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Bonito Everywhere 23 / 02 / 10


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Hi Everyone ,

Lots of bonito trolling the headlands off Sydney harbour today , No fishy pics but did manage a pic of this stupid guy scaling down the cliffs near bluefish point , you will probably see him on the news...

What was he thinking.... :flying: After he got stuck and it looked like fatigue set in it was decided to get the guy some help.. :05:

Its not every day you see some guy stuck.



Cheers Dogtooth.... :fishing1: John... :beersmile:

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hey big guy .some people just dont get it.a fish is not worth your lifew,no matter how big it is

Nah he wasn't fishing mate, he was drunk & trying to "Watch the sunrise" (Another way to say "I'm a very stupid person")

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dogtooth, lucky you noticed him... i often see guys scaling the rocks at bluefish, but at the obvious location where the absailing rope is (if you call it that). If you didn't notice him i wonder if anyone would have, no shirt on on a caramel coloured rock.

Otherwise, he would have been burley

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Hey Dogtooth, Yes I saw that nutter on the news last night. Tax payers money to go and save him.........They should be paying the bill!

Anyway looks like another good session for you with Bonitos. They seem to be everywhere at the moment. Anyway keep up the good work. :beersmile:

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you've really gotta wonder what goes through some peoples heads dont you?

Back to the Bonito, I've been hearing a few reports myself of quite a few larger billed predators in a lot closer than what most people would believe due to the swarms of bonito around at the moment. The Bonito seem to be in large numbers a long way up and down the coast too. They make a fun target too, the little rockets.


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Were you the fisho that alerted them to the guy's predicament as reported in the newspaper today?


If i had not made the call im sure they would have been recovering his body. In the end it might have cost some money , but at least the guy is still alive... :1prop:

Cheers Dogtooth... :1fishing1: John... :beersmile:

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