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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Keep at it, before you know it you will be into the fish.

    It sounds like your fishing the right times around the tide changes.

    I personally never had much luck in the hawkesbury when I started fishing it a few years ago.

    What I have found that works for me around Brooklyn is fishing around the rail bridge on a tide change and fishing as light as possible.

    As far as Hooks go, I use Long Shank Size 4 when using Prawns, I also use these for chicken pieces. you should experiment with the hooks on all your lines perhaps rig up 3 rods and each rod use a different hook but keep them as small as you can and see what works best for you.

    We hired a house boat there about 2 years ago now and we got into a school of soapie jew using this very technique.

    You could probably even put some bigger baits out for bigger jew in this very spot.

    The Hawkesbury is a very big system with alot of potential as I just figured out friday night fishing at Wisemans Ferry with Tide N Knots, we got some great Bream fishing with chicken which were meant for Jew...

    Good Luck to you and I look forward to seeing some reports in the future.



  2. Thanks for all your replies,

    As a matter of fact I called it for a soapie and when we saw it my goodness what a surprise I honestly didnt think Id ever get a bream that big, as you do hear about horses being caught from time to time but you rarelly see it. still absoloutly cheering about it guys and cant wait to do it again.



  3. Hi Raiders,

    To say that I had a ball is a under statement this is one of those sessions that Ill be talking to my grandkids about one day. I have been awake since 4am Friday but I am still pumped lol. Pete thankyou once again and I think this is the push I needed to get my mojo back!!! I cant wait to do it all over again!!.


    how do I go about submitting the catch as a record & fish of the month??

  4. I used to be like that, sneeking fishing in whenever I could, it was awesome.

    These days I just dont get the time, but when I read your post I remembered when I used to go out regularly and it kinda motivated me a little!!

    as for sleeping in theres plenty of time for that!!!

    Keep up the good work!



  5. Hi Pete, would love to mate, send me a PM next time your planning on going and ill do my best to get there.

    I also wouldnt mind having a look at your boat again so I can get ideas on how to setup my quintrex as I remember your boat was very comfortable to fish out of mine however is dead stock & I want to eventually set it up like your boat.



  6. Fabian, I agree.. you are very talented. hopefully you can pass down some, if not all of your valuable knowledge to your son as this generation including me would benefit from diy projects like this one and previous projects you have published on fishraider. keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing your future projects.



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