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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. 20 Tailor that would have been a night to remember but yeah I agree about dragging the heavy bucket along the beach!!!

    I would honestly be happy with max 5 keepers depending on species of course, but the way I am going staying home rugged up I wont get any!!!! :biggrin2:

    I think my mission this weekend is to get out there and have a go!!!!



    Hi Nathan,

    The last time I beach fished was at the Entrance Social (had heaps of fun there with BIG tailor) and today - otherwise, I haven't fished beaches for about 5 years, I reckon, since getting into yak fishing & blackie fishing! I used to do heaps of beach fishing 10 years ago, but got tired of dragging a heavy bucket full of fish back along the beach late at night, only to have to clean them when you got home! My best was 20 tailor in one night - and I gave most of them away! :biggrin2: But most people preferred them filleted & skinned ....... so after that, i started putting fish back after I got 5 or 6!!1prop.gif

    .... those sambos pull a bit harder than Blackies aye...... Hi Groper, They sure give an honest fight! I'd forgotten how hard they pull! It was fun to be pulling in some fish again, for a change! yahoo.gif Mind you, the really BIG blackies that hang round the leases REALLY pull! I've been busted off by heaps of them, sadly! mad3.gif



  2. There that strong??? then again i suppose with all the rocks around probably not a bad idea to go heavier.

    I like to fish lightly for bream and flatties might have to get some heavier line on my bream outfit and give it a go.

    Thanks for your advice



  3. Good job Groper,

    You can definately say that you have put your blood sweat and teers into your outboard now!!!

    They are fiddely to work on thats for sure as I had to change the headgasket and thermostat on my Evinrude 50 recently and I snapped at least half a dozen bolts a real nightmare but as long as you have the patience its very rewarding.

    I hope she serves you well for your efforts,



  4. Give this spot a go,

    post-9366-046821000 1309909768_thumb.jpg

    The Burley that everyone has described are the way to go

    as far as hooks are concerned use long shank hooks or bait holders size 4 should be enough.

    and little to no weight on the sinker,

    Bait's can be squid strip, yakka pieces, prawns just experiement and see how you go.



  5. Awsome,

    Now if you dont mind me asking whats the best way to catch these?

    I was thinking of a simple bream setup obviously use at least 10lb as on the rocks its preety easy to be busted off.

    I want to give this type of fishing a go as its seems to be good in the colder months and its always good to have a backup plan when the other species are not as active.



  6. sounds like its well and truly rusted on good luck with it.

    you can try the multi grip's see how you go with that and you could even try to tighten the screw sounds silly but even if you can get it to move that tiny bit that will be enough to break the seal, probably want to check if you can get replacement screws also as you may have to drill these ones out but I am not recommending it,

    Good luck,



  7. We use plastics and soft vibes.

    The soft vibes been our gun bait for sure!


    You have some pretty impressive records well done to you,

    I am still yet to get a jew on a lure will have to keep at it.

    I am also wondering what soft vibes are you using??? I have tried a couple of the Berkley ones and caught whiting on them and I am keen to try more,



  8. I forgot to mention that if your transporting them in a airated bucket you should get at least 4 hours if there is not too many in the bucket.

    remember to put fresh water in the bucket before you leave and put as much water as you can in the bucket and some sort or a lid on the bucket is worthwhile.

    its definately worth the effort and if they do end up dying you have the best slab or butterflied bait's there too and they work real well,



  9. well done!!!!

    you might want to try giving the gearcase screws a hit with the screwdriver attached as this will help loosen the seal probably has not been done in a while.

    try the WD40 first see if that does the trick,



  10. definately worth getting a airator.

    It will not keep yakkas alive for 2 sessions unless you keep changing the water as yakkas keep doing their business which eventually ends up killing them.

    I use a cheap airator jarvis walker I think and if I remember correctly was around $15 you can buy them anywhere it just depends how much you plan on using it as it may be worth buying a better one but so far mine has held up I have had it for around 2 years.

    another tip is not to over-crowd your bucket with yakkas keep 6 maximum unless you plan to use them quickly.

    Good luck,



  11. Mate,

    If you can bear the cold then its worth giving it a shot.

    The more you get out there the better your chances are of getting into the jew.

    I was thinking of getting out there also but we will have to see how my week goes too early to plan.

    as far as bait goes fresh is best so definately try putting in the effort and catch yakkas well worth it and if you have time through the week you could even try for squid.

    but I have used california squid in the past and they work, good luck with it anyway remember persistence pays off!!!



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