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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. lol I said to the bloke on the phone that I was happy they at least acknowledged my request and rang me lets see if they do anything. at least I tried, most people wouldn't even bother and they wonder why nothing ever gets done.. I encourage everyone to contact their local councils, after all that's what they are there for!!



  2. Fabian, as I mentioned yesterday we can give my 2013 mazda 3 a go see how she handles your rig. but for 25k I would get a subaru imprezza, Forrester is probably better but I doubt you will get one with 25k also worth a mention is to get a towbar factory fitted. this way if there are any issues they cant use this as a excuse and these days the ecu on cars is very high tech and if you have any dramas it will all be covered. take your time and shop around. I believe kia sorrento took out wheels car of the year but I am still not 100% sold on them but they are growing in popularity. again I stress shop around look at fuel economy as well and if you are financing organise that before you walk into any yard cause they will screw you if they get the chance!!!

    Happy Hunting!!



  3. Sounds good Fab, would love the system for my boat too probably in the new year sometime, love your work!!! and that reward is very well deserved!!

    I have been in contact with liverpool council about installing taps at the local ramps, to my surprise they rang me and we had a chat about it and they will look into it so theres hope but having the onboard system is a great idea and backup!!



  4. good idea, probably better to buy a boat in winter too as people usually try to cash up around that time aswell so there will be a few on the market.

    you may also wanna practise reversing trailers too because it will help you in the long run especially if you decide on a bigger boat



  5. Thanks Fabian,

    I may have to look at this in the future, in the meanwhile I have contacted my local council asking them to consider installing coin operated taps at the local ramps, dont like my chances but have to ask anyway. as I currently have no where to flush my boat where it is kept due to neighbors and their 10 cars each hogging the streets lol.

    Keep up the good work.



  6. Nice work Fabian, I am sure there will be a few people on here that will be interested in this.

    I for one like the idea of a outboard flushing system, I wonder if your system has enough pressure to do such a thing.

    keep up the good work.



  7. Hi Jay,

    it sounds like you made your mind up on purchasing a boat.

    As mentioned it is a buyers market if youre looking for a cheap boat but dont be fooled sometimes cheap is also nasty.

    A tinnie is a great start if you are wanting to fish the estauries also with a tinnie you wont need a massive tow vehicle, as you go for a bigger boat you need to consider the tow vehicle aswell.

    My first boat was a cheap fibreglass 14ft, great boat but very heavy and difficult to launch solo due to not having the right trailer.

    I eventually sold it and bought a Qunitrex 375 Dart, a very basic rig but a absoloute dream to launch, tow etc. I am in the process of fitting it out so stay tuned ill put up a post when its finished possibly early next year.

    The other advantage is smaller boats dont not need alot of power to get them going so less fuel consumption aswell.

    Best advice is go to a couple of boating shops have a look at a few different rigs and see what you like and ask on here if anyone has that rig and try to find out the pros and cons from actual boat owners and not salesman!!!

    one last thing is work out a budget and allow about a grand on top of that for extras as previously mentioned here B O A T = Bring on Another Thousand!!!

    if you need any help dont hesitate to flick me a PM and I am sure plenty of other raiders will be more than willing to help,

    There is also a mobile mechinic not sure of his name who is one of the sponsors here that could help you with the pre purchase inspection when you get to that stage.



  8. Hi,

    as above, whats the issue that youre trying to fix?

    I have a Tohatsu 15, I have never stated it any other way then using the cord, and its generally very easy to kick over.

    I would imagine putting it in gear and trying to turn the prop would turn the motor but it should not be easy to turn, if its easy to turn it could possibly indicate low compression.

    Good Luck with it.



  9. Good on you both for braving the weather and getting out Nathan.Sounds like you both had a great time non the less.You guys certainly did better than when we were out in the Hacking a few weeks back and couldn't turn a reel to save ourselves,well done!

    Hey Fabian,

    yeah it was pretty action packed, its amazing how differently each system fishes, possibly less boat traffic may help as when we fished the hacking there were boats everywhere, next time we go out if we fish the hacking we should try fish inside one of the bays where its quieter and see if that helps as the Hacking fires like all spots do we just have to be in the right place at the right time.

    I am even thinking of playing around in the Georges river near my place and seeing what is out there.



  10. glad you had a good time nathan, your welcome to come out with me anytime its a pleasure having you onboard. hopefully next time we might manage a few more keepers


    Thanks Pete, I am certainly looking forward to it, That big Jewwie is not too far away I reckon!!!



  11. Good Evening Raiders,

    I just thought I would share todays trip to Wisemans Ferry.

    Pete AKA (Tide N Knots) rang me yesterday afternoon just as I finished work as soon as his caller ID came up I was cheering as I was feeling like a fish this weekend you must have read my mind Pete!!!! :fishing1:

    Anyway since there was a turn of the Tide very early around 6 - 7 AM I needed to be at petes house by 4am so we both tried to get whatever sleep we could, anyway we arrived on the water around 530 and on our way.

    First stop was Dads Corner for the turn of the tide, Pete had been given a tip that there were some recent captures of good sized flatties there but all he could find were Eels LOL he caught about 6 of them and was starting to get cranky :ranting2: , however pete persisted. We moved around a bit from one side to another to eventually find some flatties and a EP not real monsters but beats catching Eels LOL.

    I only managed to catch one Flattie but that didnt bother me at all as I was just enjoying being out on the water.

    Anyway we were running out of Prawns and decided that it would be better to Try Petes spot close to the Ramp where we fished last time. so we quickly stopped at the Pontoon so we could re-stock the Baits and then off to try get some jewwies for the next tide turn around lunchtime.

    Sure enough about 5 mins after anchoring Pete was allready into em catching a few soapies, I was still yet to land a jewwie so I decided to change my bottom Hooks to what Pete was using as I wanted to try my own 2 hook rigs but using circle hooks at the bottom, I think my hook choice was too large because as soon as I changed my bottom hooks I was into them aswell.

    Pete and I couldnt keep up both of us were getting double hookups at times, we could barely even pour a drink let alone sit down, it was absoloute madness but I was loving every minute of it as this doesnt happen to me often!!!

    We honestly caught about 40 - 50 Soapie Jew Between us biggest around mid 40's some may have been in the 50's no keepers but alot of fun!!!

    This lasted a couple of hours and even in the rain, it was a cracker of a day I would love to do it again.

    Anyway sorry raiders we didnt take any pics today but thought Id better share our adventure with you.

    Thanks Again Pete for taking me out on your Boat, its so comfortable and the way its setup, I barely got one drop of rain on me, I will be definatley be setting my boat up like yours when I get around to it.

    Baits we used today were Chicken Breast Petes Recipe with Parmasen & Aniseed Oil & Hawkesbury Prawns Peeled, both Baits produced the fish but Peeled Prawns were definatly the preferred bait.



  12. Hi Joe,

    Welcome aboard, I really looking forward to seeing some posts from you.

    I have seen them get jewwies off the rocks on TV using lures, looks like fun!!!

    have personally not been the greatest rock fisho, I much rather fishing a estary but thats not to say I wont give it a go again some day!!

    All the best on your fishraider adventures both on the land and in the boat!!



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