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New Epirbs- 406 Mhz Possible Bulk Buy Interest?


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I need to update to a new epirb so am organising a bulk buy- everyone who needs one must have one by 1st july 2008 not feb 2009 like many think. I like the safety aspects of the new system and will also the GPS ones if at the right price.

Although the new system doesn't actually get turned off till next year I'm hearing that due to different individual state legislation the law actually changes earlier than the cut off date and police and waterways will be enforcing it then not at the system close date. I am going to try and confirm that date if no one knows it. edit see below

edit - just found legislation - legal NSW change date is 1 july 2008 Law only passed in march this year.

http://www.advertising.nswp.commerce.nsw.g.../28th_March.pdf Page 2470 or just search epirb

Clause 1 Boating (Safety Equipment) Amendment Regulation 2008

Boating (Safety Equipment) Amendment Regulation


under the

Maritime Services Act 1935

1 Name of Regulation

This Regulation is the Boating (Safety Equipment) Amendment

Regulation 2008.

2 Amendment of Boating (Safety Equipment) Regulation—N.S.W.

The Boating (Safety Equipment) Regulation—N.S.W. is amended by

omitting from Schedule 1 the matter relating to Emergency Position

Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) and by inserting instead the

following matter:

Emergency position

indicating radio beacon


Before 1 July 2008, an emergency position

indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) that:

(a) is suitable for marine use, and

(B) complies with Australian/New Zealand

Standard AS/NZS 4330.1:2006 or

Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS

4280.1:2003, and

© has an operational frequency of 121.5/243.0

or 406 MHz, and

(d) if it has an operational frequency of

406MHz, has been registered with the

Australian Maritime Safety Authority and

has affixed to it a registration sticker from

that Authority, and

(e) has been maintained and serviced in

accordance with the manufacturer’s


NSW Maritime will also remind offshore boaters – recreational and commercial - about the need to switch over to a 406 MHz emergency position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) by 1 July 2008, ahead of 1 February 2009 when the signal for the 121.5 MHz beacons will no longer be monitored by satellite or aircraft

Bit slack of wholesalers and retailers to be selling old ones still when they only have an legal use till 1st July this year even at a discount as many boaters wouldn't know about law change.

Has anyone seen any on special in the sponsors stores or elsewhere?

Is there only 3 brands to choose from?

Anyone else interested in buying several together to get a good price?

I saw one brand having a free / service / battery update after 5 years but havent't made the call to see if it is totally free.

Anyone got any suggestions??


PM Me if you'd prefer and if I get a few people who need them I'll get a price and PM back or just get sponsors toPM us directly with an offer?.

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Weird up here in Qld, since we just finished the local boat show.

Many articles in the paper and tv reports state multiple dates, 1st January 2009, 1st November (referenced to maritime qld).

Wish they would stop changing the dates and set one :mad3:

I'm lookign for one with inbuilt gps and alot of main safety factors that the lower market doesn't have, let me know what you guys end up getting or have!

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Weird up here in Qld, since we just finished the local boat show.

Many articles in the paper and tv reports state multiple dates, 1st January 2009, 1st November (referenced to maritime qld).

Wish they would stop changing the dates and set one :mad3:

I'm lookign for one with inbuilt gps and alot of main safety factors that the lower market doesn't have, let me know what you guys end up getting or have!

Because it is on when your state parliament introduces the law it is different in every state.

In QLD I am not sure of the date but believe it is 1st november I heard they had good prices up at the shows?? (edit just checked gazetted may 2 2008 , enforced from 1 November 2008.)

The GPS ones give a more accurate position earlier and seem to have a quicker warm up to transmit the signal.

I'll let you know if we get something sorted.

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I need to update to a new epirb - everyone who needs one must have one by 1st july 2008.. Like the safety aspects of the new system and also the GPS ones if at the right price.

Anyone else interested in buying several together to get a good price?

PM Me if you'd prefer and if I get a few people who need them I'll get a price and PM back or just get sponsors toPM us directly with an offer?.

Believe it or not, they are not mandatory here - even in our commercial vessels that travel as far as Vanuatu?

We are constantly travelling 200 to 300 miles east of here and I have them in my vessels. But I am the only "white" operator and we have satphones as well. I would suffice to say that 95% of the passenger vessels do not have an EPIRB, however most of the commercial fishing vessels do but theirs will obviously expire also.

I will check with fisheries and see if we could possibly procure for them also.


I would be interested in 3 for my commercial vessels - still have the old frequency. We are monitored from Canberra and then alerts are relayed to our marine department.

Depending on price, may look at total of 5 to include my pleasure boats

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Hi Mariner

If you can double check that the country region is correct for the registration that would be good as each country / region is given a code in the epirbs and it I am not sure if it is just by monitoring station. I'll ask at this end as well.

I've gotta ask - what rescue services are over there or are you it and is that why they don't bother?!!! Is there patrol boats or navy or any french stationed there?? Do the helicopters etc even have direction finding gear?

I'll start a list and edit it as people show interest

Couple have asked how it will work - I'll get numbers , get sponsors to get a best price for us , double check confirmed numbers at price of GPS and non GPS version , sort payment and delivery. I'm only doing it the once and only those who show interest will see the final pricing via PM.

Thanks to those interested so far.


Pelican 1 another 1 possible Considering GPS ones

Brickman 2

Iricangi 1

Paradox 1

Mariner 3 another 2 possible - need to confirm country code details Solomons seperate country code 557. Aust is code 503

scienceman 1

robbielites 1 gps one - already has standard 406

onelastcast 1 GPS version

chewsta 1

volitans 1


wonka 1

tunofun 1

sammy0884 1

netic 1

lukeric 1

kingykid 1

double pluggers 1

pappy1 1

peschi boi 1 poss GPS

sparky 1

Christopher Knight 1

billfisher 1

le pasha 1 GPS

evets 1

boofhead 1 GPS

daggy 1

Varos1911 1

pirate pete 2 GPS

troutcod 1

Deek 1

keepin_tabs 1

4strokn 1

backlash 1 GPS

Chapo123 1

paul_ie 1


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Hi Mariner

If you can double check that the country region is correct for the registration that would be good as each country / region is given a code in the epirbs and it I am not sure if it is just by monitoring station. I'll ask at this end as well.

I've gotta ask - what rescue services are over there or are you it and is that why they don't bother?!!! Is there patrol boats or navy or any french stationed there?? Do the helicopters etc even have direction finding gear?

Hi Pel,

Will check with marine with regards to your first question.

Rescue services here are basically nil. Our vessels have been seconded probably 10 times in the last 2 to 3 years to do search and rescue. In fact we rescued 22 persons from a deflating liferaft about 2 years ago where 4 other vessels could not manage the conditions and had to withdraw. They were all within 20 miles of the sinking vessel. We travelled 85 miles and just got to them on dark. 2 life rafts, one of which was half deflated. Even though we are in the tropics, the persons rescued were all in a state of shock, shivering and I think with the condition of the raft, would have struggled to remain alive overnight as seas were 10 to 12 metres. This rescue made it onto world news as follows;

www.rnzi.com/pages/news.php?id=18185&op=read - 7k

Radio New Zealand International, The Voice of New Zealand, Broadcasting to the Pacific

Te Reo Irirangi O Aotearoa, O Te Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa Accessibility Information


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Solomons marine officials probe ferry sinking after rescuers save 60 passengers

Posted at 01:38 on 22 July, 2005 UTC

Marine authorities in Solomon Islands are investigating how a passenger ferry sank on its way to the capital, Honiara.

All 60 passengers and the crew of the MV Liofai are safe and sound after the vessel sank 16 kilometres from West Marou Bay off Makira.

Two banana boats took the passengers to shore before the ship went down.

The crew took to liferafts and another vessel, the MV Kaona, picked them up late last night.

The senior marine officer at the search and rescue unit, Brian Aonima, is preparing a report.

“We will be conducting the enquiry with the crews and the captain into how the incident occurred. It depends on the report and the submissions that we will make to the board of enquiries, to conduct the enquiry.”

Sources say police will be looking at possible breaches of maritime law by the ship’s master and crew.


Pel, we have been involved in plenty of "tows" where vessels are in no immediate danger but have had engine problems. We also have had to do search and rescue for lost passengers from "banana or long boats" as you call them, but unfortunately these have resulted in retrieving deceased persons only.

There are 2 "Patrol" boats here, which were donated by the Australian Govt, as they do for other Pacific countries also. These would be 13 or 14 years old now as they had their "half life" (9years) servive some 5 years ago. Don't know what is planned after their retirement. Below is a picture of 1 of the 2 identical vessels. They have occassionally done rescues but only when close up to their base.

Trust this is of some information



P.S. I think only 2 private helicopters in the country currently on lease to RAMSI. Rarely, due to cost, are they ever used for marine search and rescue

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Not sure why every boat owner on this site hasnt replied, must be hundreds I would have thought.

Put me on the list and I will decide once you know the price.

Good work on this, bringing it to eveybodies attention.

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up here in Townsville we have our annual "boat & Fishing expo" this weekend (next weekend - i think- it travels to the Whitsundays, down the road) and I will be asking questions of suppliers regarding the new reg's regarding epirbs as I haven't heard anything up here.

Assuming I get the answers I'd expect I'll be keen to join you in any bulk buy offer.


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Not sure why every boat owner on this site hasnt replied, must be hundreds I would have thought.

Put me on the list and I will decide once you know the price.

Good work on this, bringing it to eveybodies attention.


Not sure either Scienceman , maybe everyone has already bought one already as they are much better but really I just think a lot aren't aware that the law changes on 1st july this year for NSW boaters and were hoping to put it off as long as possible.

A lot of members wouldn't do offshore work but the limit without a EPIRB is only 2 miles ( from memory) and even FADS are outside that. Anyone who fishes on someone elses boat should check the EPIRB out and make sure it is a 406mhz one if going offshore.

Going out the heads without one would be pretty stupid. I heard about it a month ago , kept quiet and was waiting for "special" to happen but there hasn't been any. This law change happens before the boatshow in Syd and not many special prices on accessories there anyway.

Have noted everyones interest and a few via PM and next week I'll get a price for those who have enquired and firm up the numbers when everyone works out they need one.


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My guess is that most, me included before your activities, are intending to update in the next 6 months as the old system wont be turned off yet and it is not likely to be enforced until then, despite legislation.

I dont really expect there will be any sales for this essential item but waiting another 6 months means an extra months battery life when it is purchased. However if you can get it for a cheaper bulk purchase this will offset the cost of the shorter battery life so why not?

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My guess is that most, me included before your activities, are intending to update in the next 6 months as the old system wont be turned off yet and it is not likely to be enforced until then, despite legislation.

I dont really expect there will be any sales for this essential item but waiting another 6 months means an extra months battery life when it is purchased. However if you can get it for a cheaper bulk purchase this will offset the cost of the shorter battery life so why not?

Hi Scienceman

What alerted me to do this was a friend who works in "enforcement" had meetings regarding dates when they start doing it. They are being told not to go soft on safety stuff as they could become liable so a bit more of their discretion is going away so they will have to revenue raise rather than warn and the guys on the front line don't like that as $ doesn't come back to them and confrontation is never as pleasant- wrecks their nice days on the water. Weird they have these meetings but aren't having meeting to run advertising in magazines or arrange with other govt departs to mail out notification or a sign at boat ramps. It is like road rules - up to us to know. Mishaps with sinkings offshore and accidents in "calm waters"all resulting in deaths are leading to a lot of internal politics going on.

I thought Coast Guard , VMR, BIA , Maritime , Police, Fisheries, Yachting Australia , NMSA , CASA for aircraft ,magazine editors, fisheries minister, fishing and outdoors party, retailers and manufacturers who make money out of change over would all be on the ball but they don't seem to be.

Waiting doesn't really give you much extra battery time as they are batched and some have 7 year shelf life and a 5-6 year operating life. The manufacturers know this and will have stock but strangely after having a chat with them yesterday they have no idea how many boats need them and not sure of their market share so they don't know how many to build. Out of 3 manufacturing companies I spoke to none had a clear idea of how many boats require them so they don't know if they have enough or too much stock. All I think are conservative and won't have too much stock and manufacture lead times are 8-12 weeks on country specific stuff I've dealt with??? Bigger retailers use just in time methods of stock control as they have no idea on number required either. I think you can work out what I'm saying - could be a glut of epirbs - unlikely or the opposite come July 1 2008

You are right - we should get a good price and be safer sooner and not have to worry about the rush around july1 if there is one. We are talking about approx $1-1.50 per week saved by delaying purchase. Simply a false ecconomy.

Will put a post in sale and swap today so everyone has a chance to see it and sort out numbers next week.


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