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Pb Bream On Chubby Lure!


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Hi guys

This morning, we were fishing the 'flats' area that Kim & I fished yesterday ..... and guess what I landed????? A thumping 41.5cm BREAM!!! My PB by FAR!!!! :):1yikes:

41.5cm Bream on Chubby lure!!!!


The bream in the net


The bream in my hand! I was too scared to measure him on the water in case I dropped him!!! After a couple of quick photos, I gave him a swim & he took off happily back into the lake! :) :)


First I thought it was a flattie, then I thought it was a blackie as it looked so dark in the water, & finally saw it was a big bream WOOHOOOO!! It even straightened one of the hooks on the treble!!!


Here is where we were fishing today!


The blackies did not come out to play today, altho we could see them everywhere! The wind prevented us from checking out some of my favoured spots ...... so we stuck to the Breck Channel the whole morning.

Yesterday afternoon, Kim & I went beach worming (a first for her) & just 1/2hr after showing her how to do it, Kim pulls her FIRST BEACHWORM, unassisted!! That is AMAZING! The fastest worm caught on their first lesson!! :1yikes:


Then Later today We went down the beach to One Mile & Burgess Beach & converted our worms from yesterday into numerous fish!!! Bream, whiting, dart & flatties (mainly from the nursery)! Pretty small .... but feisty!! I was busted off by something big & Kim had a big fish take a run on one of her baits!

What a fantastic week I have had, fishing with Kim - a very like minded fishing companion! Can't wait to go south & do Durras & Batemans with her in October!! :) :)

Cheerio for now


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Hi Roberta

All I can say is ... WOW! That is one thumper bream. Congratulations!

Congratulations to Kim too. It took me many hours to get my first worm.

A fantastic report and terrific photos too.

Thanks Roberta. A great read.



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big congrats on that pb breambo roberta :thumbup: ..

but i must say an even bigger one to Kim for getting a beachworm so quickly as its an art many take a long time to master with many heads to show before winning the great beach tug-o-war :yahoo: ..


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Nice bream Roberta!

Would have pulled heaps of string on the flats!

I like the flats with a bit of wind, the fish are just to spooky in calm conditions.

If you could slow your drift down in the yak as you go over them and cast mega long with the wind you'll pick up more I recon. In the boat sometimes I drift backwards, I point the nose into the wind and use the leccy to slow us down. We find many of the bigger fish are smaking the lures within the first third of the retrieve back.

Great fish again and now there will be many 40cm+ fish to come.


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:yahoo: That is a cracker, Roberta! Congratulations on your new PB :yahoo::thumbup:

Good to see you girls are really mixing it up during Kim's visit:

- Chasing blackies

- Beach worming

- Soft plastic and HB lure sessions

Kim's never going to want to go home :1prop:


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What a beautiful fish.... I can almost hear your hands shaking in your report. Put that one in FOTM Roberta. It's a cracker.

Your poor old Chubby's going to need to be retired hurt or put up on the slipway for a refit after that battle.

I'm very jealous of anyone who has ever caught a beach worm too. I think in total over my life I must have spent 10 hours single-mindedly trying to catch one. I don't have any trouble finding them but have yet to even touch one, let alone get it out of the sand.


Cheers, Slinky

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Thanks for the back slaps, guys! :) I've had an amazing week - Kim & I have been out every day (virtually all day, only returning home at sunset!) since last Saturday (& with Wendy on the Sat & Sun as well) ..... & I reckon I am just about all fished out for the time being!!! I hadn't beach fished or wormed for months & even tho I couldn't feel my fingers or grip the worms properly, still managed to get more than enough for a fish! We really enjoyed converting the worms into fish yesterday on the beach, as Kim hadn't really tried bait fishing on the beach before either, another first (even tho most fish weren't keepers, all were put back.) As we left Burgess Beach, I gave the remaining worms to a guy who was there for a fish & he was delighted to receive them!!

I am really really chuffed at my big bream! :) I was even happier to see him/her swim off happily once the pics were taken. My 6 pound vanish leader did me proud, 'specially as it already had some scuff marks on it ..... Naughty not to have changed it earlier, I know! :wacko: He was taking line & I had to try to keep him from rolling in the weed bed & getting off ..... but those hooks were in pretty tight!!

Kim had some pbs during the week (all new species to her, too!) - biggest Green Toad, Biggest Beach Worm, Biggest Blackfish (tho she isn't fully sold on the benefits of blackie fishing ..... yet!) We'll be going down the coast in October to fish Durras & Batemans & I hope to get her into some nice ones down there, too! :)

Greg - I was trying to get the wind behind me to make my casts longer, but I was actually casting into the wind & landed the lure on the edge of the weedbed & that is where he struck!! I was expecting my usual 27-30cm bream! I usually find that they strike in the first 3-5 winds of the lure, if at all, then when winding in fast, you get the whiting or longtom ..... I think you have to have the lure landing fight on their nose, I reckon, for them to take it!

Hi kael - we were pretty rugged up, for sure!!! I "Yahooo'd" when I got it into the yak, bigtime!! Didn't care who heard me! Was holding my breath before that!!

Can't wait for Spring to come around!! We couldn't popper too much as those normally productive areas were right in the wind funnel! Very cold & uncomfortable!

Kim is heading home to Canberra as I type & will be going south to Maloneys on Sunday for a fish, too!! That girl gets around!!

A couple of other yakking buddies arrive today for the school hols, so I reckon I'll be out & about again pretty soon!!! :) Just hope the wind stops or at least returns to the normal Nor-east, which leaves the lake alone! Currently it has been sou-west which knocks the lake bigtime! (Also off the Barrington Tops, hence the extreme cold!) It was even snowing at Wauchope the other day, just inland from Port Macquarie!!



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Congratulations Roberta on the PB that's a great fish.

I don't know how effective it would be for you but perhaps a small sea anchor behind the yak could help slow your drift down. I've started using one off the back of the boat when the winds right up. A lot of the guys I fished with in Tassie this year used sea anchors, or a drogue especially at St Helens when the wind was really howling. One guy was also using a large downrigger bomb tied off to a length of rope and dragged behind the boat.

Cheers, Greg

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Thanks for that Greg - I actually do have a drogue on the Hobie but forget to use it most of the times! :wacko: Duh!! It is made from one of those cloth grocery bags & works fine.



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Hi Roberta may i ask what colour was the chubby you were using

in that session? and what is your favourite colours in the chubby

range and which do you prefer shallow or deep and have you tried

the new suspender range also i still have to get one of those awsome

wonder scarfs that you got for the wife and i, i've been :frozen: of late.

Cheers Rizzo :biggrin2:

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Hi Rizzo

I am not sure of the name of the colour of the chubby, but it was No 3!! It is sort of see thru brown, with brown stripes going across the body. The one I was using was the floater shallow diver version, tho I have bought the suspender as well ...... from memory, the normal one has 1 ball bearing in it, the suspender one has 2!


It is my favourite chubby & will remain so until another colour outfishes it! It has also caught flatties & a blackie! :1yikes: A lot of folk like the really clear one with the red head. I haven't had success on it yet tho! Probably because I always put the other one on!

We've been wearing our scarves for a while now - they were invaluable this last weekend with the cold wind (and this morning on the water with Wendy in the wind!) Give me a pm re the scarf.



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Good effort Roberta! A bream of that size is almost a legal size jew. It's only a matter of fishing around the wall with Wendy and I'm sure you'll see a slightly different bream with a much larger mouth :1yikes::thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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