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Roberta In Abt Yak Fishing Final


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I'm not going to steal any of Roberta's thunder but she is flat out preparing for the Grand Final of the ABT yak fishing tournament and I know she's got too much happening to report until after the event in the next couple of days. :throw:

Hope all raiders will wish her tight lines. Roberta is one of Fishraider's long time regular contributors and despite never having met her in person... one of my fishing mates :hug::drunk:

Have fun Roberta... and kick some fishy butt :dwarf:

Cheers, Tony

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Best of luck in the Grand Final Roberta! You are a multi talented fisher and credit to Fishraider :thumbup: You are in with the prize winners already and remember from now the prizes only get bigger and better :yahoo:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Gee Whiz!! Thanks guys for all the best wishes & high hopes for my performance in the ABT Yak Bream Final - I only wish I had lived up to such high expectations! It really was tough!

Even top fishos only came in with 1 fish on some days! I was only .5cm off from submitting a legal fish! I would have been happy with that ..... ecstatic at 2!! Many of the ones I caught were 'Fisheries legal to the tail' but not 'Tournament legal to the fork!' You wouldn't think that 2-3cm would make such a difference! It does! I have a huge newfound respect for all you ABT fishos, now!!

There were also 3 comps on during the grand final - a local comp, the FFC fishing comp and the ABT Yak Grand Final, so you can imagine the pressure the fish were put under, with the increased boating traffic on the lake, let alone all the fishing tackle that was being thrown at them!!

I've been picking the brains of some of the best fishos on Fishraider for 6 months now, trying to build up an arsenal of lures & sps to tackle the fickle bream of Forster! My bank balance has proof of this!

Many thanks to you all (you know who you are!) for all the guidance & information freely given ...... I am now a member of the ABT, so Watch out Greg & Andrew! :1prop: hahaha

My full report of the carnage can be found at


Sit back with a beer & not necessarily enjoy!

Hey! I had a blast! Met some fantastic people that I will be fishing with for years, I reckon! We are already talking of a bunch of us yakkers getting together here in Forster to have a go at the flatties in Nov! No pressure - just for fun!

Thanks again for your support - I wish I'd seen this thread earlier, it would have given me the boost I needed .... but with the early starts & being absolutely knackered! Still am!

Cheerio for now


Hope to see a few more Raiders enter next year! ;)

Edited by Roberta
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