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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Unfortunatly you get those type of people, they are just plain un-reasonable.... thats life.

    I had the exact same thing happen when I was storing my boat at my parents house, I tried to be the better person and started flushing my boat on the street , I never started it at night,also I even tried to use a bucket but they still complained and have now started complaining about my parents dog too!!! so they basically dont have a life and just take joy in complaining about everything!!! anyway to keep peace I have brought my boat to my place and I have made a silencer for it now and my neighbours here are far more reasonable and the funny thing is I live in a unit go figure lol I was expecting more trouble here!!

    Anyway sorry for rambling on but I thought I would share my experience's with you. I have a solution for you since you said that if you start the outboard often it wont smoke too much so make a silencer or buy one and start the boat more often and maybe try to start it when your cutting your lawn to compare the noise of the mower and the outboard.

    I made a silencer with a rubber coupling that I found at the hardware for about $10 I think it may be the one used on toliets but its about 80mm diameter and about 150mm in length and has 2 hose clamps on either side, I cut out some foam, the type you get with furniture etc. Wedged it in at the end leaving about half of the silencer empty, covered the end with tape so the foam does not blow out of the silencer and made holes in the foam and tape so there is enough backpressure for the outboard to run correctly and honestly its halved the noise by more then 50%.

    If you want me to send you photos of it I can.



  2. Totally Agree with all of the above comments, I bought a Glass boat about 4 years ago which I got for 2k and was very happy with it.

    The only issue I had was after going over the trailer, Engine and adding electronics the boat owed me almost 5K. I had to sell it in a hurry and regrettably let it go for 2K. I have recently bought another boat which I got for just under 3K a very basic Aluminium tinny which has a 15 HP on it and goes very well.

    sorry for going off topic slightly but I wanted to share my experience with you.

    All I can suggest to you is if your hearts set on a glass boat follow the above advise on what to check for and be prepared to fork out additional funds.

    Look at alot of boats including boats selling for 5k and above and compare as the more expensive boats may be better in the long run as most of the work would have been done and they will be in better condition.

    Or perhaps start from a basic tinny like what I purchased if you dont want to wait too long to purchase.

    The advantage of a basic tinny is ease of towing, easier to launch/retrieve even solo if you decided to go out at night, lower fuel consumption as you have about a third of the weight of a glass boat but in saying this it will be a rougher ride depending on conditions etc.

    also the 50hp merc if its in good order, check that the tilt and trim is working without any leaks as this is very expensive to fix my first boat had a old evinrude 50 on it and had a manual tilt and trim, I got sick of lifting it up and nearly fell out of the boat a few times doing it so I fitted a aftermarket hydraulic unit which cost me $1200.

    Good luck in your boat hunting but be patient as there are alot of boats to choose from.



  3. Hey Raiders,

    Sorry to bore you all with a fishless report but thought id share it anyway!!

    I have been on Holidays for the past 2 weeks and done a couple of Landbased sessions in the Hacking for a few feeds of Bream.

    Unfortunatly this week due to the rain I could not get out, but since the rain cleared up today I thought id give it a crack and see if I can get a few more bream before returning to work next week.

    Anyway I arrived at 9pm with the tide running out and the water a little choppy but still fishable.

    I gave it 2 hours and managed a couple of pinkies and Tailor, perhaps if I waited for the tide to start coming in it may have got a little more productive but since all the other fishos had packed up and headed home I decided to pull the pin around 11:30, thought it would be better to have a good nights sleep and who knows I may get down there tomorrow or saturday with the boat and see if I can get something.

    Hopefully my next post is a little more exciting!!!



  4. Hey Fab,

    I know how you feel mate, I have the rest of this week off so hopefully the rain eases up so I get a oppourtunity to head out before going back to work!!!

    anyway I am sure you can find something else to do today, take the mrs out for lunch or something earn some points towards your next fishing adventure lol.

    anyway enjoy your RDO.



  5. Hey Raiders,

    I decided to try again tonight and caught another one, not quite as big as yesterdays one but cant complain.

    The boaties that were coming in were all saying its pretty quiet out there, I hope thats not the case tomorrow when I take my boat out!!!

    regardless Ill put up another post If I do manage to get out there.



  6. Hey Raiders,

    Tonight I decided to go for a flick around the Hacking and see If I could manage to catch something.

    I arrived at the spot of choice around 8pm hoping that it would be quiet with the weather the way it is.... Wrong!!!

    anyway not to be disheartened I had a go with a few different baits and caught a few chopper Tailor, & Pinkies and was starting to think that thats all I was going to get tonight.

    Around 9:30 I cast out and just rested the Rod Against the handrails.. a few seconds later It buckled over and was dragged a little I grabbed hold of it and had a brief wresstle with the Bream that I thought was hooked :mad3:

    I got him to the pier but He spat the Hook.... Bugger!!! I was a little dissapointed but heck what can you do.

    I checked the leader and rebaited and went for revenge... LOL :gun_bandana:

    A few mins later I rested the rod again and wouldn't you know it same thing again but this time I had the drag tighter then before to help set the Hook this could have been the reason I lost the first Bream.. anyway got it in and the guys at the spot were impressed as they have not seen a bream of that size caught there, we measured it and it was right on 37cms beating my previous PB of 35cms so I was impressed!!! :clapping:

    I was hoping to get another one but after that a few boats came in stirred up the water and by the time it had settled down again the tide was running out too much making it very difficult for me to keep the bait where I wanted it.

    Anyway Bream & Chips for Lunch tomorrow so no complaints there!!!




  7. Hi There,

    I used to catch squid quite alot in the hacking & in the harbour landbased.

    You must dedicate alot of time and be prepared to lose alot of lures while your learning as you need to work the jigs as close to the bottom as you possibly can.

    What I learnt was to look for the kelp beds and fish as light as conditions would allow so the jig can reach the bottom.

    All of the well known jigs will work like Yamashita, Yo Zuri and many more.

    Some fishos swear by the cheapies also, just experiment to find what suits you & carry a few colours.

    Pink & Green Yo Zuri jigs is all I have ever used but my weakness is that I find something that works as just stick to it there is so many different colours available I am sure that I am limiting my sucess rate by not trying more colours!!!

    As for spots if your on a boat try to sound out the kelp beds if you have a capable sounder to do so.

    Landbased, most of the wharves of a night around Hacking & the Harbour will hold squid.

    I used to squid at Jeffery Street Kirrabilli but I dont know if your alowed to fish there anymore but It was a good spot for me.

    Good Luck on your quest, Remember persistence pays off!!



  8. Happy New Year to all Raiders, their Families & Everyone imortant to them!!!

    I hope that 2015 brings happiness, good health & good fortune to all of you.

    Also, I would like to extend my gratitude to all of you for sharing your adventures, posts and advice, This also includes Site Admin, Sponsors & anyone else who contributes to make this site possible!!!

    I truly look forward to reading your posts & hope to start posting more of my sucessful trips as this year I want to try to dedicate more time to fishing.



  9. I would try to stick with the geuine Oem oil, If you look up Johnson / Evinrude Oil you should be able to find it.

    Id say its made by BRP check your local boat shop and they should stock it.



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