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Fish On Chips


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Hi everyone,

Two mates, my soon to be six year old son and I went out on the harbour a

couple of days ago, not for a fish but just for a leisurely cruise, and to have

ourselves a nice dinner on the water.

Anyway we cruised around for about an hour then ordered via ph from a local

seafood restaurant, 1 hot, and 1 cold seafood platter to go. we arrive near the

restaurant and Bill jumps ship, and bolts over the road and is back in no time with

all the goodies. We found a nearby quiet place to drop anchor, and we all proceeded

to devour our seafood dinner.

When it was nearly all gone Bill turfs a half eaten oyster into the water, and within 2

seconds there is a huge splash and the oyster is smashed by some thing fishy.

Oh no why didn't I bring any prawns or pillies with us, then my son goes "Dad why

don't we use some chips for bait". I thought what the heck, and gave the little fella

the only rod on the boat, and said go for it, thinking this will keep him quiet for a bit

while we digest our food.

1st cast and hes on, and he starts yelling, but only manages to bring in a little Yakka.

John Y (Bean) who was also with us says, "Ha why waste time on Sardines, hahaha, I'm gonna

have a nap".

The little guy persists and I pass him a couple of cold chips, he drops em down and guess what,

he gets a double hook up, that required my assistance to wind in, was too heavy for him,

Bill and I spend the next 30-40min, not digesting our food but, being bait and net boys

for my son, who manages to land 9 Bream, and not one under size either, he got one

at 27cm and all the rest went 33- 38cm and they were big and fat. he also got an eel

that chewed through the 3kg mono, and put and end to the fishing as we had no tackle

on board, so we set off for home.

Should have seen the look on John Y's face when he woke up and asked, "Did you get any

more Sardines hehehe". I just had to show him the pics on my dig cam. :1yikes:


heres some of the pics






Edited by penguin
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penguin what a grin the boy has

but as i see it every thing on the plate was fair bait

were you chucking the prawn heads over the side

i would like to see a report when the boy is using real bait

great pics gary

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A few weeks ago I saw the same thing at a marina at Darling Harbour and cold chips and rice seem to be what they feeding.

We starting to feed the bream when a few other boat followed suit, It was hard not to throw a loaded hook over the side.

Great stuff, what a feed !!



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There are alot of bream about at the moment as they are coming into the harbour to spawn. I got 4 for dinner 2 days ago in about 20 mins on bonito cuts. I rekon i would of bagged out if i kept going, they were seriously that aggressive! Thats a great effort though, it makes it so much sweeter when caught unexpectedly on something like chips!!!!

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What a great read! :thumbup::thumbup:

Congrats to the young bloke on a champion effort. The icing on the cake for what looked like a very nice feed enjoyed on the water.

Hmmmmm. Wonder if the :wife: will notice that I pack a rod in the car every time I take the kids for 'hot chips' on the beach.......


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Great yarn Penquin,

Your son will remember the fishing not the platter and that particular restaurant may start stocking basic tackle for its take away customers...'Would you like hooks with that?" or "Would you like to upsize that mono?" :1prop:

Biggest bream I have ever seen was caught on a chip off the back of the Nelson Bay fish market :1yikes:



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That's a fantastic report penguin. A great read. :thumbup:

And congratulations to your son. What a winner!

It's amazing how often the "unexpected" fishing trip can sometimes be the most enjoyable.



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were you chucking the prawn heads over the side

great pics gary

Gary we had eaten just about everything, and when the young fella started

to hook up, we were sifting through or rubbish bag looking for seafood scraps

to turf over board as burley, this included the prawn heads.


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So let me get this straight Penguin,

You throw chips out and get fish.........................

You throw prawns when every one else throws livies out and get monster kings................

Mate, I've got to get a ride on your boat, your the only person that throws anything off the boat and comes back with a bloody fish! :mad3:


Stumpy :biggrin2:

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lucky for me i have 6 kilo of prawn shells,etc in the freezer as burley for my next trip out in the freezer. :thumbup:

Mate, if your on Penguins boat, just throw the whole bloody freezer in, Penguin will probably pull it in fully stocked! :1prop:

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Well done Penguin & boy!! What a blast!! It has worked for me in the past, too! But usually, I eat most of the chips so there aren't many left for the fish! :( I have also caught on a sultana!! Work that one out!



Next time you have left over chippies, freeze them & include some in your burley as well as bait ..... once again, there would be none from me, as I usually put mine in a dish in the oven with a mix of eggs, bacon & baked beans on top, sprinkle with cheese & bake them!! YUMMY Chip Bake!!

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Sea salt :1prop:


very nice fish there. Yeh hot chips seems to work. Last time I was at the sydney fish market had those seafood basket stuff. I saw sooo many breams there near where we were eating so i chucked a piece of chip in and straight away they grabbed it. Then i threw a lemon in and grabbed that too! unbelievable. It was around the same time last year.

LOL im seriously gonna try fishing chips now when i walk past maccas(cuz they are so crap). I think its cause of the oil. It works similar to tuna oil it'll dispense the smell really good.

Penguin how big was ur chips and how did u rig it on? I assume they are pretty soft.

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Penguin how big was ur chips and how did u rig it on? I assume they are pretty soft.

Mate the chips were slightly overcooked so they were a little hard on the outside, the

little guy had trouble puting a hook into most.

2 hook rig and very light sinker bellow was used.


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