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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Yep Wonga St,

    Probably one of my favourite spots not too far to go but generally stay away from there on the weekends as it gets too busy,

    good to hear that its up and running again, the yakkas are pretty thick there but I dont have much luck with squid as it gets a little busy but manage a couple every once in a while,



  2. Mate they are a great rod but just like any other rod you dont want to bend them too much.

    if your lifting big fish your better off using a landing net as the light action rods are not designed to lift bigger fish, in saying that its a great rod for the price tag but try to get the 2 piece rod as the one piece can be broken easily if you dont take care,



  3. How long has the Ramp been finished for??

    I was under the impression that it was going to be out of action for a while!!!

    anyhow good to know its up and running, might have to check it out when time permits,



  4. Just make sure you get there early and you should be ok.

    Just wait for the reports to start rolling in on landbased kingies and once they do give the mentioned spots a go and you will be in for a good chance,

    Good luck with it,



  5. Mate,

    Any of the piers around the Hacking are good as for botany bay not too sure.

    Just have a look at google maps and try a few different places.

    alot of people go squiddin around wallys wharf but I have never been there personally,

    Good luck with it,



  6. Well done Ray,

    You sure are loving those Blackies at the moment, The reward's speak for themselves,

    have you been flickin for flatties around patonga lately?? I will have to head up your way one of these days its been a while,



  7. Good work guys on the Squid,

    about the light thing it doesn't make sense as why would they sell luminescent squid jigs?? that's just my opinion of course.

    maybe the light upsets the fish who knows!!! at least you blokes managed to stock up on some top quality baits and a feed too!!



  8. Good on You Nice 1st Kingie!!!

    I caught mine on 30lb mono and it was hard for me as I did not know how they fight, It kind of caught me off guard.

    I have heard of people catching them on light gear even seen them caught on handfishing lines so anything is possible I guess in the right circumstances.

    good luck and keep up the good work,



  9. Sounds to me like this individual needs to spend more time fishing and less time whinging!!!

    Donna your doing a great Job and hats off to yourself and everyone possible for maintaining this site.

    I believe the rules are fair, I want a button too but know that I have to get up off my behind to get one!!!!



  10. Clemzi,

    Too bad about the one that got away sounds to me like either a sizable bream or possibly a jew, keep persisting with the sp's and you will get a jew 100%,

    I only wish I could listen to my own advise but I am a lazy bugger.

    Well done, keep the reports coming,



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