman, I was planning on replacing the springs next year but I guess I will do it sooner as I am concerned that the bouncing will cause damage over time.as for the rims Ill just get a spare wheel for it as the boat has no spare and that should be it for now hopefully.

    Appreciate your prompt reply.



  8. Good Morning Raiders,

    I am hoping that someone can point me in the right direction here.

    Yesterday I took my boat out for the first time, its a Quintrex 3,75 Dart.

    I had no issues with the Boat but the only thing bothering me was how much the boat was bouncing on the trailer whilst under tow. It was secured with a tie down and the stern and winched at the front just like my previous fibreglass boat.

    Obviously the weight of the fibreglass boat eliminated any bouncing.

    The trailer has very small rims possibly 10" not exactly sure and the springs are 2 leaf which I am planning to replace next year due to rust. My thoughts are to replace the rims with 13" rims & putting x2 tie downs on the trailer one on the back and one towards the front is this a good idea? or does anyone have a better idea? or am I just being over paranoid?.



  9. You sound very Keen Rami, If your allready managing to get Bream & Flatties some of which are legal you are allready on the right track!!!

    Keep doing what your doing but you should start to keep records of when you have a good session that way you can get a feel for the better tides / conditions for future reference.

    Good Luck Champ.



  10. Very Nice fish and well done on getting your first beach Jewwie and I admire your motivation going straight from work brilliant effort & a great result.

    definitely over the Metre Mark by the looks of it!!!!!



  11. I must have had one of those special people that you mentioned when I had to blueslip my trailer LOL.

    Good luck on getting your boat and trailer re-registered since shes almost Brand new and you have all the paperwork hopefully it should be smooth sailing.



  12. Also I think a Variety of baits is not a bad idea get some squid and cut them into strips also with the burley fill up a bucket with water add some bread and mash it up and throw handfulls every 30 mins. This will attract a variety of fish and hopefully the bigger ones follow. But remember safety first and never takes your eyes off the water.

    Good luck.

    Regards Nathan

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