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Swimming In Middle Harbour


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Looks like a Thresher to me - one was in Wallis Lake the other week, under the bridge, & the cops & MSB folk were getting everyone out of the water!!!

Just be aware that this is the time that sharks come up into the estuaries to breed - some people & numerous pets have been taken in the 'Middle Harbour' area!!

Anyone who wants a list of shark attacks over the years - pm me your email address & you can check out how many have been in Sydney Harbour!! It is current to this week :1yikes:

You may think twice about swimming in some areas! :wacko:

Not that I want to scare anyone, BUT ........ do do, do do, do do



Edited by Roberta
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Doesn't surprise me at all. There's no way you'd ever get me in the water at Clontarf! I might even think twice about Balmoral now too!! When was that taken?

Roberta, LOL! PM on it's way as I'm interested.


taken on wednesday i believe

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damn! thanks for sharing that, my kids and i often swim at clontarf and often people come up to me and warn me of the sharks that lurk the waters there. Ive never seen one myself but I will think twice about swimming there next time. :(

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Geez thats a bit unnerving, I swim at clontarf a fair bit :1yikes:

Doesnt look like a thresher, tail isnt long enough and the body doesnt seem round or stubby enough.....hard to pick maybe a large school shark??


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Hi all

Previously, it was 2006 when I downloaded the file, so went hunting for the site I found it in & finally found it last night, so for those who are interested, here it is! (They update it as any shark attack is reported anywhere around the world & is up to date to last week, including the surfboat who's oar was bitten.)


then click on:


It should download a file to your desktop, to open up.

It would pay to make the writing a bit bigger as it is only 8 (Control A & make it 10 or 12) & widen the columns a bit more, too (put the cursor on the r/h edge of the very top line ..... when the cursor changes shape, hold the button down & drag it to the right til it is as wide as you want.)

If you don't have Excel on your computer, email me & I should be able to send it to you as a PDF



Book mark the website so you can find it again, when you want it!

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scary stuff hey, i saw a black stingray must have been 2 to 3 metres in diameter in just that depth of water at long reef. was up to my ankles checking out the boat ramp with a rock off to my left, looked again and the rock was much closer and had a nice long tail behind it, just about shit myself and got out of the water pretty quick!

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There was video of this on channel 7 news last night. According to the reporter it might have been run over by a boat. Even still in the video footage some nutcase swum right up to within a metre of the shark, guy must have a death wish :1yikes:


If that was the shark that was at balmoral on Sat. My brother was one of the people swimming with it. It had been run over by some yahoos in a tinny. One guy grabbed it by the tail and my brother went face to face with it under the water. He thinks it was a white as it had a very white underside. The Sun Herald called it for a thresher. He was stoked as he has always wanted to swim with a white, crazy sob. He said that the shark was in a bad way.

Here is a video of the whole thing. Notice the white belly of the shark at 1.21 . The guy who grabbed it did have a death wish. My brother is the guy in the white boardies.


Other than that a neighbour of mine was nudged twice by what we think was a bull shark while yacking just near my mooring. He felt a whack on the bottom of his yak , then a few minutes later he was wacked again and saw a 6 ft shark swimming next to him.

Edited by eagle ray
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