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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Getting a pre purchase inspection is a very good idea, but a couple of things to consider on top of that is what your future plans are for the boat will it be big enough for your needs, if you will add anything later on, plus make sure you have some money left over after the purchase as I am sure there will be things that you may want to do to it for example fitting a sounder or a Bimini or for a repair, at the absoloute Minimum I would recommend replacing the bearings on the trailer.

    Dont be in a hurry also as theres alot of boats on the Market, if youre lucky enough you may find one with everything you want and in real good condition.

    Good Luck with it boating is quite enjoyable but can be costly also.



  2. Hey Mike,

    Love the report, too bad about not bringing anything home but I can assure you it has happenned to all of us!!!

    What I am especially impressed about is your persistance, even going to Uni smelling like fish.. thats gold LOL

    and then replenishing your bait and going back for more is just awesome.

    With the trevally you have to be real careful as they have soft mouths probably best if you net them next time around.

    also when you hook the bigger fish you have to take your time, I know its real hard to do but dont try to go to hard to quick.

    as long as your line is in constant contact with the fish and you have a bit of drag obviously not too loose just enough to tire the fish out you will get them.

    you may also want to consider a different net setup, I havent been to balmoral in a long time and cant remember it too well but I am assuming that you need a real long landing net if you were to attempt netting your own fish? if that is the case I used to fish a spot a long time ago that required a long handled net, what I did is used a old plastic crate similar to those milk crates, tied a rope to each side of it and one in the middle joining both lines together and If I got hooked to a big fish I would throw it into the water, guide the fish into the crate and just lift the crate because trying to slowly move the fish to a safe spot can be risky as there will be pylons etc that the fish may run towards, once your fish is in the crate it can do whatever it wants.

    good luck on your fishing quest, I am sure your going to run into some big fish & I hope you can land them sucessfully.



  3. Good Evening Raiders,

    Yesterday I had the pleasure of going for a fish around the hacking with Fab1 & His son on their Boat.

    We launched the boat around 4pm, from there Fab wanted to give the boat a bit of a run so we drove from grays point to Yowie Bay and from there we went to south west arm then we set down the anchor for a fish.

    We persisted there for about 2 hours for one undersized snapper LOL.

    There was a constant berley trail going and we had 4 rods out.

    Fab1 and his son were using Pilchards & Prawns, I had one rod with Cuttlefish Strip & the other with a whole squid both caught 2 days ago in the hacking and preserved in salt water from where they were caught, surprising that I got no Interest with the baits I had on offer but perhaps all the Boat activity spooked the fish!!

    Anyway from there we headed over to Gymea right on the Mouth, a spot that has served me well in the past & I thought as it was getting dark and the tide was due to turn, I had Jewwie on My Mind so off we went and settled in for a fish with high hopes!!!

    Unfortunatly 2 hours past not even a single bite and some rain just starting so Fab put up the canopy and we tucked into some salami rolls that his son prepared, didnt they go down a treat!!!! and we shared a few laughs :1gathering: Fabs son then landed another undersized snapper, must have been the only fish in the whole area LOL!!!

    We then decided around 10 that it was not going to happen so we slowly headed to the ramp and I sent the squid down once more close to the ramp for one last chance but it wasnt meant to be, 30 mins passed and not even a single touch to speak of.

    We then decided that it was enough for us and we pulled the pin, nothing for the table but what a relaxing few hours on the water, we all enjoyed just being on the water, the funny thing is Fab told me from the word go that his son would outfish us, I thought he was joking LOL.

    Thanks Fabian & Jordan for your hospitality and a great arvo/evening out on the water!!!

    Anyway if there is anyone out there that knows the hacking that could possibly share a couple of spots that are worth trying for a Jewwie in the evening would be greatly appreciated, as once I am finished setting up my tinnie I would like to spend some time at night trying to catch Jew in the hacking.

    My apologies raiders for the long post but I thought it was worth sharing anyway..

    I hope you all enjoyed your weekends,



  4. Awesome Stuff Krispy, its very impressive catching a kingie, let alone 2 and landbased aswell.

    I was out yesterday on the boat trying to find them but not even a bite to be had!! mornings must be the way to go.

    Good Work,



  5. Hi,

    I am no squid master by no means, I manage a few here and there landbased.

    The spots landbased are generally around light up piers and kelp beds.

    I always seem to do better when I use lighter yo-zuri jigs in bright colours at night never tried for squid during the day.

    as for getting squid on your boat, I have never done this before but by what I see on TV and from here you need to work out where the kelp beds are for a start, not sure If you have a sounder or not that is capable of doing this.

    It is also worth getting yourself a squid spike I think they are called which basically can be used on a whole yakka / pilly and just drop it on the bottom when your looking for squid spots and if there are squid around they will go for your bait and get spiked and then you will know that area holds squid.

    Good Luck on getting squid, you will be a pro in no time.



  6. I would've kept the whole lot for bait and bought the missus some doritos on the way home hahaha

    Doritos!!! thats not a bad idea, the last time we had those the mrs served them with a taco mix it wasnt bad at all LOL

    I was tempted to say I didnt catch anything but since the Mrs issued me a leave pass I thought Id be best to earn a few more points!!!



  7. Evening Raiders,

    Since going out with Pete Tide N Knots last Friday I have the urge to fish again and can't stop thinking about it.. I forgot how good it can be!!.
    Anyway since its only Tuesday with the weekend fairly far away I decided to go for a squid session as its not too far from home and I can pack up easily without a fuss. anyway got squidding around 8:30 and left just after 10 and had a awesome session managing 7 squid. 4 for the mrs and 3 babies for bait on the weekend.
    anyway wifey is happy and hopefully I can convert the bait into something bigger!!!



  8. Thanks Guys!!!

    I am looking forward to my next adventure as I was starting to lose my motivation.

    It just goes to show that having one good session can really motivate you.

    Ill just have to dedicate some time and Money to get my boat setup properly so I can do some all-nighters in it also currently its a bare tinny without a canopy. it gets you out there but at night its not ideal, not complaining though!! I just need to justify myself to Wifey LOL :wife: as she will get the final say...



  9. Jgrant666,

    The fact that you managed to catch fish means you're doing something right.

    persistance will get you and the family the bigger fish!!!, with the hook sizes I personally prefer using long shanks for bream, you will basically catch most small bream up to the larger models this way and bycatch flatties etc, but I reckon trying a few different rigs at the same time is not a bad idea.

    anything that you dont manage to hook with a long shank size 4 is probably too small to keep anyway. keep it up and you will get rewarded for your efforts!!! Also, if you're to run into a School of Tailor that are feeding towards the bottom you will need to use some wire trace as they will just keep biting off your line. it happenned to me and my daughter a few months back and she was not impressed with me LOL



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