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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Take it easy Johnny!!! lol

    You know what I am like when I am not comfortable and even when I am comfortable I just dont take risks at all.

    Ill have to go out with you and anth a few times to get my bearings first before I take my boat there because my boat sits very low in the water and it just makes me feel a little un-easy as it can get quite choppy perhaps the georges might be better suited for my boat...

    make sure you have all your safety gear and get into the fish I really look forward to hearing about it!!!!!!

    have a happy easter guys!!!



  2. Sounds like fun Anth!!!

    Look forward to hearing about it. just be mindful of the Bay can get quite rough at times and will probably be a little busy,

    I want to take my boat there too but would prefer to go with someone that know's it well before I give it a go,

    Good luck,



  3. mate,

    thats a beautiful specimen,

    Must be good to be back on home soil!!!!

    ill give you a call when I get back and we can go out for a fish on my boat, your boat or both either way as I went for a run in the LCR a few weeks ago and I am keen to have another go as we were fishing in ordinary conditions and we still had a great time,

    Have a happy Easter,


  4. I use a clear telescopic type trap,

    When I load it up I put a bit of sand inside it to give it a natural look and weigh it down.

    And when you bait it with bread try to mush the bread up as much as you can that way when you set the trap the bread disperses out of the trap creating a burley trail...

    if it's not working and the poddies are there play around with your depth I have alot of success with shallow water see how you go with it...



  5. Sounds like you have covered all bases,

    I use a lock wood high tensile chain with the plastic sleeve, I feed it through the Leaf spring and through the rim and lock to a Dyna bolted latch mounted to the concrete that way if the latch gives way the trailer will just skid.

    We all know that if they want it they will get it but hopefully we can slow them down enough and make enough noise, I never really thought of securing the motor definitely worth looking at.

    Great Information hopefully this helps prevent theft,



  6. Fantastic Effort Pete,

    Congrats on catching such a fine fish and I am guessing a new PB for you most people get busted by fish like that

    It shows that you are quite skillful to land such a beast well deserved and enjoy the feed!!!!

    Definitely worth COTM that fight would have been one to remember!!!!



  7. :thumbup: Well done to all of you looks like it was a cracker of a weekend!!!

    I was planning to drop in and say hi as Fisher doi (Johnny) was dying to go but spent most of my weekend working on my outboard.

    not to worry there's always the next social!!!!

    Great photos and some awesome catches well done shame no-one scored a Jewie but lots of consolation prizes by the looks of it,



  8. A couple of nice fish there well done!!!

    The Jews are on at the moment that's for sure,

    Your family will be on your case now to go out and get some more once they taste them as there really is nothing quite like Jew fish

    I have been itching to get out there too but have been too lazy good on you for your persistence as that is what gets the results,



  9. Looks Like we are all getting the Bass Bug,

    Honestly never tried fishing for them myself but certainly looks like fun.

    Might have to give it a crack myself as I am in Liverpool at the moment.

    By the way Team Swordie some nice fish there I wish I could share activities like that with my Wife

    the only activity she will participate in is shopping :ranting2:

    well done to the both of you and keep up the good work love the reports,



  10. Happy Birthday Raiders!!!!

    Hope its a sensational day!!!!

    Ray I believe you wished yourself a happy birthday!!!!

    Hopefully you can get a few more of those bigg horsies and convert them into something larger!!!

    have a great day and hope you get lots of cool gifts!!



  11. HAHA the photo's are terrible!! i did 72hours this week can see that!

    hay Nathan!!

    yeah was a great day out!!

    boats goin really well besides the fuel line which is a easy fix. rides like a dream and has plenty of grunt only have to rebuild the trailer when i find the time and will prolly keep her for a year and get something alittle bigger.

    cheers Andrew


    I hope she continues to serve you well!!!

    The Trailer Rebuild sounds like Fun Been there but its worth it at the end,



  12. Nice One Anth,

    Johnny was telling me he is very happy with your Boat I cant wait to see it.

    I think Johnny Blooded my boat also!!!! these days I enjoy driving the boat more than fishing !!!!!!! by that I mean if I catch a fish its a bonus!!

    Keep me posted on your boat and ill hopefully see you guys in a few weeks,



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