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Might Have Done My Cartilidge


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Hi guys

Looks like I've done the cartilidge in my left knee. It has always been a bit noisy with a grinding noise & the occasional click. Then the click became regular (every time I straighten my knee) but now, it is a downright CLUNK every time, whether under weight or not!!! With associated discomfort that radiates behind the knee as well.

Anyone had this problem before? does it sound like cartilidge? Don't want it to muck up my week away yakking at Durras & trout fishing Jindy in OCtober???

Haven't had it checked out by a doc yet, but will, probably tomorrow!



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Sounds more like a ligament if you're gettoing pain through the back of the knee...

Cartilidge wearing thin would give you a more arthritic type of pain..

Glucosamine can definitely offer some short term relief.. best be getting it checked out though...

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I had an arthroscope on my left knee about 9 years ago. The result of years of abuse (Mainly rugby & motocross) It was a pretty painful experience when it actually blew up. I don't think you would be putting the docs off till tomorrow if you did a cartlidge, you'd wanna get the thing looked at pretty quickly.

Then again, depends on the extent of damage I guess. Not a doctor so as far my advice goes, see a doc & get it checked.

When I did mine I had to be flow off an island 1 hr off broome back to Perth, I was rather agitated by the time I actually got to see someone.

However, the procedure was pretty cool & downtime certainly isn't too bad. I was walking without crutches in about 10 days. The first two days after the op it was like a bloody football, then it settled & I was ok.

Heres to it just being a ligament Roberta, good luck.

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Hi guys

Looks like I've done the cartilidge in my left knee. It has always been a bit noisy with a grinding noise & the occasional click. Then the click became regular (every time I straighten my knee) but now, it is a downright CLUNK every time, whether under weight or not!!! With associated discomfort that radiates behind the knee as well.

Anyone had this problem before? does it sound like cartilidge? Don't want it to muck up my week away yakking at Durras & trout fishing Jindy in OCtober???

Haven't had it checked out by a doc yet, but will, probably tomorrow!


Roberta :1fishing1:

hi roberta

shame about the knee get it checked as soon as poss

had both knees done [loose cartilidge] went in hosp 8.30 wife and daughter carried me out next morn 7am

did a lot of bike riding and walking all came good after a month


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Wow! Thanks for the replies, guys!As you say, Ross - Let's hope it isn't anything too serious ...... I am too young for a replacement (well, I think I am too young, anyway! ) Sounds like it could be a few things ...... mainly just OLD AGE, unfortunately! :( That ligament bit sounds right, tho.

I reckon I have another nomination for SAINTHOOD! Shame Il Pappa has gone back to Rome!! It's a MIRACLE!! THe knee is now back to normal (well as normal as it has been for the last 10 years!) Dave (yakking buddy) must have scared it back to normal! I spoke to him this morning (here for a few days .... was supposed to go out paddling with him this morning) & as soon as I got off the phone (he was telling me about his total knee reconstruction as his quadracep had separated from the bone! :1yikes:) the clunk had gone & I am back to the click! And I just got back from peddling with him for 2-3hrs! The peddling didn't seem to affect it badly either ..... got sick of the rain when it started tho!

Will get it checked out anyway, as the tightening that I experienced yesterday around the back of the knee, plus the discomfort/pain, let alone the horrible noise I was making (you could hear it from the other side of the road, I reckon!) needs to be diagnosed correctly & hopefully fixed.

Gee you did well having both done, Peter!!! Very brave!! I know I would be a wretched patient - I can remember what I was like in the 70's when I had my first 2 operations on them! I have had knee trouble all my life & already have arthritis in the hands, so knee reconstructions/replacements will be on the cards further down the track, unfortunately! :(



Gotta be right for Durras & after!

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Hi Roberta,

When I was 18 I tore the cartilage in my left knee lifting weights. Pain was excruciating and felt like a hot knife had been stuck in there. Unmistakable feeling.

I had a partial lateral minescetomy with key hole surgery and was walking within 2 days (lots of pain) and back training within a month. Mind you though at the time I was an elite athlete at the Australian Institute of Sport and had access to the very best of care.

Your problem could be cartlidge but is not likely to be a tear. As discussed above wear and tear of the cartlidge would be more of an arthritic type pain. A tear is really painful.

To me clicking sounds like a ligament problem.


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Sorry to hear about your knees Roberta. Go and see your Dr and get them sorted out.

As you know I had both knees replaced 6 weeks ago. I saw my Dr yesterday he said I can throw away my walking stick (Geoff carried them out of the Dr's office) and I can do anything I want to - no limitations. The operation is a complete success although I will still be attended Hydrotherapy for a while just to tone the muscles. The other thing that helped me was going to a rehab hospital for 2 weeks.

Good luck with your knees.

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Hi guys

Saw the doc today - have to wait till Tues for the Xray & ultrasound. But he saw some swelling front & rear & put something about 'overuse' (aka fishing & climbing rocks!) and 'possible burst xxx cyst'!! Missed that word! Should have read it better before handing it in! Still a bit of discomfort, but not CLUNKING any more just now!

I had it blow up like a balloon some 15 years ago after I twisted it badly playing squash in NZ. It would lock & not want to bend ..... but they couldn't diagnose any injury other than 'water on the knee!' Should have gotten a 3rd opinion back then!


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Sorry to hear about your knee Roberta. It's a pain when stuff like that gets in the way of enjoying yourself. I'm surprised that a 24 year old is having knee problems though. Must be from bracing yourself against all those rampaging Blackies. Hope it's not to difficult to sort out.

Cheers, Slinky

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..... I'm surprised that a 24 year old is having knee problems though........

hehehe You know how to flatter a lady, SLinky!! Hmmmm, Are we talking about the same person???

Definitely a pain in the proverbial!!!


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Hi Roberta,

What a bummer to have your pins(legs) let you down... :thumbdown:

its prob only fair on the blackies part that your gonna be starting off with a handicap as they def dont stand a chance these days against the blacky queen :074: ..

seriously though i hope all works out good and the docs give you the all clear soon..

would be hard using that killer weapon hobbie without your pins eh....


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Hi guys

Had the xray & ultrasound yesterdeay - the ultrasound guy is an ex squash player, also keen fisho & yakker too (looking at getting a hobie ......so we had lots in common & he was very sympathetic!) & he reckons the meniscus/cartilidge is quite frayed & looking a bit sad - so an arthrosope procedure may well be on the books!

Typically, it has settled right down since last week & is no longer in 'acute' stage, just normal 'clicking' again! Will go back to the Doc in a day or so, then line up a specialist to see when/if he reckons it should be done. I will just have to make sure it doesn't impact on my yakking plans over the next few months! :wacko: I guess it will never be totally convenient to have it done.. Luckily it shouldn't take too long to recuperate tho :)


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Hi Roberta. Good luck with it all.

I know you’re very inventive and good with your hands and this is just a suggestion, but have you done much sewing? Could you do the op yourself? Surely it couldn’t be more difficult than repairing a broken rod? If not, maybe a “skilful” Raider with steady hands, a sharp fillet knife and “some” medical knowledge could help you by doing the op and saving you a few dollars? "Evets" used a lot of big medical words in his reply so maybe they are worth asking?

However, again it raises the age old question of whether to replace the ligament with braid or mono? I assume mono would give you some stretch, whereas braid has that strength …? Also, which “soft plastic” do you use for the cartilage? I suppose that will create another argument amongst Raiders. (Personally, I’d go for the Gulp 4inch Turtleback worm in Pumpkinseed)


Seriously though, I hope it all goes well and if you have the op, you don’t lose too much time fishing. We don't want you to be out of action too long. Reading your reports is always a highlight! :thumbup:



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:Funny-Post: Peter!! I am sure he did mention the 'stretched' word there somewhere, so maybe braid would be the go!! :1prop:

I am sure we have some surgeons lurking amongst our membership! :biggrin2:

Having a large 'older' population in FOrster, we do have a fair number of orthopaedic surgeons here too ..... tho the bloke who took care of my frozen shoulder in Newcastle 5 years ago was EXCELLENT!!! The local guys wanted to operate, but he just manipulated it under anaesthetic & I haven't had an ounce of trouble since! :1yikes:

Hmm ..... will discuss the surgeon options with the Doc, I guess!


I guess, like Lyn & Peter, I'll just have to bite the bullet & have it done sooner than later!

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hey roberta! many years ago when my dear ol mom had complaints she would get me to fill gelatin caps

with cod liver oil...... one cent per cap..fair enough!..ten year old!... hard but strenuios work........

many years on her bones are fantastic, but her body is now falling off them...god luv her!.......

so give the cod liver oil a go.....readily available..as you know!

just my fish cents worth!


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Hi Roberta. Good luck with it all.

I know you’re very inventive and good with your hands and this is just a suggestion, but have you done much sewing? Could you do the op yourself? Surely it couldn’t be more difficult than repairing a broken rod? If not, maybe a “skilful” Raider with steady hands, a sharp fillet knife and “some” medical knowledge could help you by doing the op and saving you a few dollars? "Evets" used a lot of big medical words in his reply so maybe they are worth asking?

However, again it raises the age old question of whether to replace the ligament with braid or mono? I assume mono would give you some stretch, whereas braid has that strength …? Also, which “soft plastic” do you use for the cartilage? I suppose that will create another argument amongst Raiders. (Personally, I’d go for the Gulp 4inch Turtleback worm in Pumpkinseed)


Seriously though, I hope it all goes well and if you have the op, you don’t lose too much time fishing. We don't want you to be out of action too long. Reading your reports is always a highlight! :thumbup:




Roberta, I'm sorry that I must advise that Ray R has had alterior motives all along.

Have a look at the picture in his recent post - I think he must be a medical intern.

He has located the surgeon to do the op, but has been reluctant to talk straight.

Sorry I have to be the bearer of the news.

Here follows is Mr Surgeon fish.

I hope he bulk bills. :074::074:

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Good news folks! The diagnosis is to leave it alone for the time being ...... as Lyn says ..... "When you need it, you'll know it!!"

And wouldn't you know it - it has settled right down & isn't even clicking now!!! :1prop:



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Good news folks! The diagnosis is to leave it alone for the time being ...... as Lyn says ..... "When you need it, you'll know it!!"

And wouldn't you know it - it has settled right down & isn't even clicking now!!! :1prop:



AHHHHHHHHHHH the power of the mind :biggrin2: thats great news Roberta.

Cheers Stewy

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Wow! Thanks for the replies, guys!As you say, Ross - Let's hope it isn't anything too serious ...... I am too young for a replacement (well, I think I am too young, anyway! ) Sounds like it could be a few things ...... mainly just OLD AGE, unfortunately! :( That ligament bit sounds right, tho.

I reckon I have another nomination for SAINTHOOD! Shame Il Pappa has gone back to Rome!! It's a MIRACLE!! THe knee is now back to normal (well as normal as it has been for the last 10 years!) Dave (yakking buddy) must have scared it back to normal! I spoke to him this morning (here for a few days .... was supposed to go out paddling with him this morning) & as soon as I got off the phone (he was telling me about his total knee reconstruction as his quadracep had separated from the bone! :1yikes:) the clunk had gone & I am back to the click! And I just got back from peddling with him for 2-3hrs! The peddling didn't seem to affect it badly either ..... got sick of the rain when it started tho!

Will get it checked out anyway, as the tightening that I experienced yesterday around the back of the knee, plus the discomfort/pain, let alone the horrible noise I was making (you could hear it from the other side of the road, I reckon!) needs to be diagnosed correctly & hopefully fixed.

Gee you did well having both done, Peter!!! Very brave!! I know I would be a wretched patient - I can remember what I was like in the 70's when I had my first 2 operations on them! I have had knee trouble all my life & already have arthritis in the hands, so knee reconstructions/replacements will be on the cards further down the track, unfortunately! :(



Gotta be right for Durras & after!

Hi Roberta,

sorry to hear about the old knee :thumbdown:

God girl if you have any more work done on the knees,you will be our first bi-onic chick on

the mid north coast. All jokes aside I hope it comes by oct for your trip, still it wouldn't hurt to see your local vet.

Cheers Rick.

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