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Mackerel Mayem


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Hola amigos

Hoy fue un día fantástico... la pesca fue fuera de control!!!

La maldición del Slinky es terminado

(The curse of the slinky is ended)

That's right, boys & girls... Jewhunter and I just came back from our Gold Coast Spanish lesson. We got straight A's :yahoo:

It's no secret that we've been battling a run of bad luck that would make BP feel they've got it easy :mad3: but last night Jewhunter twisted my arm (he didn't have to try too hard) to have a couple of hours off work to take advantage of the first decent weather in months.

Getting offshore for a few hours was too good to pass up and we hoped that the Snapper would be in. They weren't. But who cares when you can catch fish like this instead?

We had all sorts of bait to try floatlining for reds so we got my nice, neat, clean boat out to a favourite mark on the 24 fathom grounds outside the seaway. The weather was beautiful, a gentle northerly current was running, the Gold Coast was peacefully gracing the horizon as we relaxed and watched the sun come up... and then we got to the spot, saw crazy marks all over the sounder... and all hell broke loose.

The next 3 or 4 hours were insane

Jewhunter started the ball rolling by drifting back a fresh tailor fillet (courtesy of the schools that were blacking out the sounder closer in on our 'never fail' bait ground. The drift back got ignored so grumbling like an old man, JH started cranking his bait back in. It stopped... just before the drag on his Capricorn 4500 let out a sustained howl and his Loomis Pro Blue bent like a noodle. There was enough drag pressure to pull him to the side of the boat...

After making all sorts of calls on species, I grabbed the net. After another 5 minutes of howling runs I grabbed the little gaff. After some more runs and JH breaking into a sweat I grabbed the bigger gaff.

And after we decked this bad boy, I had to grab the botox to help JH get the smile off his face.


After some yahoos and high fives, I pulled out my dark secret to show Jewhunter. It was my last ditch effort to cure Slinky's Curse... I thought that maybe a bendy yellow friend might cancel out my other bad luck. It did! From now on, bananas are compulsory equipment on my boat... right up there with flares and a radio.


My nice, clean boat was now a little shabby looking with blood on the deck, scales on the Fishraiders and gear and gaffs everywhere. After I finished rigging up some rods about 12 seconds later, there were also bits of wire, old rigs, packets of plastics and pillie cube berley all over the place.

After my carefully rigged garfish had floated unmolested in the berley trail for quarter of an hour I decided that the mackerel was a fluke. So, feeling a little worried that MrsSlinky would kill me if I went home fishless and told her my deckie had landed 7kg of mackerel, I rigged up a plastic on my number 1 outfit... my 2-5kg Lox (are you sick of hearing about it yet???). I had my new Soron STX20 on it loaded with 12lb braid and a 16lb leader... good gear for snapper.

Turns out it's also good gear for Spanish Mackerel. On my first cast, I felt the slightest touch... like a gnat had pooped on my line. I got nothing back... the leader had be snipped like it had been done with a scalpel.

Suddenly, those arcs on the sounder down deep started looking a whole lot more exciting. They weren't bottom fish, they were Spaniards... swarms of them. I re-rigged with about 10cm of light single-strand wire, hurled a new flick bait up current, let it sink, twitched it a couple of times, called a couple of light taps to JH (Must be a snapper or something!!) Then the little rod buckled and I had a 15 minute fight to get another 7ish kilos of Spaniard on deck. With the threat of the curse still over me, even Jewhunter trying his hardest, couldn't knock the fish off my line with the gaff (yeah... sure it was blunt!!)


Some quick work with a donger and it was more smiles, more high 5's and more chaos in the boat. Now all the cleared rigs were everywhere too.


I had to re-rig again since the Mack had turned my wire into a real slinky. Jewhunter and I had testosterone adrenalin and laughter coming out of every orifice by now. Back into it and a couple of casts later I was on again with a bit better fish. The Abu warmed up a bit after a couple of the faster runs but handled flawlessly. I certainly didn't expect to be chasing Spaniards with 'beefed up bream gear'.

It was one of the most awesome sessions I've ever had fishing. Jewhunter switched to a plastic... we left all the other rigs in the boat... and about every 10 minutes the sounder would light up as a school of 6-8kg Spanish macks came through. Our berley kept the bait and the macks really close. At one stage we had spaniards and remoras hoovering up the cubes right at the back of the boat (guess which of them I managed to catch :thumbdown: )




Every time a school came through we'd get hits and fish. We both got snipped off... even with wire. All you'd feel is the slightest 'tink!' and it was time to re-rig again. By 10am we had our bag limit of 3 fish each... 40+kg of Mackerel in the boat was more than enough though.

Grant's last fish was a sizzler and the best for the day at a touch over 8kg. He kindly offered to use my outfit while I re-rigged his wire after the most recent bite-off (have to teach JH how to do a haywire twist :074: )



Catching good Spaniards on soft plastics with light gear is an amazing experience. With 3 each on the deck... (no seriously... only 3 managed to fit into the big esky... and then only with a lot of bending and cursing) ... we sat back, breathed a big sigh, pulled the anchor and headed back in.


Our smiles arrived at the ramp about 5 minutes before the boat did :thumbup:

Did we enjoy our Spanish lesson? You bet! I'm going to go and blow the froth off an icy cold cerveza :1beer:

Adiós muchachas y muchachos. :1clap:


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Congratulations on a crackin' session fellas. Love the bananas in the photos. That's a helluva way to dispel a myth! :biggrin2:

Great photos, fantastic fish ... but did you REALLY need to phone me at work to rub it in? :074: Great stuff, QLD Connection :yahoo:



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Mate I was wondering when I was going to see some bigger fish in your posts.

Don't get me wrong, jacks are cool but speedsters like macks :drool:

Don't even start me on a even a slight chance at casting at GT's! :insane:

Come to think of it, caught a shed load of spano on my last reef trip casting BIG poppers and stickbaits for GT's. NOthing beats seeing 5ft of mack 15ft in the air with ya popper in it's mouth on the take! They love smashing their prey from below!

Keep it up guys cause it's pissing down here!!


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If only I was there, it could have been the THREE AMIGOS :icon_peace::biggrin2:

Well done men what a great session , and thanks JH :1onono: it was great to be sitting here in Sydney with rain so hard and constant I was just starting to build an ARK and to then get a call from you explaining the super session you were having on the Spanish and the great wheather which just topped off an awsome morings fishing :pokey: . Seriously I hope to have the ARK finished by sunday , because if it dosn't stop raining by then I will need it come monday :1badmood: !!!

Great photo's , great story and well done again fella's .

Go the BANANA :banana: !!!

Bubba :au:

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Here I was ... ready to write some witty retorts having a go at both of you (again) ... but, unfortunately for me, this great "Spanish" haul has silenced me! The Slinky curse is well and truely gone!


Sensational report! Congratulations to both of you! Spaniards on light gear ... Brilliant!



PS The banana reference ... pure gold! :074:

PPS Could a picture of a Spaniard with a banana in its mouth be your new avatar Slinky?

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Insane, awesome, mind blowing. What else can I say! :yahoo:

That was one of THE most fun sessions I have ever had.

To get the 1st one on the pro blue with 50lb braid was brutal. My 2nd one on the 4-6kg sic stik & 10 kg braid fun. The 3rd one on Slinkys' 2-5kg Lox & 6 kg braid mind blowing!

We worked hard at keeping them around the boat,with a handful of cubes every 5 minutes doing the trick. Just after the burley went in the bait came & so did the spaniards.

They ignored most baits but didn't hesitate on the plastics.

They were my 1st spaniards. 1st on bait, 1st on plastics & obviously my p.b. :thumbup:

To watch them feeding on the cubes out the back of the boat just topped seeing the big whale & dolphins cruising around. :biggrin2:

I won't tell Slinky that I can tie a haywire twist & I just wanted to get my hands on that outfit of his!! :074: He already had his 3 anyway!!

Thanks for an incredible day out mate. Sessions like that make all the average ones worth it.

Species for the day were the macks plus tailor, pike, maori cod, sweep, tarwhine & a trag. Oh & Slinkys' remora.

Damn this :beersmile: is tasting good! :1prop:



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WOOHOO!!!WAY TO GO, boys!!! SOOOOO glad the Slinky Curse has been finally lifted! And look at that BLOODY BOAT!! Literally!!! Bet it's never been so bloody in it's life ..... but who cares???\

Awesome effort - this will go down in Fishraider History, as the Day of the Macks!!

Love the obligatory banana pics too! Gee that Lox really handled some major pressure there too!! TERRIFIC RESULTS.

I've only caught the one Spanish Mac up at Gove when my brother lived there - I thought I'd been snagged!! Nup! It was a 5ft Spanish Mac giving my Shimano Bantam a hiding!!

Looking forward to getting out on one of your trips, Slinky - with me on board, you won't need to bring the cubes tho - I usually supply all the berley at no cost to you!! :wacko:

you were very Lucky with the weather! I thought you'd be getting plastered with rain, like us!! :(

Bet all that action put smiles on the dials!! Spanish Mack Steaks ...... YUM!!


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G'day Basil,

This is what came up when I did a French to English translation

"Furtive, c' is a great history, large PEAKS, you so cruel to tease that like that particularly parce qu' it had rained constantly during a month. your French is very good"

:074: :074: :074:

Cheers, Slinky :biggrin2:

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G'day Basil,

This is what came up when I did a French to English translation

"Furtive, c' is a great history, large PEAKS, you so cruel to tease that like that particularly parce qu' it had rained constantly during a month. your French is very good"

:074: :074: :074:

Cheers, Slinky :biggrin2:

DoH!!! so much for that translater :074:
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Or perhaps this one

Sneaky, it is a big history, big PEAKS, you so cruel to tease it like that particularly because he/it had constantly pleased during one month. your French is very good.

:074: That just didn't work out :074:

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