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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. I hope our money is put towards less polluting technologies and not other crap that we don't need, only time will tell.

    The other issue of concern is that even more of our manufacturing will move oversea's because the big businesses will have to seek cheaper way's to produce.

    The knock-on effect will be higher unemployment!!! we cant win damn government has screwed us once again!!!!!!



    You missed the quote from Tony originally in support of the tax. Yes they are all incompetent liars and we shouldn't pay much attention to what they say. BUT, when CSIRO and other politically unaligned research bodies tell you you're in the shit surely it's time to listen?

    Your point on weather predictions really is irrelevant. Firstly they are generally much more accurate than people give them credit for, secondly picking long term overall trends is much simpler than predicting specific events. When they have predicted La Nina's or El nino events everyone happily listens and usually they are spot on, when they tell us the world is in trouble because of what we are doing to it everyone is up in arms because they are suggesting spending money.

    As for your last question, if i watch a car speeding towards a brick wall there is a point at which i'd be yelling "shit its not going to stop in time". At that point i cant say how fast it will hit, whether the driver will break in time to avoid being killed or how the car will stand up to the impact, i just know that its looking real scary and the driver sure as hell should hit the breaks. Unfortunately this is where the science is at right now, its hard to say exactly how bad it is and whether we can still stop in time, they just know its looking like its going to be messy. Again, picking a trend is easy, giving a specific answer is very tricky, especially when it all rests on what the rest of the world do as well.

    Further irrelevant of peoples thoughts on climate change we are already seeing changes to the oceans accidty levels (as already mentioned by Fishmaniac above). Surely as fisherman on this basis alone its something that needs to be addressed?

    Lastly Irrelevant of the intentions of the labour party in introducing this tax (i agree they are looking at it as another windfall in their budgeting) the effect will be 1, big business will look to reduce emissions to increase profits and 2. more money will be available to support the development and installation of less polluting technologies.

  2. winge winge winge to all the liberal supporters and gloria fans get over it you could'nt form govenment and thats why your in oposition you lost

    now as for burning coal for power and steel making how 3rd world i'm in the manuf. industry and have worked in the mines and power stations and neather give a shit about pollution just profit take a plane or chopper flight over the hunter vally it looks like a luna land scape when the coal is dug up they move on or fold the company so the do'nt have to clean up the mess

    i'm not a greeny and not a big fan off the gillard gov either but think off your kids kids not your back pocket

    there i've proberly pissed most off you off well good i'm sick off hearing you all winge like little kids :tease::074:

    cheers gary

    Funny you should mention the point about thinking of our kids, one of my colleagues said the same thing, I hope this does benefit them after-all they are the future, and as long as we are paying taxes the current government and future governments will find new ways to get more money from us.



  3. Maybe Greenwich???? I have not heard much from there lately but its a comfortable spot and light to unweighted baits will score you something for sure,

    Nice view of the city and plenty of places to sit down,



  4. You know Nathan I love all forms of fishing and blackfishing has a certain appeal to it.

    Just standing there watching the float then it dissappears and the strike and that first powerful run the luderick has just keeps me going back for more and its even better with a few good mates to share the fun with.

    Not to mention how good they are to eat :yahoo:

    Cheers Stewy

    I know you love all forms of fishing :biggrin2: but your blackfishing is exceptional at the moment.

    If you guys are out and about on a weekend id love to meet up and watch if thats ok...

    and yes I have heard they are great on the table, enjoy the feed!!!



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