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Who's Fish Is It Anyway?


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Hi Guys,

Please help with a ongoing dispute.

These are the facts: person A catches live squid, puts it on his specifically rigged up rod.

person A positions boat with leccy into the strick zone & holds it there.

person A cast livey out & then passes rod to person B.

person B, strikes, fights fish & with the help of person A (manouvering boat for best fighting position) lands fish with net.

Who should take credit for the capture? its got to go to one or the other!!! no "team Work" responses, no 60/40 % breakdown.

This argument needs to end here & now!!!

Please post responce.


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If person A is having trouble coming to grips with the basic laws of fishing edicate he shouldnt take his wife fishing with him. :074:


I'll settle this once and for all. No matter who caught the fish, the fish is owned by the Government and they allowed you a lend of it by giving you permission to catch it. They owned the fish in the first place and when that's been fully digested, it all boils down to this, they own the rights to your drinking water that eventually comes out of it.

So I reckon A and B both caught the fish and, after sharing the catch, they will be either releasing it or the fish will go onto both dinner plates, destined for the same end anyway.

Jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Well said D & G but who eats the boat? :074:

The government picks up the deposit + G.S.T when the guts go back in the water :074:

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I'll settle this once and for all. No matter who caught the fish, the fish is owned by the Government and they allowed you a lend of it by giving you permission to catch it. They owned the fish in the first place and when that's been fully digested, it all boils down to this, they own the rights to your drinking water that eventually comes out of it.

So I reckon A and B both caught the fish and, after sharing the catch, they will be either releasing it or the fish will go onto both dinner plates, destined for the same end anyway.

Jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Well said D & G but who eats the boat? :074:

The government picks up the deposit + G.S.T when the guts go back in the water :074:

Whoever has the abilty to eat alloy, metal, plastic and all the other tad bits of crap in the bottom of our boat? You game Jewgaffer :1prop::biggrin2: ?


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Ultimately it is whoever lands the fish - so I agree it would be B's fish.

If B was only momentarily handed the rod to hold for a few seconds while A anchored etc - B as a matter of courtesy should have offered A early on the opportunity of taking over the fight.

If A is a lazy ol' wotsit tho who just can't be bothered to hold his own rod - not only is B entitled to the fish, B is entitled to gloat to A about it all afternoon, and indeed for the rest of A's life.

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Ultimately it is whoever lands the fish - so I agree it would be B's fish.

Although B as a matter of courtesy should have offered A early on the opportunity of taking over the fight.

So A through default???

If i pick up someone elses rod i always offer it to them... So if A refuses to take the rod then its B's fish.

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So A through default???

If i pick up someone elses rod i always offer it to them... So if A refuses to take the rod then its B's fish.

Hi Tiger Shark

Yes I think I agree.

And I always do the same.

It's bad form not to give A the opportunity of landing the fish.

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The rules on our boat are simple if you have a rod in your hand and there is a fish attached to that rod then you caught the fish !!!

If you are silly enough to hand your fishing rod to another person to hold then you are to silly to reel in the fish.

So therefore i say person B gets the fish.

I have a couple kids the amount of times that my rod is in the water just sitting there whilst working on the kids lines re hooking baiting de tangling birds nest etc someone picks up my rod and they are awarded with that catch.

Cheers :beersmile:

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Its like catching a fish on a charter, I think A deserves the credit.

When Ross goes out and gets his clients onto fin, I'll congratulate Ross, not the customer that got handed the rod to wind it in.

The work is in the hunt and the preparation etc, not in the catching.

person B may have wound the fish in, but it was A that made it happen.


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It is A who should take credit for the capture.



Inhlanzi.......I agree and disagree....

Person A did the hard work..which was set up the boat, Bait, Rod , get it down to the right depth and pretty much did all the knowledge work....

So credit should go the Person A for his prep work...

But in the end it was person B who captured the fish

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First off, i feel sorry for A for needing the gratification of having the fish as 'his' rather than 'ours'. similarly, i think B is just being a tool for claiming a capture that was largely the result of A's hard work.

anywho, thats largely irrelevant. i guess if you want a concrete verdict the best place to look is the IGFA

most certified world records are the accomplishment of a team: the skipper, deckie and angler.

although the angler gets all the credit, the other member of the team are integral components in the successful capture and as such are equally responsible for the record. despite this, the angler is largely the only one recognised as being associated with the caputre.

i don't know why this is so, and even though its pretty sucky, its the rules

so i guess technically it's B's

nonetheless, any fisho with a shred of integrity will acknowledge other people's captures (however undeserving) and get over it

aero has a good point too btw

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I beleive Rodholder asked who should take credit for the fish.

It obvious who wound in the fish, but the credit for the capture should go to person A for reasons previously stated.

Very true Aero...thats why i separated the 2......

But as Nathan has pointed out.....from an IGFA stand point it is always the angler who gets credit for the capture......

That same rule also applies to nearly every comp in the world unless the comp is going off a "Boat Catch"..

Doesnt matter if we are talking Bream Comp, Mako comp, Marlin Comp.....its the angler who gets the credit

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