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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Once you have undone the 4 bolts for the lower unit it should slide off with very little effort baring in mind that the shaft may have some rust on it.

    If it does not come off but has a little bit of play chances are there is a linkage,

    If there is a linkage it will be located under the carby just remember to take your time and if your un-sure about anything just ask on here and many people including myself are more than willing to help out.

    good luck with it. Its very rewarding when you DIY but just take care because it can very quickly get expensive I have learnt that on quite a few occasions.



  2. Awsome,

    That's something that I dream about, just wish I did not spew my guts up once outside the heads!!!!

    Will have to try offshore fishing again and try get my sea-legs cause I am missing out thats for sure,



  3. :1happybday: :1happybday: :1happybday: Happy Birthday Guys!!!!!:1happybday: :1happybday: :1happybday:

    I hope you both had a great day,

    Byron I hope your doing well, I look forward to meeting you in person next time Johnny visits you ill try to tag along.



  4. What a great read enjoyed every word!!!

    Sounds like you had a great time with Chris good on you Chris for being a great host!!

    Tony are you a professional writer??? cause if you are not definately worth looking at as reading your report was like being there with you and chris,

    Well done to the both of you,



  5. Some Beautiful fish there,

    I have to agree Saturday was a great day to be on the water but unfortunately I did not do as good as you guys but hey still good to be out,



  6. sounds like you had fun anth!!!!

    I might have to take a drive up your way and catch up soon!!!

    any luck with the car yet????

    Johnny and I went out on the boat today in the Harbour it was pretty slow going but good to be out none the less.

    Nice Fish by the way,



  7. Catching Yakkas Frustrates Me from time to time as some days I find them easier to come by and other days they are harder.

    You Definately need to burley them up and I have had most of my sucess with pillies, salted are better if the current is strong as you lose the bait before even getting a bite.

    But what I can say Is I used to always see a old man when I used to fish the hacking and he used to mix mince with flour and use bait jigs and he would always get a good bag each time I seen him there... Maybe we should have a Yakka Social lol!!!!!!



  8. hehehehe I hope so mike.

    Went out last night could not even catch bait and froze my butt off lol

    I might try again during the week as the crowds put me off a little,



  9. Anytime Johnny,

    The only problem is I seem to be taking people out and they catch the fish hahahahaha

    I have not got a landbased jewwie for a while now but Know that I am not far off definately cut-up about the hit and miss would have been a decent size fish or had a decent appetite either way ill keep at it and it has to happen sooner rather than later if I get real desperate ill use the boat but atm trying to avoid it cause of the cold...

    This weekend im going to try bring dean along try get him onto one aswell ill let you know before sat.



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